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Posts posted by vladexodus

  1. i think Dibiza is gunna be track of the summer....EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHERS are gunna be rocking that track when it comes out....too bad its gunna get played out so quickly.....track is a fucking floor destroyer

    cant wait dttttttttttttttt

  2. so anyway....i'm playing 1-2 no limit at the borgata...and I lost about 300 in like 45 minutes, and i'm thinking "I'm taking a beating....I mite as well eat my loss and go home" but i decide to stay anyway and I win a couple of small hands maybe about 100 dollars back. I kept getting dealt pocket pairs that I could do absolutely nothing with...and then I got dealt another.... Pocket 6's... I raise the blinds about 20 or 25 bucks and 2 ppl call. Flop comes out: 10-10-Ace. This is a really ugly flop for me, but fortunately, the 2 other players check, and I check as well. THe next card .... a 6.....whats that give me? a FULL HOUSE!!! So anyway....the two other guys were first to act, and they start betting away.....At this point I figured one thing....one guy has a 10, which gives him a set, and I really wasnt worried about the other guy because he had no clue what he was doing all nite. I raised them both 200...and they called...and finally the river was a harmless card...and what happens...they bet again!!!!! I raise another 250..and they called. So....at that point I knew that the one guy had a ten and that they other terrible player was betting with his pair of Aces, that he caught on the flop (I'm amazed how he would even be involved in this hand with those tens out there) -but its good that he added to the pot. So we flip our cards, sure enough one guy had 8-10 or some horrible or 10-something and the other guy had a pair of Aces. They look at me, and I flip my cards and I say " 6s over tens" I collected close to a $1000 pot....went upstairs to smoke a cigarette.

    I really like playing at the borgata because it's a lot of ppl with money that dont know how to play cards at all, SO they basically give away their chips, and I can't say the same for the TAJ MAHAL...which has some true grinders.

    THe pocket pairs did good for me after all.


  3. Being on the guestlist does not guarantee admission. The venue door staff always has final say. So check the dress code, bring some females and don’t come crying to us if you get turned away for showing up wearing sweat pants and those old Keds.

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