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Posts posted by nmotion

  1. Originally posted by tired

    no, that's if you ate the snickers.... you're best bet was to call it out right then and there... if noone claimed it, home free

    ahh... good to know, although I hope to never need that tidbit O' info.
  2. Originally posted by candyrollx69

    Oral fixation :tongue:

    Yea, we all have that, for sure.

    Originally posted by candyrollx69

    Our white slave boy :eek::laugh:

    :eek: hey now... leave the past out of this!

  3. Originally posted by nomembername

    wow you guys really have a tough time keeping that toungue in your mouth

    and who the fuck is this nmotion character? where the fuck did he come from?

    Well... since you asked... heheh nahhhh i'll let someone else tell the tale.
  4. Originally posted by candyrollx69

    You have a phone call from : "......" an inmate at women's detention center..... blah blah blah

    who's gonna finish the rest? cuz i never called myself :rolleyes:

    "...for conjugal visits, press one..." i never got past that one ;)
  5. Originally posted by candyrollx69

    Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Make sure to hum really loud or the phone call will cut off and that will be another $2.50 added to your phone bill

    I never really got that to work... such a racket.
  6. Originally posted by nomembername

    You guys are fucking up the thread.

    I think CP should make a rule where candy and tired can not have more than two consecutive posts...all in favor say "AY"


    It IS their thread, isn't it? ;) can't they just do whatever they want? hehehe

  7. Originally posted by candyrollx69

    :laugh: are we gonna get married through the glass window holding the phone?

    Look, I'm not coming to visit you guys again, and, seeing as I'll also be IN the wedding... where would I stand? would we have to do a 3-way call? :D

  8. Originally posted by candyrollx69

    hmmmm nmotion needs to fix my damn computer so i can be able to download music again!!!!!

    I'm actually a lil scared to go near yours, the way it reacted last time -volt- :D ...and what is wrong with what you're using now? Permissions? lol

  9. Originally posted by mrmatas2277

    whatever...just tell Nmotion to use Febreze to get rid of that odor...

    Dammit! He suckered me into some Amway "stuff" he just so happened to have. :rolleyes:
  10. Originally posted by candyrollx69

    That was not him, that was NMotion, he asked if he could borrow the phone for a min. I thought you'd recognize his voice by now :blank:

    Tired was out for the count, I had to call SOMEONE!
  11. Originally posted by themrs

    Where the fuck have you been Mr.???

    Flip was just asking about you.

    ehhh, i've been busy, like that's a fuckin excuse. :blown:

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