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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. spanx....actually, i think i should be getting better soon...i think i was just overworked...i was smoking pot and drinking all night, getting two hours of sleep, then going to work for 10 hours and drinking hella caffeine to stay awake...then i went to the dr bc i had this weird tension in my head, and she said it was tension headaches and gave me medicine for migraines that contained caffeine...so i was freaking out when it wasnt getting better....then i just talked to one of my best friends who just graduated med school and is a genius and he told me that my brain was probably just overrworked and i may have pinched a nerve or something and to just lay off all the caffeine at all costs, including the medication...i havent had any medicine today and so far it feels a LOT BETTER....so so much for a professional opinion...i just wasted like $300 to go to a freaking doctor who prescribed me the wrong medication
  2. Well, I started feeling this weird pressure/tingling on my head, and I went to the dr and got diagnosed with chronic tension headaches...so i guess that means no more drugs for a while...ill have to live vicariously through you ppl ...this sucks arse, i dont even know what it is, i hope that it gets better soon though....
  3. is show thursdays at crobar 18+?
  4. green day weezer nine inch nails sublime no doubt foo fighters lucky boys confusion the who rancid the clash
  5. dude this is the lamest thing that ive ever heard...and they get vic latino to dj, just to lose all of their "cred," if they even had any in the first place...
  6. everyone says that you typically get along well with ppl who are the total opposite of you, but the truth is, there have to be some similarities...my boyfriend and i are so similar its scary...i do tend to be attracted to a specific type, but he's certainly nothing like my accountant father...i think that you just tend to gravitate towards ppl who interest you or compliment your personality...
  7. wow that sucks....my friend's bday party is going to be there tonight...its going to suck so much, i heard its hip hop night...im definitely going to have to drink A LOT....
  8. I'm thinking about going to Show tonight...what's it like there on Fridays??
  9. I'm thinking about buying antibiotics off of an online pharmacy website...what's the deal with these? Are they legal? Will I get arrested for giving my credit card number? Will they rip me off? Has anyone on the board ever ordered anything from an online pharmacy before?
  10. lolol ok im there, let me know when the next meetup is
  11. dude, the weed that i got was had mad brown in it and it tasted like tobacco and didnt get me as high...i donno, maybe im mistaken, but ive heard of weed being cut with tobacco all the time...it saves money for the dealers....ive had this kind of weed compared to the good stuff that is all green and white and actually tastes like marijuana...so im assuming that the brown stuff in the shittier weed is tobacco? am i wrong? lol thats seriously what i always thought....
  12. i think that religion and having good morals played a much bigger role in ppl's lives back in the day...our generation is pretty jaded and we tend to disregard morals in favor of whatever makes us happy at the moment...i think that the tradition of marriage is still definitely instilled in us though...i know a lot of ppl who are married or are getting married or are nearly married, and they really do try hard to keep marriage a sacred institution and to make it work....maybe the times have just changed, women are more dynamic now and don't do whatever their husbands want...all that i know is, i really dont want to get divorced...i will definitely try my hardest to make my marriage work when i do get married...im not sure why necessarily, but the tradition is still really important to me...
  13. try central bar in the east village...i think that its on either e 12th st or e 13th st...look it up...its always packed on weekends and its a really cool place
  14. haha i think that it was just the shitty herb....it usually never happens...lol or maybe thats bc i usually always have some...ive actually not been smoking as much lately bc ive been doing a lot of clubbing and just drinking or other stuff...ive never smoked a cigarette, and im really anti-tobacco...i notice that whenever i get weed thats cut with tobacco, i dont get as high and im craving it all day the next day...
  15. I think I'm going through weed withdrawal...i got some sorta shitty weed last night that probably had a ton of tobacco in it, and i got about three hours of sleep before i had to go drag myself into work for 9 hours....all day long, all that i could think about was smoking more weed....i had like the physical urge to...blah, and now i just spent my last twenty bucks on more weed lol...oh wellz its good that payday is in two more days...but has anyone else had this??? I can't wait for it to come lol...
  16. my favorite borough is queens....im sick of all of the pretentious people in the city, and i hate brooklyn...everyone is way too stuck up and i hate the trains and most parts of it...at least the ppl are down to earth in queens and its pretty close to the city so you can still go there whenever you want...
  17. i started a thread about 2C-I a while ago...ccmcrack had tried it...you get it in pill form, and its supposed to be like ecstasy, but stronger and there isnt supposed to be much of a comedown...i saw a few threads about it on bluelight, and it looked cool to try...a lot of kids in engliand pop these at raves instead of e's....there have been a lot of deaths from it though....its really uncontrolled and you dont really have any way of knowing how much is in one pill, and if you have more than the reccomended dose, it can give you a heart attack...kinda like g, i guess...but since its in pill form, you really have no way of being able to control it...i also don't know how to go about getting that stuff....im lucky i can get weed, pils, and g from my dealer...but thats it...no variety lol
  18. yes, please, be our human guinea pig and let us know how it goes lol...im not really into psycheledics...i get so nervous before taking them that i always end up kinda freaking out...the one good experience that i had with them was when i didnt even know i was taking acid lol...i had taken like three of those strong number 1 pills and i was totally blitzed out of my mind at this aftehours lounge, and this european couple came up and started talking to us and gave us free acid...i was just like, sure, bring it on...lolol...i dont remember much of that night, which is really scary, but I know that i did have a LOT of fun....but when i actually plan on taking it, i get all nervous and freak out...go figure
  19. i know....and his performance was always 100%....its all bs anyways, he' got a much better job now...but i work for a lot of young ppl, and its kinda scary to think that if one of them sees me blitzed out at crobar, i could get fired...its like, isnt that the reason why youre working in the first place??
  20. thats just not cool.....i fucking hate it when coworkers witness your partying....a few months ago, my bf and i were at a club and rolling our asses off, and who do we see but his boss....i guess that we were both completely trashed out of our minds bc he got fired when he went into work on mon...thats just wrong though...how can you fire somebody for partying on the weekends??
  21. have you ever tried this? my most hallucinogenic experience to date so far has been shrooms...
  22. i coudlnt honestly care less about brad pitt's love life....she is way hotter than jennifer aniston, though...
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