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Everything posted by majinbuu

  1. according to the red sox, a curse occurs when a great player leaves a team. this would make the curse of perdo a great excuse for the reason the red sox didnt win the ws this year.
  2. at least the mets havent made up a fictional curse as an excuse for not winning a ws for 86 years....thats lame.
  3. she says that after seeing a pile of melted snow once in her life....
  4. the mets have won a ws since they traded seaver. in fact he was on the bosox in 86 when they won it. is the curse of tom seaver ur excuse the bosox choked it up in 86?
  5. the free agent crop isnt the strongest..
  6. not as much as the bosox miss pedro, lowe, a healthy foulke/schilling...
  7. it took the bosox 86 years to win a ws, the mets have won more times than that in half the time. whats the excuse this year...the curse of pedro martinez?
  8. 2 series actually. and they were when he was needed most. the yanks best player has a problem playing in the post season for them. when will he earn his pinstripes?
  9. i watch the astros-cardinals series...is that possible for a mets fan to even do???
  10. the only reason ur post are longer because u cant refrain from calling us names. clean it up a little, ur post might seem like they have some intelligence behind them.
  11. i remember 1986 when the bosox choked up the WS. right through buckner's rickedy legs..
  12. arod 05 alds-2 for 16 04 alcs -1 for 15
  13. arod is a no show in the post season...
  14. defending champs couldnt even win their division...
  15. werd...bosox couldnt even win their division.
  16. who is to say wearing a suit is the only way to look decent?
  17. they have a dress code...when they are wearing the uniform on the court. the new rules are bullshit, like telling someone how to dress when they are going home from the office.
  18. its ok, the first round playoff loss was very disapointing...go get'em next year!
  19. probably not, they wouldnt have the 19 against the devil rays, or the orioles, or the blue jays. the braves, phillies, marlins and nationals are all better. theres bet the yanks and red sox dont even win the division.
  20. but u bring up the same one over and over again...
  21. yeah, with 3 teams under .500. add it up. there are only 2 good teams in your division. that doesnt make it tough. it makes it mediocre.
  22. talk about fresh pitching. the yanks signed randy johnson to a 3 year contract and he is way older than pedro. at least pedro isnt over 40 and has a bad knee.
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