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Everything posted by njdivacb

  1. Butterfly... you retarded little Butterfly... Africa is its own CONTINTENT as is EGYPT!!!!!! And there were no camels there...get me any book, encyclopidia, anything that indicates that and we will further discuss. #1... Look at the Miss America's that have one in the past... some of then were BLACK... as a matter of fact... this Miss America is Black and acted the same ghetto way as if she won something on the PRICE IS RIGHT!!! So, write a letter to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and discontinue it before I write a letter to NAACP and sue for reverse discrimination. #2... You have no right to whine a cry about anything in your life...You have not lead the life of slavery... you may have lead the lofe of porverty, but that my freind, is out of choice... #3... Segregation was the best thing in the world... you and your people can be together and not complain about hte white man because we had no interaction with you ... and we can live and lead our own lives with out worrying about "offending" you because of a little thing we call FREEDOM OF SPEECH, CHOICE, AND BELIFES. go sratch butterfly... Euorpeans RULES the world for thousands of years... what make you think that NOW... the black man can rule... You people can not even get yourselves out of the slums of Newark, you want to now say you rule, please. get over yourself and look at reality.
  2. Ok Chad... you sound like a Pimp!!!! YOUR GIRLS??? OK.. Here the deal... Beach Party at TONIC With a full BEACH set up!!!!!! Staffed with Lifegaurds and Hot Bartenders dressed in beachwear!!!! Lets not forget the HOT NEW SHOT GIRLS!!!!!! Come to the club in beachwear and get complimentry CHAMPAGE!!! Open Bar 9-11 Courtsey of Sheridan Discounts Hope to see you all there!!!!!!!!!
  3. It was only a matter of time before porn and football were joiined together!!!! :laugh:
  4. can someone call me out sick so I can go.... :( :(
  5. First of all get the chip off of your shoulder... Secondly... I have been to Africa on a Safari... let me ask you a question, why are there still AFRICAN's still living in huts and villiages??? Why are they starving when the art of hunting is right there for them to use? Let me ask you another yet pinning question... If the Africans were SOOOOOOOO smart, why in all of the millions of years, did not one of them hop on a zebra to ride it??? You realize they still do not do this to this very day... A zebra is a horse with stripes (moron). Thirdly... Being that you are now an AMERICAN and have probably been born here, you can freely compete in the Miss America Pagent ... YET, Me, being an AMERICAN like yourself, cannot compete in the Miss BLACK America Pagent??? Listen, I have no problem with the "Colored Folk" but it is those like yourself who act as if the blacks have made a difference in my life, when in reality the only significant thing the blacks have done in my life, have been to show me that you are all very much the stereotypical people you claim NOT to be. Your comments have been nothing but insignificant to me and have proven that you need further education. Please continue to educate yourself, and for the love of Christ, please continue dating with in your own race. PS... I saw American History X... LOVED IT!
  6. WHAT??? Please tell me you are kidding!!! If mot... where can I get them!!! :D :D A Girl has to use all of the help she can get!!!!
  7. What is their web site... I want to shop!!!! Just got paid!!!!
  8. Have a great time!!!!! Be sure to Enjoy yourself!!!!!
  9. OK kiddie pies... here is the lastest scoop on the weather... Starting around 9pm and finishing late tommorow morning... Getting up to 10 inches... HOWEVER.... The roads are super icy now, if you are supposed to have school, you probably not. Whatever any of you do, please be safe! Have a great snow day!!!!
  10. Yeah, everything is super icy out there... Schools are closing too! Tommorow there is not going to be anything... no work no school... nothin'!!!!
  11. The ABC does an extensive investigation on the potential owners of the Licence/establishment... that would be the only reason... which, it would not mean that it was revoke, it means that it was never recieved... Other than that reason, there really is no way someone can have thier licence taken away w/out opening SO, unless that happened... I am sure that studio 9 will be opening... now that is my 2 cents (most factual)
  12. Yeah I have it and it is great!!!!! It is even better on surround sound!!!
  13. I am dying to go to Circa on a Thursday!!! I am glad to see that all of you had a great time and hopefully I'd join you all!!!!!
  14. I agree, a really sh**y thing to do... who is doing it?
  15. No, don't do work... it's friday... slide through the day as quickly as you can!!!!!
  16. Ok, I am with Dee... Fu to everything she said And FU to me for not thinking of them first...
  17. FU 2 the cold weather FU 2 to morons (you know who you are) FU 2 to all my coworkers for making me park so far away from the door at work (I want my own parking spot!!!) FU 2 guys who take longer than their girlfriends to get ready before going out!!!
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