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Everything posted by njdivacb

  1. Wishing you the best of health and happiness to you both!
  2. every time I am on this site... someone is talking about food!!!! I am so hungry... Count me in on the road trip!!!!
  3. no implants... she was always really big in the boobs area... And they don't have that "fake-stick-straightout" look either... they kind of hang slightly Oh my God I sound like a lesbo for checking out her boobs so much!!!
  4. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  5. Coogs is great!!!! I agree, bad move for 118!!!
  6. Totally agree!!! He is hot in his own way!!!! She looked so emotional when she looked at him, talked to hm and talked about him... He was the same way too... Ok, So I guess that this makes losing Sex in the City not that bad...Right?
  7. SAW IT!!!! Loved it!!!! Will be a watcher!!!!! Carmen is gorgous!!! And if Dave took that thing off his chin he'd be un-freaking-believable!!!!!! The part where they were taking the pictures of their wedding invitation was bizzare, but, who cares!!!! They are hot!
  8. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  9. ok, so now I am hungry... you know what other one is good... The three cheese one... that is really good too...
  10. i have to admit, it is pretty good!!!
  11. ok so either DIVA or the couch... both sound wonderful!!! But I need to go out!!! I am off tommorow!!!! Maybe I'll just stay in and sleep!!!!
  12. What are everyones plans for tonight????
  13. Ok, Let me just lay it out for the record... Jessica Simpson is MARRIED to the MAN who is in what you so ridiculously called SOFT PORN video... Jessica Simpson is now an adult and what she does or does not do is done for the sake of her career or because she damn well wants to... She may not be that bright, but she has bright people who have guided her career thus far... BTW, her father is the producer of her's and Nick's show on MTV. Now with all of this said... can youplease find something else to do with your time other than find something wrong with someone else!!! Thank you and have a great day!
  14. I think we all have too much time on our hands!!!!
  15. Real house diva... you must really have way too much time on your hands to be worrying about what type of bad Jessica Simpson has!
  16. Sweetheart you seem to be slightly star struck, which is fine... but obviously this guy has not only portrayed himself, but the rest of New Jersey like retards... People like that are the ones who add to the stereotyping of Italian/Americans... They throw there 3 or 4 Itailan words around as if they even know what they are talking about, act as if they should be known where ever and by who ever and be treated w/respect, when in reality, why would I respect someone who is suck a complete moron that he gets into a fight in line at a pizzeria b/c he can't wait 2 seconds for a freaking slice (do you know who I am???)... I have been going down to Seaside for years and I can absolutly tell you that the guys like the ones that were filmed on MTV are very few and far between... that wasn't a reality show, it was more like, lets see how stupid we can make the people from Jersey look. It was an atrocity.
  17. EEEEWWWWW.... But she does look like she is taking lessons from the guy!!!!!! :puke: :puke:
  18. OMG... I have Pilates too and you are so right how they hurt... you have to plan it in your schedule so you so kill yourself the next day!!! But the end results are fab!!!!
  19. LMAO!!! No No No, She is right... his father was a weather man too!!! I'll figure it out and have it for you!!! I am def the vesel of useless knowledge!!!!!
  20. I think he's the one on channel 5... who knows they are all liars!!! 90% of us will stay home tonight, and nothing will happen!!!! LMAO!!!!!
  21. I thought Sam Champion was on channel 7... did they switch him?
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