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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  2. Yeah I heard this months Sun has a good article on Martian emmaculate conceptions of goats in the South... :laugh:
  3. Puffster Sent Out to Run Down Economy by Rush Limbaugh May 6, 2003 Ladies and gentlemen, Tom Daschle is back and I couldn’t be more ecstatic because the Puffster leads the pack in the category of opening the door into face and bloodying the nose. If you want things to backfire on the Democrats, send Tom Daschle out to front whatever issue it is – the latest being tax cuts. On Tuesday morning, the Puffster spoke at a press conference to introduce the Senate Democrats' tax plan, which you can hear clips from, along with my comments, in the audio link below. Now folks, while you listen, I want you to think about something. You already send this government over $2 trillion a year. That's the federal operating budget, and it's all your money. It comes from you, the American people, who produce and work. However, you're not giving Tom Daschle enough. You're not giving your state enough, you're not giving the federal government enough, and a puny little tax cut will cause all this tumult and chaos. You keeping what you earn and spending it on your behalf is going to totally ruin the nation's economy. That's the message of the Democratic Party. Also remember this: whatever Daschle says comes back to bite him in the ass over and over again. Well, it does. So, I say "ass" now and then! If it's about Democrats, it applies - and if the pattern holds up, Puff pontificating on how bad the economy is doing means we're poised for a boom.
  4. I don't know dude he makes me mad.. No one agitates me more though then his steady geusts Arrianna Huffington, Ted Rall and that Rapping Liberal. Maher has escaped the Dixie Chics faith by morphing to the masses.. He said and upheld his promise that once the fighting starts there is nothbing we can do but support the Bush administration.. I don't know if this is how he feels but a good idea for his career none the less..
  5. Ask your self this question... How many companies can do what Halliburton does?? If you look at the company itself and the task at hand then you will realise why Haliburton got the job or are you implying something diffrent..
  6. What a loser:blown:
  7. Your mother should have swallowed you waste of skin PUNK..
  8. You live in the North East and the best career move you can come up with is a Librarian??? Dude you are such a loser.. do you deliver Newspapers after work too. I think the conspiracy books are out of order Mrs.Librarian :laugh:
  9. Sorry bro.. 91 pathfinder 6 cyl 110k miles Motor is clean not burning oil,tranny solid as well.. Its a second car that i drive to the gym and stuff and would hate to get rid of it.. I gave it a tune up.. standard rotor plugs and cap also the fuel filter. I just changed the mass air flow sensor (used of course) because it would just stall all together when it warmed up.. If I had to geuss it's either a fuel line promblem or injectors but I don't know where to tart..
  10. There you go pulling that race card out of your ass.. It aint the 50's jack get off the racism rant.. Blacks vote Democratic you nutball FOX is a conservative channel and Al Sharpton is constantly on Hannity & Colmes debating... so
  11. Everyday France displays that it will do anything to undermine the United States... The French government gave members of Saddam Hussein's regime passports that would allow them to enter Europe and escape the coalition's hunt for top Iraqi officials, The Washington Times reported Tuesday. U.S. intelligence officials told the Times that an unknown number of Iraqi regime members were given French passports by French officials in Syria. The report could not be independently confirmed. French passport holders are able to enter any European Union country without a visa, and are usually granted tourist visas upon entry to many other countries, including the United States. More importantly, Iraqis holding French passports would be able to move freely among the 12 EU countries that are part of the Schengen agreement (search) on unrestricted travel. Britain, Denmark and Ireland are not part of the Schengen pact, but French passport holders can travel from Athens to Lisbon to Berlin without questioning, and can also fly to French overseas possessions (search) in the Caribbean, South America and Pacific and Indian oceans. The reports have angered Pentagon, State Department and intelligence officials in Washington, the Times reported, because it indicates French willingness to undermine the search for senior aides to Saddam. "It made it very difficult to track these people," one official told the Times. As U.S. troops rolled into Baghdad in the second week of April, many regime members were thought to have fled to Syria. A second Bush administration official told the Times, "It's like Raoul Wallenberg (search) in reverse," a reference to the Swedish diplomat who issued travel documents to help Hungarian Jews avoid deportation to Nazi concentration camps during World War II. "Now you have the French helping the bad guys escape from us." Nathalie Loiseau, a spokeswoman for the French Embassy in Washington, told the Times that French authorities had not issued any visas or passports to Iraqi regime officials since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. "France formally denies this type of allegation, which is not only contrary to reality but is intended to discredit our nation," she said. "It is certainly time for rumors of this type — totally unfounded and a dishonor to those who spread them — to stop." The reports add fuel to the fire over allegations that Paris had been colluding with Baghdad before and during the coalition invasion of Iraq. One report said a French company covertly sold military spare parts to Iraq in the weeks before the war. Another indicated that a French oil company had been working with a Russian oil firm to clinch a deal with Saddam's government at the same time. The Times also said the French government had denied U.S. intelligence reports indicating that a Chinese chemical company used French and Syrian brokers to circumvent U.N. sanctions in providing Iraq with chemicals used in making missile fuel. Pentagon officials were said to be frustrated that few of the most senior leaders identified on the list of top 55 officials of the Saddam regime had been captured. Of those who are in U.S. custody — such as former Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz (search) — few have given much information considered helpful. All those captured insist Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration remained optimistic that significant information will be uncovered. "I never believed that we'd just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Fox News Sunday, echoing comments made by President Bush on Saturday. "I'm not frustrated at all," Rumsfeld said later in another televised interview. Sunday's capture of a top Iraqi biological-weapons scientist, Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash (search), aka "Mrs. Anthrax," brings to 19 the number of senior Iraqi leaders who have been caught. U.S. officials hope Ammash can provide information detailing Iraq's banned weapons program. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday that he was assured during weekend talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that Damascus had turned over Iraqi officials it had been harboring, but he cautioned that the United States may be unaware of others. "Some have been made available to us," Powell said on CBS' Face the Nation. "Let me put it that way: Who we knew were there are no longer there. They've been made available to us, and they will be before the bar of justice of the Iraqi people." Powell said Syria has been "helpful" in the past two years in dealing with the war on terrorism, primarily through U.S. and Syrian intelligence liaisons. Numerous reports have detailed Syrian cooperation against Al Qaeda. "This is the time for you to locate these individuals and turn them over to Iraqi justice and not allow Syria to become a haven for materials that might be coming out of Iraq still, or came out of Iraq or individuals who are trying to seek haven," Powell said he told Assad. Asked on NBC's Meet the Press if Iraqi officials had fled to Syria, Rumsfeld said, "Oh, there's no question but that they did. Absolutely. ... Some left and went to Syria and stayed, and some have left Iraq, gone to Syria and transited to other countries." Syria in the past several weeks has expelled more than 30 Iraqis, including many from Tikrit (search), Saddam's hometown, the Times reported. After first granting sanctuary to former Iraqi intelligence official Farouk Hijazi (search), Syria turned him over to U.S. officials in Iraq. Congress is considering legislation that would impose economic sanctions on Syria for its support of terrorism.
  12. Trailer park trash?/ I live in NYC... Dude your a librarian hippie from Seattle.. You are not fit to wash my nuts you loon :laugh:
  13. I am having a promblem with my pathfinder everytime I make a rolling left turn or come to a sudden stop it satlls and takes a couple of minutes of trying to start it for it to catch.. It def a fuel promblem but where would I begin??
  14. You are a joke that takes the word of print like THE NATION as gospel where there is more sewgae coming from that paper then your family gene pool.
  15. Listen you loon you have to stop listening to professers on your campuses that are stuck in the 60's and were too weak to make it in the real world... Except for a select few who came from the private sector to teach the majority od professers are rotting your brains with this revolutionary america is bad crap just listen to your self.. The fact you beleive we desttroyed the twin towers to develop a pipeline proves it... 1- Just by bringing big buisness to that country will benefit the economy of Afghanistan vbasic economics.. 2- I can pinpoint the U.S on the map and so can most of my family who is interested in world affairs.. What you tried to do is stereotype the hole country or like you said 51%_+ as some hill billies.. hey a trillion dollar econmoy is not bad for a bunch of lazy idiots.. 3- -France and Russia pushed harder for the oil for food program then any other country why? The funds in the escrow account at the U.N was controlled by France if you don't beleive Sadam is responsible for the death of his own people then you are dillusional my freind.. France made it possible for the revenue to be used to build weapons they are just as guilty... This is a statment put out by the state department.. -More could be done, if Saddam Hussein would fully cooperate with the UN, both in the Oil-for-Food Program and in disarmament. Instead, the Iraqi government continues to exploit the Program. It has withheld sales from the market for political reasons and continues to smuggle oil out illegally – I am sure you will dismiss the statement because it came from the U.S. government.. just posted it to amuse you..
  16. The Oil and Energy Ministers of the OPEC Member Countries meet at least twice every year to co-ordinate their oil production policies in light of market fundamentals, ie, the likely future balance between demand and supply. The Member Countries, represented by their respective Heads of Delegation, may or may not alter production levels during these regular Meetings and any Extraordinary Meetings of the OPEC Conference. Given that OPEC Countries produce about 41 per cent of the world's oil and 55 per cent of the oil traded internationally, any decisions to increase or reduce production may lower or raise the price of crude oil Straight from Opec site.. I read this a couple of days ago and didn't post word for word because I didn't find it important but you chose to TWIST my statement which wasn't what this thread was started on.. I stated that I hope it was about oil to ruffle some feathers and you automatically assumed that I admitted to you that it was all about oil.. I beleive, as should you that the oil will be important in rebuilding the country but to say we went their just to take the oil is false.. why didn't we take it 91 when we had U.N approval behind us??? just the fact you twist to make a point proves your argument is weak my freind.. you know the anti-war/ conspiracy theory voice holds no weight it is just plain absurd.. you take the word of Ted Rall and I am ignorant?? That guy has as much credibility as a author in this country as Scooby Doo.. You still dodged the fact that you have stated we dropped the twin towers so we can invade Afghanistan why? I never stated that noone knows how the real world works.. but judging from you not understanding that Iraq out put would not significantly lower crude oil prices I am starting to have my doubts..
  17. Listen Mrs. Onion nobody is mad.. like Igloo said not 1 thing in 2 years..
  18. Who cares.. j/k I didn't read a women was appointed but what I do know that aadditional people will be appointed if needed..
  19. What are you his cheerleader.. Don't start sucking him off just yet... read the whole thread the real question was whether it was all about oil.. what me and Fench are debating whether Iraqs production would have a significant effect on oil prices..
  20. Either way their voice and actions are heard when the price of oil is decided by the market..
  21. 1- The pipeleine being developed... I beleive, and I also state that I hope that it will be completed shortly to help rebuild Afghanistan.. what I am refering to is your beleif that we went to war because of it, or that 911 was committed because of it.. that my freind I don't beleive... 2- Conceited are we?? Suddenly the majority of the 300 million people in this country are idiots.. get off it! not everyone is persuing a PHD like yourself but the majority of people can take the facts and make their own decision.. Your rebutal to the latest pols is simply sour grape rationalization.. You would like the country to share the same views as yourself but can't except the fact that all people don't.. You would rather dismiss the poll as surveying idiots I don't get it? 3- .. The one responsible for funneling the funds from the oil for food programming into their own pockets is responsible for those deaths why can't you admit that? The sanctions still provided money for the people where did it go? or answer me who was in charge of allocating the funds from the program? I will give one hint it is next to England and the people don't shower
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