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Posts posted by vladexodus

  1. Vlad,

    Sorry, I don't speak Russian or are you Albanian! You really expected me to understand your cryptic wording, which translated into "I asked who you were, but that doesn't seem to be getting through to you". Since I'm further along in my career and education than you will ever be, I won't take offense to that. Some advise is you should really try going to your classes if you expect to graduate. The piece of paper means more than the doobies you smoke - G-UNIT! You really should be a tad bit nicer, especially now that I know who you are. You will regret being a little punk to me. Maybe I should post your picture....hmmm...



    ahahahaajajajaakajjaajaahahahahahhahah...your career is stuck in the toll while im going thru the ez-pass, k anyways word of advice dont take the internet so serious, post my picture wtf do i care here ill even give u a link to my profile to save you the trouble www.myspace.com/vladexodus , and since you know me so much how about you tell me who you are instead of hiding behind that s/n.

  2. Was I speaking to you? No! You always have something to say don't you. When people try to be helpful, you've got to be nasty. I'm glad your the only one who thinks your third leg is big when it's soft. Go back to your pin-up girlfriends, they'll never know the truth. :bigfinge:

    I'm just curious if you have blonde hair, and live in New Brunswick, b/c if you do...lol...



  3. Oh my GOODNESS I think know who you are talking about!!!

    Is the guy who was doing the "sound-factory" dance... you know the one when the they pump their arms like they are lifting weights?... oh i love that dance... they dance like that for a few minutes and then stop...such technique, such grace!!!

    He had a tan right?

    Lots of gel in his hair?

    Lots of cologne?... oh so hot

    He was doing bumps from time to time, but you would think he was smoking crack the way he was acting so paranoid....

    .............is this the guy?...i dont know i could be wrong :laugh:


  4. Its total bullshit that under your cracked out screen name it states club god .. when everyone on this board knows your not. Especially with this last statement ..

    As a matter of fact, hey buddy ... do you even go clubbing or do you really want that PSP more than you would want ... say ... vagina?

    dont bother...he doesnt reply to insults

  5. First Paris Hitlion, then Lindsey Lohan's and now our own Vida Guerra.? This is getting out of control, Paris and Lindsey it's like WHATEVER, They are millionaires, not that it's ok but expected, But Vida...That's crazy.. and the pics that were on her Sidekick where no joke, I saw them, that's just straight up invasion of privacy. Everyone watch ur Back...Apparently no one is safe! Hang in there girl! :bowdown:

    Free Plug for the Local Jersey Girl anyway, Look at Some REAL pics on her site..lol


    your a little late with this.:rolleyes:

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