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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. Fact - Sorry, I'm biased.. thats my team! I do think though that they can repeat since most of the team is coming back.....


    Fact or Fiction:

    Derek Jeter is the best player in baseball this year.....

    Fiction - I'm extremely biased but even I won't go that far... Mr. Rolen grabs that honor...

    Fact or Fiction?

    The Dolphins won't win more than 6 games this year.

  2. So Im trying to change my Avatar but im getting a message that pic has to be 50 x50 and the one I got is 100x100

    That's funny, a couple of weeks ago I was trying to help Rosa with her avatar and the exact same thing happened. I was even able to put her avatar on my acct full size but hers was limited to 50 x 50 for some reason... Maybe you can PM a mod??

  3. Fact: The season may start late, but I think there will be a season. If not, I may have to shoot myself...

    ~~~~~~~> Fact or Fiction:

    Kobe Bryant raped that chick in Colorado.

    Fiction... My gut feeling is that the girl just wants money...

    Fact or Fiction:

    Eli Manning will be QB'ing the Giants before the end of the season.

  4. Even if Contreras continues to pitch really well for the White Sox and Loaiza pitches the same the rest of the year, you can't say that it was a bad trade for the Yankees. The fact is that Contreras will never be a dominant pitcher in NY. He never could be trusted in a big spot (especially against the Red Sox), so comparing them is a moot point. The Yankees got Loaiza in the hopes that he can find his cutter. If he can't then the Yankees won't sign him and they'll take the money they saved on Contreras and put it towards a quality starter in the offseason...

  5. how was it? i heard behrouz was eh...but crowd was great?

    i was close to going, but went the dopey route and stayed home curled up with a book.

    I thought Behrouz was very solid. I was only there 3hrs or so but it was nice... I loved how his tracks flowed together. The crowd was great as well. Lots of dancing and people having fun. It was crowded enough to keep things interesting yet still find enough room to dance..

  6. The problem is they're just not used to the intenational game where ball control, pinpoint cuts and passes and a packed in zone is key. When someone drives the lane on them, their instinct is to help, just like in the NBA, and it'll leave the 3 open all day. I don't think they enough time to shake that habit.

    I was playing ball with some college players while I was in the UK and the style of play is soooo damn different - no one on one...people moving constantly and there are never any clear out plays...zone defense there is the toughest I've ever played against. It's no joke and it'll take a while to adapt. It's the same play that Princeton uses in the NCAA and you know how they give bigger programs fits!

    On top of that - it's kinda hard when a good majority of our team had very little college experience where they would've learned the fundamentals of zone defense and playing against motion offense.

    These are all very good points. The only thing I'd add is that the NBA did a very poor job picking this team. They picked a team full of stars instead of picking players that would be best suited to playing this type of ball. Even if they weren't stars. They even could have sent the Pistons and they would have been much better off... (I know that would never fly because that would put the Pistons at a disadvantage during the regular season)

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