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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. French, Seriously all kidding aside you don't think for 1 minute Chirac had a hidden agenda?? How do we know that Iraq only owed 8 billion? Who is to say it wasn't higher how much does a nuclear reactor cost a buck fifty? To say Chirac went against the U.S because he is a dove is incorrect.. The French controlled the oil for food program and we ALL know what kind of a debacle that was... Also France has resentment toward the worlds only super power because we all know that besides that permenent seat they have in that irrelevant security council the country is the toilet By siding with Iraq they have strenghnthen the perception with the arab world which going by their dealing in th region it provides lucrative oppurtunities why can't you see that?? The truth is just like their weapons program Iraq is the master of illusion and I don't beleive 1 word that comes out of Iraq or even Paris because they are are both snakes.. French I know my country sometimes does shady things but I feel you have crossed the line in saying the French are not guilty of the same thing... And to say one is guilty and the other isn't is niave...
  2. Igloo where you been bro?? Did you check out the french thread???
  3. The evidence of GW Bush dodging the draft was given to me by some guy who cut and pasted it on a messaage board.. I just can't beleive with your Tom Daschles, Nany Pelosi and the grand momma of shadyness Hillary Cunton (no mis-spelling) out there would not let the republican party forget if Bush who single handily tore the control of government from the democratic parties hands dodged the draft... Bro don't give me that horse shit you were convinced that the ammunition they are using is giving off radiation and you wan't proof he didn't? Ironic and interesting... So maybe they switched the bullets for his 4 years and now they returned them... Look whether they used them or not the troops are safe from there own ammunition.
  4. Dude I never dodged your questions.. Do you have an answer?? My freind spent 4 years over seas in the MARINES using LIVE ammunition and he is completely HEALTHY, oh and his newly born son? you geussed like an ox.. I give you 1 contradiction and you fold on the topic you have been fighting so hard to protect? You said the ammunition was harmful not ME.... If the ammunition was harmful in 91 don't you think the govt would change it???
  5. Why didn't you answer the question? If the ammunition is toxic and the troops have been training with live ammunition since 91 then how come everyone who has been in the armed forces isn't sick??
  6. Here is a interesting article...Frenchie http://www.guardian.co.uk/uranium/story/0,7369,451400,00.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/uranium/story/0,7369,495028,00.html
  7. What would you have done differently to confront Sadam Hussein about his WMD program & what else would you do to reduce terrorism in the world if you don't beleive that a Democratic Iraq will help????
  8. I will not admit because I don't beleive the proof you put infront of me.. Listen you can preach that the pres is this bad and aweful person but I don't care.. it's for the good of the country that I care about and up until now I agree he is doing the right thing for the country!!! The exageration of the samount of people sick proves that the assumption all the weapons used in 91 contained the contrversial spent uranium Show me the proof that we are using depleted uranium in the ordinance today not in 1991... If the armed forces train with live ammunition here it the states how come everyone doesn't come back from boot camp sick??? I will tell you one thing sadam was ready to spray our guys with with some nasty shit but where is the outcry aginst that??? They found weapons today in bahgdad.. Did you beleive he had WMD before we went in...
  9. Iam arguing with you and answering phomne calls in a center at the same time.. If we are arguing what sounds coherent.. -450K soldiers are severly disabled from first gulf war def not a example..show the proof of this jack... I will never admit he dodged the draft because he didn't and if he did what does that solve french? why bitch about something you can't change.. From what you are saying nothing positive will come out of this war because you think Bush dodged Vietnam.
  10. Impossible to refute or disprove; incontrovertible: Peope have brought this argument up before and it has created nothing except from people who think it's ALL a conspiracy.. People don't question because they don't beleive, that should prove how far fetched it sounds.. To convince the country he dodged would have been the ammunition for the democratic party to win by a land slide when he ran for pres but we all know the outcome of that election..
  11. Show me who put those facts together and I show you a liberal wanna be revolutionary. Your facts are not irrefutable because they stir up no interest in me or the public.
  12. You are crazy!!! How come you can defend a foreign country which supplies the Iraqis with all of it's banned products,sticks up for a dictator because he owes the french money but denounces the U.S.A. because we are shady where is your logic???
  13. The answer to your post is in his bio... He was in college when they were drafting 18 year olds to vietnam... I will not say anything else because I don't beleive your claim and you are so convinced that I feel U would kill over it .. The places you are deriving these so called facts are from independent loons looking to blame america FIRST... Vietnam was a bad situation for everyone but why harp on it? How come you can't answer how critcizing the govt right now helps...
  14. Stop reading conspiracy books if were true the liberal media outlets would stop at nothing to destroy the credibilty of the adminstration... Show me something that says 450k troops who served in persian gulf war. I have read about gulf war syndrome but to say 450k are severly disabled?? I don't know about that...
  15. The country is a diffrent place today!!! You have your opinions about his past I have mine but what does that solve?? I would really like to know how pointing out the adminstrations flaws, -Makes us all safer -Improves terrorism which is the goal rememeber... To say he was appointed then elected or he dodged the draft won't get anything accomplished man...
  16. Just like today the greed of the French sided with the underdog to develop the country in the 1700's or supply weapons technolgy to Iraq today.. Either way the country only looks out for it's own interests. What was the stake the U.S. had in WWII we enetered after being attacked we didn't even want to be in the war.. But I can def tell you this we liberated France and time and time again they have fenced us in the back...
  17. Yes that may be true but why hasn't more Imam's publically condemn the terrorist attcks or the homicide bombing in Palestine??? In Iraq when that Imam publicallycalled for a Fatwa to not rise against the coalition many villagers dropped there weapons... this troubles me that these religousw figures have some much influence but fail to act for the benefit of the religon...
  18. 1-President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and he grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor's degree from Yale University in 1968, then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975.= He was in college during Vietnam... 2-Mr. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 30, 1941 and grew up in Casper, Wyoming. He earned his bachelor's and master's of arts degrees from the University of Wyoming. His career in public service began in 1969 when he joined the Nixon Administration, serving in a number of positions at the Cost of Living Council, at the Office of Economic Opportunity, and within the White House. When Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency in August 1974, Mr. Cheney served on the transition team and later as Deputy Assistant to the President. In November 1975, he was named Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff, a position he held throughout the remainder of the Ford Administration. He was in gov't.. 3-WOW I have met several veterans from the First war and they did'nt have SEVERE DISABILITIES. Going by your numbers sounds like an epidemic bro where is the CDC?? And if your rebutal is the CDC is govt ran entity then why haven't other countries involved in the first gulf war reached out for answers... In todays world were Geraldo Rivera can report what underware the troops are wearing, the depleted uranium promblem would def surface just doesn't jive with me....
  19. Haliburton has fell out of the race to bid for rebuilding Iraq oil fields.. What is wrong with only allowing american countries doing the rebuilding?? What is wrong if we liberate Iraq and get reimbursed for it.. Isn't it up to the elected officials of Iraq to decide? Don't tell me that we will install a puppet govt because anything is better then sadam.. The administration is working towards allowing the people to elect the govt what would you suggest the U.N takje the controls?? Never!!! The oppenents of the war have their own hidden agendas which are more lucrative then what MIGHT be given if they go along with our PRE-EMPTIVE plan and the regime falls. French... everyone is shady it's a cut throat buisness in a perfect world it wouldn'tr exist but imagine if one of these finatical loons controlled everything... In the first part of this thread someone mentioned someone that made alot of sense and only convinced me more that this operation is important.. "What did war solve except nazism, factionism, communism & slavery". If you are aginst the war fine but If you are against the war because the U.S. is shady then you have to denounce every gov't!!! If you are aginst the war because you THINK Bush dodged the draft that's fine too but weren't college students exempt from the draft? Straight from his BIO: President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and he grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor's degree from Yale University in 1968, then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975. After graduating, he moved back to Midland and began a career in the energy business. After working on his father's successful 1988 presidential campaign, he assembled the group of partners that purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989. The real draft dodger is Clinton but how come you haven't brought him up? Going by your reasoning against the war, did you agree when Clinton committed U.S. troops to Kosovo or Somalia???
  20. I am with cintron and join first.. Don't know which whch one though
  21. If you agree with my brutal honesty why can't you accept that imperialism and oil are not the primary goal please put down the "I hate Bush" protest sign and see past the left 's argument of War for oil. If this were true why don't we own the kumaiti fields as repayment for liberating them in 1991??? That example there shows your argument although filled with conviction but because it was born from the hatred you have of the republican party, is flawed.. French, I will say it again.. If Iraq is liberated and some American companies get big contracts because of it or the price of oil drops, aren't we in a better situation?? If you don't agree on the buisness side just think of all the Iraqi's who will be fee and live a better life.. doesn't that make this war just? You say were are corrupt into going to war but the very country U use as a avatar is even crooketer and U can't argue that fact... Being a car buff I constantly read up on diffrent technologies and all car companies will incorporate hybrid fuel technology which will double the effeciency of cars by 2012... not a cure for the addiction but a start.. Who is pushing our way down anyones throat?? Seriously, this comment implies that the people of Iraq & Afghanistan were in better positions before we stepped in... you really don't beleive that right?? Your answer to terrorism is throw more money at it.. Shouldn't we try to lower the anti-american sentiment. Isn't this the plan? Peaceniks often state this but offer no plan to execute the goal. I consider the cure for terrorism is what this country is executing with OPERATION IRAQI FREEDDOM...
  22. 1-Liberate Iraqi people... 2- Rid Iraq of WMD that can be transfered to terrorists groups. 3-Install Beacon of Democracy which demonstrates benefits of democracy and a representative govt .. 4-Pressure sorrounding countries govt's to clean up it's terrorism or face miltary action. These actions all improve the terrorism situation...
  23. I swear to god I wish for one minute you anti-war heads would think outside the box and see the big picture.. Is it about oil? No. Is OIL important in accomplishing the bigger objectives like improving the anti-american sentiment that was created by oppressive governments using the american scapegoat for the countries mis- fortunes.. Yes The oil revenue will rebuild Iraq just like in 1991 when kuwait was liberated, It payed for itself to be rebuilt and the people prospered with minimal terrorism. How ANYONE can't see the similarities in the 2 situations amazes me. We should thank god Iraq has a lucrative natural resource makeS the mission alot easier . The United states will liberate Iraq, install a democratic government that is representative of all the diffrent ethnic groups, it will be guided by the United States until it is a full functioning democracy..Is this really a bad outcome? Aren't the people in Iraq safer? even it is ALL about oil which of course is not true isn't the world a better place. Once the countries sorrounding Iraq realise that they don't have to live in poverty and that life is better, terrorism will drop. In a democracy where the sentiment of society towards the gov't is trustworthy there is no terrorism. Of course you got your loons like half this board that beleives there is hidden agenda behind it all. Our country does shady stuff but for the good of the country that's the way life is..
  24. Being free and able to improve your future is all anyone should give you...You have to decide if you want to run with it or not...
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