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Posts posted by harvardvark

  1. Originally posted by groovefire

    Eh harvard, why don't stop hiding behind that screenname and you tell us who you are?

    Modern day defender of all that is good and proper in the world. Does it matter who I am? Everyone on here is a real person logging into a fantasy internet land. Quit trying to discover the matrix buddy

    P.S. yes I do go to harvard and this was already discussed back in October. What does that have to do with anything? :rolleyes:

  2. Tall lanky kid with K boogers who bitched to my boy about how you hate south beach. I know the story dipshit. Its definitely you LOL

    I suggest you shut your trap before you get humiliated :idea:

  3. Originally posted by ras67

    hey only 43 percent of cp viewers rate me at goddess status....

    and i never said i like funky prog house, but rather that i like todd, groovefire and what they stand for.

    eat shit and, um, hope your tummy hurts!

    who are you anyway and when did you become a topic? be gone please

  4. when did groovefire's gf's looks get brought into this?? LOL

    this is like the game of telephone for real.

    another BUMP for groovefire and humidified basement lounges! HERE HERE!!

  5. the personal attax continue. class act you are! We both said drop it, yet you continue.

    another BUMP for groovefire and his imaginary harem of hot chicks that like funky prog house!!


  6. wow...insults coming from someone who sweats justin timberlake?? are you for real??!! what has this world come to hahahah

    go molest some 14 year olds outside his concerts guy and leave me the fcuk alone with your half ass attempts at comedy

  7. Based on what I heard about the venue, I wouldnt go hear my favorite dj there but I'd like an opportunity to hear you in another venue and give you my critique then. To each his own. good luck

  8. the club itself was described as a "shithole". Arc is also a shithole. So is discoteque. The parties held there on the other hand are outstanding and full of talent. My friends loved the tronic parties but commented on the club itself being some musty basement and felt the talent deserved a better spot to play. That isnt derogatory at all. Calling the DJ or the party something derogatory is one thing but calling the club/venue itself something, is totally different. Dont know why this turned personal but in any event, I tried being the better person and wishing this guy's party success. People just need to learn to deal with criticism (even when its not directed at them)

  9. I used the GF as an analogy, not a personal dig on you guy. I know nothing about you or your gf and never said anything derogatory about either. You, on the classless other hand, attacked my friends, attacked me and still harass me with your "screenname" as well. Do I have other endeavors in life? Alot more than you know my friend but I dont go boasting about them on some message board for acceptance like you might do. Like I said before, good luck with your basement get-together and hope it leads to "bigger better venues" in the future.

  10. I asked if it was the same SR that I heard negative things about. You replied to my initial question with negative remarks about my friends and allusions that we're looking for pretensious hangouts, which is far from the truth. Then you got defensive about the clientele that go there and promises of hot chicks which you and I know is FARRR from the truth in establishments made for music-lovers and glowstickers.

    Yes, you are right, i have never been there but the fact that I have knowledge about the place from people that have makes my argument just as valid. This didnt turn sour till you started bashing my friends. They go to tronic treatment parties (Marco Bailey, Hawtin, Christian Varela, M.Carola, etc.) and they loved the vibe but commented on how they wish there was a better venue for that atmosphere. So lighten up once again and learn to deal with reality guy. Nobody badmouthed you or your parties so quit making an argument out of something that isn't there to argue.

  11. good luck with your party groovefire. wish you all the best and success. you're just real poor at receiving any type of criticism and obviuosly could use a little more training in public relations. Nothing bad was said about the place that wasnt true and already corroborated with evidence from other testimonies in this thread adn by the article you generously supplied yourself.

    you seem to be overcompensating way too much.. kind of like the guy who goes out with an ugly girl but keeps commenting on her great personality. Lighten up dude

  12. Read the article you just posted and you can see how they said the "tronic treatment parties" is what made this place the best dancefloor venue, not your parties. So before you go attacking me, think first and you can see how my criticism is far from "baseless" when you just provided the supporting evidence for the original critique. Thank you

  13. I read everyone's statements and I even said I havent been there. Who mentioned anything about "being seen"?? Did I even give a hint that this type of place is like that? There are plenty of audiophile spots in NYC that have a great looking crowd (Arc for instance). From the descriptions that my friends gave (who are more music lovers than most people on this board are), Sullivan Room isn't all that. Feel free to disagree, thats ok. I can understand why you would since you guys are promoting it but I just wanted to know if it was the same SR that I heard about before. Nothing wrong with it

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