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Posts posted by PCR

  1. bush 04! he is taking the lead now and will soon be president once again! all these hollywood elitist cant do shit and they are trying thier ass off too. its gonna be great when he wins and they all bitch for another four years!! cant wait till november!

    I am gonna laugh even more when Bush gets re-elected and your ass gets drafted. You may not be aware of it but this is being discussed between current admin and the Pentagon.

    Have fun voting for Bush and then fighting a war over his oil

  2. would never guess:

    You are Magic Mushrooms!

    You don't mind taking a little mind trip - even if it leaves you with a ripped up stomach.

    You're keen on sitting back and checking out the visuals. Or talking with your cat.

    And you're up for the orgasmic powers of shrooms, as soon as your lover stops looking like an alien.

  3. .....

    Please understand we will do all we can to try to please, but it is so very true that you cannot please everyone, all of the time.

    Ikon and Godskitchen are striving to bring a different style and taste to the NY scene and we hope it is something that all will enjoy. But we do have to abide by certain rules, and this is to make sure everone has a safe and comfortable experience at our productions.


    Godskitchen NYC

    This is true but most people will never get that point.

    I am sick and tired of all the complaints...."This club is too selective and upscale...That one lets anybody in... I don't like places that have VIP.... why do I have to dress up....why do I have to dress down...why are there old people in this club....why are there young kids in here?? ... " etc..etc....

    Come on people - reality check - clubs need to survive financially and so it only makes sense for them to adopt a certain image/vibe....serve a particular group of people that will come back BEACUSE they can relate to the other guests that frequent it.

    Keep an open mind...visit as many places as you can..support your fav DJs and venues...AND don't try to change things that others already enjoy....

    Godskitchen: Best of Luck...hope you do well in NYC and stick around for a long, long time.

    PS: Can we have Global Gathering in the US in 2005?


  4. really good review even though there is no mentioning of the music. Darren is a really good DJ and I did want to check him out but J00F is my fav so I went to avalon.

    i think you should be careful with those comments about the employees hooking you up with drinks and drugs....you want that place to last longer than it has as Black, you shouldn't broadcast such info....just a tip

    opie; i really think you went to a different club, not avalon.

    first of all, avalon attracts some of the youngest peeps....(and that's why half the time the vibe sucks)

    secondly....a lot of DJs spin CDs....their own burned CDs

    You wanna get hooked up with some drunk teenage girl - why do you even care who plays what music???

  5. J00F never disappoints. I'd say this set was not his usual stuff though.

    he didn't play as much of his usual psytrance....his sets at Arc were just the perfect blend of psytrance, hard trance and a bit of regular, melodic trance.

    I sure had a blast and it was great seeing the old crew...and hang out in the DJ booth for a while too.

  6. That was a great night - AvB as always amazes with his energy.

    I remember his show last year at Arc on Wed night - maybe a 150 people in the entire club - it was awesome - I thought, last night was almost as good.

    In a way it was the same night but with a lot more people.

    As for the outdoor vs indoor - i must say I'd still love to see more shows outdoors. I like them better. Lights and music can be as good if not better as in a club.

    Crobar has a great sound system but I think their lights are just a bit too bright - I'd like it darker...

    Anyhow...though I was feeling sick and should have really stayed home, I just couldn't miss it. I was so happy I did go out; I danced almost non-stop.

    Great set, great vibe, great meeting and owning the floor with Kim, Beatka, Brandon, Billy, Edwin and our other friends!!!

    djtrinitry; i am sorry but i really don't get your point.

    1. vibe is something YOU create - it's up to you.

    2. If you don't like the way DJ acts or the people "idealizing" him - you can always turn your back to the stage and still enjoy the music

    3. You can always stay home and listen to your CDs

    4. Just because a DJ (or any other musician) made it "big" doesn't mean he/she is a sell out or his/her music sucks now.

    You make yourself sound like some “misunderstoodâ€, anti-establishment wanna be suffering artists who thinks anything commercial, successful or popular just can’t be any good.

    There really isn’t anything wrong with people expressing their love and appreciations for music and the artist that creates it – be it a DJ or a rock band.

  7. maybe this has slipped your mind, but...STOP DOING DRUGS!

    i must agree with Crowina

    ....most of the time I just say; there is time and place for everything; you want to do drugs - go ahead.

    However, reading your post tells me you have used up your allowance - sounds like you need to lay that shit off for a while.

  8. if you never done it and you think you MAY flip - you most likely will flip out and have a bad trip.

    Acid is one of those drugs were state of mind is a key to a good trip.

    PS: to answer your questions; there are a handful of REPORTED cases when a person went nuts for good after trying acid for the first time, extermly rare event but....

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