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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. ...

    kevin i dont think he wants a reg 4-door car i think thats y he was thinkin of the magnum, more spacious.....

    Why does he need a car / truck that's so big? Does he have a lot of stuff or equipment that he needs to drive around with?? Does he drive around with lot of people? It just seems odd that he needs all this space if you're the only one he's driving around...

  2. About the red sox and yankees being buffet and gates, we are not in the same neighborhood. The sox and dodgers or angels are in the same area, the yanks are not.

    Just like Buffett isn't on the same level money-wise as Gates...

    My point in saying that is that there are about 25 other MLB teams that don't have much pity for the Sox complaining about the Yanks payroll because theirs isn't even on the same level as yours...

  3. I really loved the atmospheric stuff he was playing early on. It was definitely uneven at times. This was the type of night where he played some incredible tracks but I wasn't crazy about the set as a whole. My only major problem with the set was that he brought it up & down too many times. It was almost like a trance set in that regard. Usually it's just a very slow, smooth cresendo which I tend to prefer in Digweed sets. Desyn did a nice job opening. There were some tracks that I wasn't crazy about but the man has talent and knows how to build a set. The place was packed but it was a better quality crowd than what you usually get at Crobar. I would say that most were there for the music. Overall I had a good time. Hopefully he'll be around again before the year is out...

  4. So who do you like this year in the NFL. Super Bowl picks, wild cards, sleepers, disappointments, etc...

    I don't see how the Pats can't be considered the favorites to go all the way again. No team is better balanced or better coached. I think the only 2 things that could derail them would be injuries or complacency... They say the hardest games to play in the NFL are the 16 games of the regular season after winning the super bowl... We shall see.

  5. you are not smart huh?

    I rivalry has alot more to do then balenced games.


    http://www.sportspickle.com/features/2004-0707-yankees.html :funny:

    If you want to call this a "rivalry" be my guest... Whatever helps you sleep at night...

    The last time the red sox one an important game against the yanks was 95 when we won the east.

    Wow... so we're coming up on the 10 year anniversery of this momentous occasion... Have you made any plans to celebrate?? :rolleyes:

    Perdo is 1-0 with a 1.93 era this year against the yanks. The last three years he has a 3.03 era and 121 so in 88 innings. And those were not even his best years.

    I'm going to be lazy and assume Pedro's numbers against the Yankees that you posted are correct. You are right, those numbers appear good on the surface. However, lets forget about the ERA, K's, WHIP's, etc because the only people that benefit from those are fantasy baseball owners. At the core, Pedro is only 9-8 against us. So despite those shiny numbers, your best pitcher is only slightly above .500 against the Yankees. If he even won 1 game in last years series, we could be speaking about the Red Sox as defending WS champs. You pay this guy 17 million to win these type of games. The fact that he didn't is pretty disconcerting. Wakefield has pitched great against us the last 2 years or so, but if that knuckler is off he will get lit up like a christmas tree.

    I do not worry about wake and arroyo against you guys they alway pitch well(-minus one gofer ball to boone).

    What about Lowe?? Make fun of Esteban all you want buy Lowe has been just as bad. In a contract year nonetheless....

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