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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. hmmm when do the parties usually start and end?

    wow a month! nice.....when in 2005? im thinking of going in jan-feb...

    Nothing really happens in the winter. Prime season is May - September....

  2. I went 2 years ago... I hear the best times to go are for the opening and closing parties. Anytime in July or August should be fine... Feel free to PM me is you have more specific questions...

  3. Just the way Randy Johnson is handling this whole matter makes him look like an immature baby when he is a 40 year old professional athlete.

    He is stating that he will only accept a trade to the Yankees....which is not the sad part, the sad part is whats involved and Randy Johnson's refusal to cooperate. The Yankees dont have the farm talent to give to the D-Backs and are unwilling to make an equal trade minus cash considerations. Other teams like the Dodgers are willing to cough up enough to make the D-Backs a good offer, but Randy is acting like a self-centered jerk and rejecting it.

    This reminds me of how Griffey handled himself a few years back demanding that he be traded to Cincy. Cincy was offering garbage but Griffey kept pouting and stomping on the ground both feet at the same time until the Reds gave the Mariners Mike Cameron and Brett Tomko. That was the start of Griffey's downfall....

    It just goes to show how self-centered and pompous our heroes of sports have become thanks to the wonderful "no trade" clause.

    Supposedly the Angels can satisfy Arizona's demands. I've heard that if push comes to shove he'll go to the Angels because his desire to get out of Arizona is greater than his desire to pitch for the Yankees...

  4. I know with footbal you really can not rate teams but i will try

    1 being easy

    5 hard

    Date Opponent Result

    Sept. 9 Indianapolis 3 at home we own them

    Sept. 19 at Arizona 2 not a one because i think first home game and heat

    Sept. 26 Open Date 1

    Oct. 3 at Buffalo 2

    Oct. 10 Miami 2

    Oct. 17 Seattle 3 at home

    Oct. 24 New York Jets 3

    Oct. 31 at Pittsburgh . 2

    Nov. 7 at St. Louis 3

    Nov. 14 Buffalo 3

    Nov. 22 at Kansas City . 4 toughest game so far

    Nov. 28 Baltimore 3

    Dec. 5 at Cleveland 2

    Dec. 12 Cincinnati 1 rookie QB's always struggle

    Dec. 20 at Miami 2

    Dec. 26 at New York Jets 3

    Jan. 2 San Francisco 1

    Really not that bad of a schedule.

    That's not really the point. New England won the Super Bowl so you have to say they are the best. Being the best has a price though. All these teams that you rate 1 and 2 are gonna play the Pats like it's their Super Bowl. The Pats have a target on their backs. That's part of being a champion. Every team that plays the Pats has that game circled on their schedules. It goes beyond just rating how hard or easy games may be. That's why it's so hard to repeat in the NFL. I'm not even taking injuries into consideration...

  5. True, but if it weren't for her tennis career, she wouldn't even make it into a Sears catalogue.

    Yeah, but she can work this craftsman anytime she wants... :pint:

  6. bingo! she is hot because she can actually do something besides take a picture. (but she's still not all that!)

    That's a little bit of a stretch. Her tennis career is a joke. That being said, i do think she's hot, which is unusual for me considering I'm not that into blondes...

  7. The Giants are not making the playoffs... The only position they really upgraded is QB... However, Warner is made of glass and if he gets hurt Manning won't be able to help right away... I think the Jets have a good shot of making the playoffs as long as Pennington stays healthy. The key as usual will be not starting off 1-5 like they always do at the start. The Pats are good but they are no lock considering Super Bowl teams typically struggle the year after they win. Remember they have to play a first place schedule this year so that makes it a lot harder....

  8. I was thinking that what happened to the dolphins, and what happened to almost every NFL player is the same.

    Eddie george pretty much got let go, even though he had a contract. Ricky let the dolphins "go" even though they had a contract. I guess the timing could of been better. The NFL is really hippocritical when it comes to shit like this, the players always get fucked. Unlike baseball or NBA when the teams mostly get fucked. I guess with the nfl there is the signing bonus which is real money.

    Just food for thought.

    The timing was awful but other than that I really have no problem with what he did... If you have a job and you don't like it anymore you quit... simple as that! Take the money and run!! Would you rather spend the prime years of your life getting punished on the gridiron for 16 weeks a year or eat lobster on the beach with a model on each arm??

  9. I agree generally with the "be yourself" philosophy, meaning that you have to trust your instincts and go with the flow. You must adapt to her vibe.

    However, there's a limit on that -- I mean, you're not going to fully "be yourself", meaning that you're not going to just completely let your guard down and start talking about the new rash that you have and your ex girlfriends and your dead dog. You have to select carefully what aspects of "yourself" you're going to present to her, and when you present them. In other words, of course he shouldn't fake it, but "be yourself" is pretty vague advice. There's definitely some artfulness to the whole thing.


    Basically you got to ask yourself if what's about to come out of your mouth is going to help your cause or hurt it...

  10. a) where do i take her to eat? (how much money do i spend. ?)

    B) do i back off now and dont be as romantic and let her make the move now?


    A) Have you guys talked about food and what she likes to eat?? If not I would take her someplace that you've been that you like. I would try not to go anywhere where the cuisine is too exotic because she might be a finicky eater... As far as spending money is concerned I'll say this. Most guys try to make a big first impression by taking their dates to expensive restraunts and spending a ton of money. I wouldn't go that route. The thing you got to remember is that this is only your second date. You really don't know too much about this girl or if she will even be right for you. So why drain your wallet on someone you might not even be with a month from now. Once you're with her a year or so and you know she's right for you then you can spend a little more... Don't take this as me saying you should take her to McDonald's. I'm sure Miami has a few restraunts that won't cost you an arm and a leg...

    B) I agree with the people that say to be yourself. Keep the mood positive and light. Stay away from controversial topics like religion, politics, etc... Remember you're trying to learn as much as possible about her so ask a lot of open ended questions... Listen to what she's telling you and look her in the eye...

  11. unless you are smart like the pats. two in three years and have to be the fav going in this year.

    The Pats are good, but I think that's more of a product of their coach rather than their players. What I meant to say is that if you wanted to beat a team like the Cowboys or 49ers in their prime you had to be either a damn good team also or extremely lucky to do it. During those times there were very few teams that even had a shot to beat them (and it had nothing to do with money). Today more than 50% of the NFL is capable of beating the Pats. The margin for error from being a good team to a bad team is very small...

  12. On a side note randy johnson will look 10 feet tall in pinstripes

    You do know you can use that quote button right?? ;)

    To be honest, I don't think we're getting the Unit. We just don't have anything they would want in return except cash. I think baseball would step in on an all cash deal...

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