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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. ive been drinking these huge monster drinks, and lately, it seems like there's an added pressure on my heart lol...no joke...ive gone energy drink free for the last two days...i think it was just wayyy too much caffeine, i used to drink like 3 cans of that stuff a day....blah, im tired lol
  2. Nice, i have to start hanging out on the LES more
  3. i reallyy wanna try hash....do you have to go to amsterdam to get it???
  4. smoking wayyy too much pot and taking lots of addarall....my new favorite drug of the moment lol
  5. Thank God for the hardcore energy drinks like Monster and Full Throttle...I can wake up hungover and down one of those huge cans and I'm good to go to work...what an awesome invention ...lol and I'm posting about them here bc they seriously do feel like legal crank...
  6. I just went onto a messageboard that I hadn't posted on in a while, and noticed that they got rid of their drug board, too....I guess they have to be discreet about it like we sre in London...
  7. Drug-wise...we need some new drug posts on this board...
  8. niceeee....thats going to be my first time going to avalon in almost a year...
  9. lolol whats everyone's thoughts on him? The last I saw him, he was DJing for some Nickelodian cartoon at like 4 in the afternoon...I just clicked the CP link to hear his new cd out of curiosity though, and its not totally horrible...not great, but not awful...he actually lives in my neighborhood and works out at my gym....does everyone think that he's a joke or no?
  10. I know Ive probably asked this question a million times before, but has anyone had success with them? Which ones??
  11. I got bored last night and started reading one of my boyfriend's old Men's Health magazines from a few months ago, and in the dieting section they said that the most successful weight loss system is Slim-Fast...ppl who were on the Slim Fast diet consumed the lowest number of calories and got the highest number of vitamins, and they were able to keep the weight off in the long-term...even though i think those canned shakes taste like shiiiiiiit, i think i might try this to lose an extra five pounds...has anyone else used slim fast before? has it worked?
  12. sitting down on a train is really important to me....since I have to endure an hour and a half train ride, i have to be able to read or lean back and close my eyes...sometimes, ill even wait for the next train if the one that comes is way too packed...
  13. i would definitely be open to a board meetup at a club....mdw anyone??
  14. yeah, ive gotten acccustomed to just suffering through the day...i have to work on sundays, so going to work hungover some weeks is inevitable...i love this job though bc its such a chill environment and i really have fun there, so i dont want to screw it up...so i just go in and consume about 5 of those monster energy drinks and suffer till six o clock and go to sleep at 7 and get on a normal sleep schedule for the rest of the week....
  15. I think that my tolerance is wayyy too high...is it normal to smoke an entire twenty in bowls over the course of a night?? thats what i usually do when i smoke...most of the ppl i know get blasted from like one bowl though lol
  16. i could eat ice cream for every single meal....its the best food ever created
  17. hahahahaha....seriously...don't post in london if you're going to criticize....thats like going on the hip hop board and saying that all rap sucks and dave matthews is going to save music...
  18. haha i cant find the one hit wonder shiiit anywhere...the best ive gotten is the "2 bowl wonder"....
  19. there's a really cool store on w 8th st called bang bang...they have clubby clothes that are really affordable, and you can find some awesome clothes there....ive gotten some of my favorite outfits there...if that doesnt work out, there's a wet seal and an urban outfitters in the vicinity...also, try joyce leslie...also on w 8th st...hella cheap, and they clothes are awesome...the store is pretty huge too...
  20. I'm an administrative assistant at a new start up company...I just got this job recently and I'm really psyched about it, so I haven't divulged any secrets about my nightlife...everyone I work with is pretty young, but they're kinda bookish and eccentric. My manager, who's about four or five years older than me, comes in at 8 AM and leaves at 8 PM, and he lives in Long Island, so there must be at least an hour and a half of commuting...he definitely works wayy too hard. Sometimes, I'll mention a good bar if someone asks, but I don't go into work and talk about how far gone I was the night before. It's just not necessary. Our coworkers are not our friends, they're professionals. I actually think that some of the ppl I work with are pretty cool, but I wouldnt pursue an outside friendship with them...I'd much rather keep the "work kelly" and "weekend kelly" separate... I tried going out with some colleagues at my last job, and it's definitely not soimething that I'd do again...I realized that I couldn't be myself and I was basically just faking it the whole night with a forced smile...I don't want them to know personal things about me that they can hold against me, and I don't want to let myself go too much like I normally would with my friends bc I don't want my actions to come back to haunt me...
  21. I have a diagnosis q...my dad's voice has gotten really hoarse lately...he doesn't have any other symptoms other than this loss of voice....i thought that it might be tonsillitis...but when he went to the doctor, he didnt even do a throat swab and said that he should get an mri at the hospital to find out what it could be...does anyone know what condition could possibly cause a loss of voice? he isnt spitting or coughing up blood or anything, and he's actually gained a few pounds in the last few weeks, so he's eating well...im really scared...what do you think it could be? He's going to go to the hospital to get the tests next week, but im scared shiiitless until then conjuring up horrible possibilities...
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