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Posts posted by sfqueen

  1. Originally posted by dmtgod

    I think in an effort to make people quality of life better, the next bill should include the following:

    No farting in public.

    No Homeless people pissing in the subway.

    No Homeless people pissing in the streets.

    Actually, homeless are ugly, lets round them up and hide them somewhere.

    No Drinking alcohol. (cuz that worked last time they tried it)

    No Dirty thoughts.

    Mandatory Showering for all who enter or live in NYC.

    No Yelling.

    No Pets (they're almost all illegal here anyway)

    No children in restaraunts.

    No children on busses.

    No children anywhere it might bother an adult.

    No old people driving.

    No old people in front of you in line for things.

    No parades (all that litter? Pshaw)

    No dirty jokes.

    No burping.

    No running.

    No pushing.

    No talking without a license

    No Thinking without a license

    No Dancing without a . . . .oh wait.

    No R Rated Movies.

    No TV shows that are "immoral"

    No Songs on the radio other than Adult Contemporary.

    No Meat.

    No foreigners

    No Minorities.

    No Homosexuals

    . . . . . . wait. . .i have a better idea.


    :laugh: :laugh:

    Good One!!!!

  2. Originally posted by sexxyme

    I'm getting sick right before my vacation...That's Just Fuckin' Greattttttttttttttttt:mad:

    Drink Thera-Flu,also hot tea with honey and a shot of Blackberry brandy.Jump in the bed and cover yourself,sweat it out.

    Feel Better

  3. Jesus christ! you can get guns off the streets,crime on the horizon once again,and people are out of work,and our kids are getting a raw deal with education.

    Mayor Approves $1 Million Anti-Smoking Plan

    APRIL 04TH, 2003

    He's already banned smoking in public places. Now, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is helping to fund a grassroots anti-smoking movement.

    The mayor's administration has given contracts to four organizations in an effort to reduce and prevent smoking.

    The program will conduct surveys and research as well as encourage pharmacists to sell items that help people quit the habit.

    The plan is costing the city about $1 million.

    The city's anti-smoking law, which went into effect last Sunday, makes it illegal to light up at virtually all public buildings in the city, including bars and restaurants. A state law that takes effect in four months will supersede the few exceptions granted by the city. Business owners face fines for allowing patrons to smoke, though there is a 30-day grace period.

    The mayor had pushed for the ban as a workers’ health issue and claimed it would save the lives of thousands of people who would have been killed by the secondhand smoke.

  4. Originally posted by Teknojunkee

    5 TOwns wasnt too great....you really dont get to the music aspect of your career until the last year. You have to take Jazz History, American Folk Music, English, Composition class. I said fuck it. Got outta there real quick.

    This is just what i did. Check it out, you might like it. Look into wherever you go very well before signing anything.

    Those are the classes I wanted to take,figure IAR was the same,it was more lab stuff,electronics.

    I will check into 5 Towns.

  5. Originally posted by aystar

    ha ha ha ha sfqueen i know exactly what you mean everyyyyy kid is a thugg and a half in there they are all up and commin rappers or somethin

    iam maybe one of 10 kids out of 100 that are white

    but iam not gonna let them or no one else stop me iam not interested in makeing rap music

    LOL! I hear you,I'm a black guy,(sfqueen-soundfactory queen-1989-1995)

    I'm sure you will do well.All those rappers care about are beats,and the sad thing,its other artists beats,shit be original,make your own,ned to get off p.diddy and Jay-z dick.

  6. Originally posted by mala

    At Roxy all smokers are given a stamp to go outside on the stairs where you usually exit. Ashtrays are set up for your convenience. On Saturday this area was very crowded and I was nearly killed during my smoking break. A 400lb. man (no exaggerating) who was overheated/drunk collapsed and started a domino effect which resulted in me and several others nearly tumbling down the metal stairs. Having people smoke in this area obviously poses a problem, so they are trying to remedy this by extending the area over the parking lot nextdoor.

    Good Lord!!! Glad you're ok.

  7. Originally posted by hotcheme

    i quite one year ago on friday. if this had gone into effect while i was still smoking i qould have flipped out. but i guess it is for our own good in the long run.... as soon as they can beat the addiction out of people who smoke. :rolleyes:

    .Tried quitting twice and failed.So hard.I'll make the effort soon.

  8. Originally posted by clubplanetdan

    Has anyone tried to light up at a bar so far? Have you skipped going out because of it?

    Is this all going to blow over in a few weeks or months, and we'll just get used to it?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

    Monday night I was went ot the View Bar in Chelsea,it was kinda empty like only 10 people.So I ordered me a beer and sat next to a friend of mine.About 10 minutes later I lit up a cigarette and the bartender was like no smoking,have to go out side,Now I should have noticed that the moment I stepped inside the bar I did'nt smell any cig smoke,so I went outside in front of the bar smoking.I did'nt like the fact people outside looking at me like I was committing a crime, one lady says to me you should quit, now you smokers are going to dirty the sidewalks.You know I really could'nt say anything at all.The bar was empty,people came in and walked out.

    Its just really fucked up that I pay my money for drinks,but I can't smoke inside,oh by the way,for going out to smoke I now have one hell of a cold.

    To all the non -smokers out there I suggest you should keep your commets to your self,what next,you'll march down to city hall and complain there are cig buds all over the sidewalks,streets,well GET USED TO IT!

    I'm a die hard Roxy/Saturday person,oh I dread to see how the NO-SMOKING will pan out at the club.

    SF you now have walk up to the 4th level to smoke.

  9. Originally posted by jimk29

    Why is it that people have a problem with older people clubbing or going out and partying?? Are they not entitled to let their hair down and have a good time. One of my favorite things about going out in Europe is that people don't have these views that only young people should go out. Just because you are in your 30's or 40's doesn't mean that you are dead, I have a lot of respect for people that still go out when they reach that age.

    Thank You.:)

  10. That was mentioned in the jblair email I received this evening.

    - SATURDAY, 03/29/03 at the ***ROXY***:

    Celebrating the release of PETER RAUHOFER's remix of CHRISTINA AGUILERA'S

    smash hit "Beautiful"!

    Music by the genius himself: DJ/Producer PETER RAUHOFER

    OPEN BAR 11pm to 12AM! Doors Open 11pm

    21 and older with proper ID

    Roxy is located at 515 W 18th St (@10th Ave).

    - SUNDAY, 03/30/03 at ***ESTATE***

    Re-Opening in April....!

  11. Originally posted by berniec

    not by the looks of his web site....


    From what I hear, Exit will have a saturday nite party that will run from 9P-4A, then they will be closd for a few hours, and open again from 8AM till ? for juniors party. This is apparently some term of their settlement with the city... since they are closing at 4, i guess they are technically not and 'afterhours' club? i really dunno...

    Was'nt they doing that like a couple of months back?

  12. Originally posted by chris817

    I was at Earth on sunday and the rumor i kept hearing was that it was the closing party? Is this true? Junior closed with the doors

    The end. So maybe

    The party was great the upstairs was closed for most of the party, opening late in the afternoon, not too packed plenty of room to dance

    The entrance search was much different, taking off shoes and socks. I'm glad i did not see much BS. Did see a lot of Factory heads, wonder why.

    Did anyone else notice this?

    If was a good party,hopefully it was the last party,can't stand that place.Hopefully Junior will leave and find a smaller venue with some type of membership.

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