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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. OK... After much discussion here is the meet-up info:

    1am in the back right hand corner of the club... For those who don't know where that is all you have to do is go through the tunnel that looks like a subway and make a right. We're doing it at 1 because we're thinking Diggers will be on around 2...

    Hope to meet you there.... :pint:

  2. did I say that?

    I said you were anything but, I never said myself or max are the definition of.......

    oh, and I still stand behind my implimented comment as the entire Yankee organization being bullshit....

    fuck the Yankees

    You didn't have to say it...

    By making that comment it's implied...

  3. its amazing how you yanks fans (ie kfritz and bmbomb) keep getting aggresive and straying from being objective every single post including the Yankees. I stated why people hate the Yankees and you guys get all tissy, if you guys dont like the truth, dont ask the question...try stepping back and being something called reasonable

    Oh and I suppose Max and yourself are the very definition of objectivity & reason... :rolleyes:

  4. I remember one time picking up my car from the mechanic. While I was paying for it I overheard the mechanic talking to a woman about her Kia. She was complaining about how her car had so many problems despite being so new. He just told her that "Kia's are the kind of cars you wipe your ass on..."


  5. Techno & house are by far my favorite sounds. I haven't seen a trance DJ in over 2 years. To me the big problem with Trance is that after the big names (PVD, Tiesto, AVB, Ferry, J00F etc) their really isn't much after that. Techno and House have tons of DJ's from the superstars, to the smaller names, to the local talent (which there is a ton of) I just don't see any local trance talent in this city besides Victor Dinare...

  6. the bullshit they spew was in reference to the fact that they are making major league baseball an absolute joke.


    MLB is making MLB a joke. Don't forget about the players union as well. Just like you said, there is nothing wrong with what the Yankees are doing. Are you trying to tell me at if Boston or Pittsburgh were the #1 media markets in the country and had the same revenue that they wouldn't be doing the same thing?? It just so happens that your biggest rival and the team you despise is that team. So either hope that MLB does something about it or quit crying and deal with it because it is what it is and crying isn't gonna change a damn thing...

    The Yankees are hardly the only ones who have tried to buy a championship. As a matter of fact it's when they started signing big time free agents again (Mussina, Giambi, etc) that's when they stopped winning. Sometimes it works (Marlins 1997), sometimes it don't. (Mets, Orioles, etc...)

    PS: I'd be much more sympathetic if you were Expos fan or a Devil Rays fan. Keep in mind that if the Yankees didn't exist your exact same arguements would be made against the Red Sox...

  7. I agree, many Yankee fans suck. It's a damn shame too, cause the ones that aren't assholes get lost in the mix. Oh well.

    When you have a team as successful as the Yankees people jump on the bandwagon. It's just the nature of the beast. How much lighter has the Laker bandwagon gotten from people jumping off. It was the same way with the Bulls. Now people are starting to get back on the Cowboy bandwagon... If the Pats win another super bowl this year watch how many people you'll see claiming to be Pats fans from the Steve Grogan era... :rolleyes:

  8. solid citizens????? lmao lmao lmao lmao

    Daryl Strawberry - Gets caught picking up a cop dressed as a transvestite while posessing coke

    Doc Gooden - Couldnt lay off the powder

    Jason Giambi - in the middle of the Balco scandal

    Wade Boggs - Domestic Abuse


    shall I keep going?

    and gay-Rod got his nickname when he got slapped like a bitch by Varitek and whined about it later

    And where does this "spewing" tie into any of this??

  9. yay!

    Kutekimee i know you're coming too, where are you on here??? :)

    we should all def plan a meetup... although usually when these things are planned i get a lil too drunk and completely lose track of the time!!

    anyway, how about 2ish? but someones gotta help me on where. I am usually by the front speakers but what is a good place?

    How about in that area to the right of the tunnel by the bathrooms??

  10. yea, i think :half:

    my bf knows about it more than me i just kno its in sept n we might be going for an extended weekend.....y r u going?

    No not this time. It's really not a rave. It's just a big festival that originated from Germany. The one in Germany is mainly Techno driven but I'm not sure if that's going to be the case with this one. Have they announced any line-ups yet?

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