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Everything posted by nmotion

  1. I'm with ya, it's been too long. I'm in.
  2. ahhh geeez, and here i'm trying to be a good lil boy, and you all go and do THIS! <sigh> fine, I'll be there
  3. Hey now, all *I* care about is the group pic!
  4. from what I saw, they should be good, too bad mine didnt come out well I'm sure we were entertaining the venu crowd.
  5. I try not to take anything too incriminating, sometimes you just cant help it.
  6. uhh yea, and I must say, they came out quite well
  7. I got a few that came out well, however, we are going to have to count on MJM for the group pics. Mine are too dark
  8. ahhhh ok. so that was the NON-innocent one I saw? gotcha
  9. fine, don't tell us, we'll just be creative in our own lil dirty minds.
  10. That kind of fun shouldn't be allowed, and I shouldn't have access to it. Got to the fliptonia experience before the club. damn, what fun place. Two of the nicest hosts ever, you guys are really great. I had a coupla drinks, met some new faces, had some drinks with some old ones, and VIOLA, next thing I knew I was at the club(thanx trouble) and I have to say, at least the music, and the System were jammin. I didn't mind it wasn't packed, we all had fun. I think it might have been BETTER that is was slow, Mike and I easily got to wander around, that was verry coool. LilLiz, hon.. you are a wild woman, and I got proof Got to meet some new CP'ers, shake some ass, watch Jackie shake hers, hell we had half the dance floor to ourselves. FX was going off, Kimball was up/down, but overall solid good music. So we all head back to Fliptonia, MAN you got cool neighbors! Good music, really cool peeps, a great time. A few more drinks, umm flip, I owe ya a new bottle of Jack, I believe I might have drank it all, not toooooo suuuure, as the Land of fliptonia seemed to have an intoxicating effect on me. I expected to have some fun, etc, ended up havin a blast, thanks ya'll. Cool hanging with all of you, very welcoming crowd.
  11. I hear thingsss bout this Fliptoniaa.. a must see?! There's only one way to find out for sure. No cam's huh? (dammit)
  12. I like the beach clubs, but... the big names are@34, and I just gotta have OG and Roland... if it really sucks, I can stumble across the street and see some neeked chicks... mind you, 24 hours. You aint getting that on the beach... or anywhere else in the STATE for that matter
  13. Orlando is "the breaks capital", yet it seems no where else does anyone particularly care for it, or techno. I think stryke would do well in otown(my hometown)!
  14. damn, that's just WRONG! hehe
  15. awww you'll make a good lil wifey one day...
  16. duh! you're THE howell's whore... of course you'll be there
  17. I'm with ya flip, I managed to power thru it, but wasn't so sure this morning. Gonna pass out before I hit the pillow good. Still a great weekend... what a start Friday was!
  18. congrads babe... I knew you could do it... in such a short time
  19. What IS Level nowadays? Just hip-hop?
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