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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. im still too cautious to play around with mixing too many drugs....e and tina togther...lol pills make my heart speed up enough as it is, i dont think i would be able to handle it....e and k are awesome together though
  2. tina heads do that funny saturday night fever dance at a really high speed with dead serious looks...quite funny lol
  3. Where do you get this? What was it like? I'm just curious about it bc Ive never heard of it before...
  4. hmmm....is it more like heroin or speed? It sounds like glass, which is that really hardcore form of speed that practically makes your heart explode....im not really into that methed out feeling...
  5. haha i was listening to this prank on the radio where a chick called enzyte and said that it wasnt working for her....funny shizat
  6. the wed party is good bc its low key and not too many ppl know about it...im not sure how the weekend party is going to be, it looks like they're trying to cater towards a more glamorous crowd...
  7. sorry bout that....ive tried methadone which is practically the same thing except less fun though lol....im still not going to do it again, though....just not really my thing....i could nod off by smoking way too much weed instead....and thats easier to get lol
  8. hmmm....maybe ill invest in one when i get my next paycheck....i might waste it on partying, though, one of my friends is getting a limo to go to the hamptons next week, i cant wait
  9. me and my bf bought a vaporizer in the village for like $75.....it was a total waste....the smoke tasted like plastic, totally disgusting, and all that we did was burn a lot of perfectly good hydro...maybe we just got a bum vaporizer, but the experience kinda soured me on them lol
  10. i might check out avalon....whats the black and blue ball at WH? Is there going to be any good talent there?
  11. dude thats like some exorcist shizat....was she catholic??? If I were a dude, I'd totally be running out of there...
  12. Well, the first time that I had a bad reaction to it, I was smoking J's, which I don't usually do...I usually only smoke bowls....so maybe that could have been it....but last night, it was bowls, with the same stuff....but then again, my eye wasn't as bad as it was the first time, its totally down now...its weird....I actually just called the other dealer so I can do an experiment with the good stuff lol...and i bought like six packets of benadryl so if anything goes wrong, hopefully it will be better by tomorrow morning for work...im realllyyyyy hoping that it was just this one kid's crappy weed or that will be me lol
  13. thats what im hoping....is that possible? has anyone heard of ppl being allergic to a particular type of weed? Esp two people? Maybe there was something weird in the weed...
  14. lol dude i totally wasnt high, i woke up the next morning and could barely open my eye....it was seriously bad....if i can never smoke weed again, im going to be pissed lol
  15. I'm off this Fri and Sat, so I want to find an awesome party going on....a big club, somewhere that I know is a guaranteed good time. I'm sick of going to these obscure parties where like six people show up and it's not that much fun. There's only like only like one party advertised for this fri...what the hell?? Does anyone have any good ideas?
  16. Okay, I have two weed dealers. One only has the best, exotic shiiiit, and it's absolutely incredible. However, he doesn't have a car, so every time I order from him, I have to order two because the kid is taking the train all the way to meet me. The other kid drives this flashy bmw and is always in the neighborhood, so he's really convenient. His weed isn't as good as the other dealer's, but it's not terrible, either. On Friday night, I ordered from this kid, and me and my boyfriend smoked our brains out and passed out. Funness. On Saturday, I woke up and my right eyelid was totally swollen. I was freaking out and about to go to the emergency room, but a friend who is in med school told me that it's probably just an allergic reaction and advised me to take advil and benedryl. I did, and it went down by the next day. I was thinking about what I could have possibly eaten that would have caused such an adverse reaction...artichokes, blueberry cereal bars?? I went back to work yesterday and I was off today, so after an exhausting day, me and my bf ordered from the bmw kid again. Uusally, weed makes me better, rather than sicker. Well, we were smoking and all of a sudden, we looked at each other, and our eyes were starting to get swollen. We immediately stopped smoking and took some benadryls and went to sleep, and we woke up feeling relatively better. So what the fuck. Am I allergic to fucking weed?!?!?! After all this time, am I starting to get allergic to it?? Or do you think that it's just this kid's weed? What's going on? Will I ever be able to smoke again?? This fucking sucks arse....
  17. I'm so bored I that I wish I had some heroin....
  18. I can't go tonight, but I'd like to live vicariously through all of the CPers....please post reveiws!!!
  19. well, thats not really an option when the only music that was playing was horrible 80's and the fucking whisper song by the ying yang twins....
  20. Well I just got back from Webster Hall...I cannot possibly reiterate how much this place sucked. It was absolutely horrible. We got there around eleven, and there was supposed to be an open bar for ladies. Well, it was enclosed in one room and the guys weren't allowed in, so i had to drink my free drinks by myself. Funness. Then, we went up stairs to see what the techno room was like. There was a guard in front saying that we couldnt go in until twelve. We said okay and we went back down and came up around twelve fifteen....then the guard says that we have to wait another half hour. At one o clock, the bouncer says forty more minutes and gives us attitude bc thurs was free to get in. Finally, the techno room opened at like one thirty, so we went in, desperate to be rid of the hip hop loving jersey kids that were populating the place...only to hear fucking usher. They made it into another hip hop room. So, there was no techno room. Needless to say, try as we might, my boyfriend and I found the place to be completely and totally dry....nobody had pills or any drugs or anything. I didn't even see any overly drunk people there. Everyone was sober. It was sooooooo incredibly boring. We went with my boyfriend's friend who was hooking up with some girl and we had to wait for him to leave since he drove us, and the music was mind numbingly horrible...i didnt have much to start with, but i have since lost all respect for vick latino. ugh. Every song that they played was at least nine years old. What a horrible, horrible place with a horrible, horrible crowd. I am never, ever, EVER going there again....and if you'd like to be treated with any respect, i wouldnt reccomend going either i were you...
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