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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. The player's union is killing (if not already killed) the league. I really am tired of seing the same 6 teams in the playoffs each and every year including the Red Sox. Its just not fair and not right. When it comes to playoff time, nothing beats football where there are all sorts of longshots making the playoffs and two completely different teams making the superbowl every year. Baseball, its always Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, Braves, Giants, etc.

    Its so boring.

    Every team and every dynasty needs their ups and downs, makes you appreciate the good times more. With this market though, this trend is going to continue with the big market teams making the playoffs every year and will never cease.

    It's really a catch 22. In football it's really cool to see a team come out of nowhere and compete. It creates excitement for the fans and gives them hope. That comes at a price however. The players on those championship teams literally price themselves out of town because teams need the capspace to resign the franchise QB or RB... Another consequence is that the championship teams themselves are greatly flawed. The days of unstoppable dynasties like the 49ers & Cowboys are over. In Baseball certain players do have the opportunity to spend their entire careers with one team. But those opportunities are pretty much granted to the top 10 teams in the league. Baseball needs a cap, no doubt about that. In addition to a max cap there should also be a minimum cap to make sure owners try and put a decent product on the field...

  2. One book I would recommend is The Market Is Always Right: by Thomas A McCafferty. I like this book because it is deals with the psychology of trading (emotions). It also gives a brief overview of Technical & Fundamental analysis which is always good to learn.

  3. OH I MUST OF MISREAD SOMETHING ABOUT THE YES NETWORK I THOUGHT PEOPLE GOT SCREWED OUT OF GAMES. fuckin caps lock. I read something like people in queens could not watch or something.

    That was a dispute between Cablevision and YES. James Dolan is the CEO of Cablevision which owns MSG. (The network the Yanks used to be on) Once George decided to leave MSG and form his own Network Dolan sued to try and prevent it and lost. Then I believe he tried to make YES a chanel you paid for (Like HBO) and George wouldn't go for it because he negotiated YES to part of a basic cable package with all the other cable companies. So they reached an impasse for a while so YES wasn't on Cablevision for a bit. A couple of months later Dolan crumpled under public pressuer and gave in...

  4. bla bla bla

    Great if they did i would still not watch baseball. I am not a yankee hater like some other people on this board. I am a pretty straight shooter and tell things the way i see them. I do not care if it is the yankees or the brewers if anyones payroll almost doubles the next closest team I am done with baseball.

    It is not funny in the least.

    And we do have our own network, but they do not suck the blood out of the customers like the yes network. They do make you pay right, if they do not scratch that last comment



    So you mean to tell me that if the Yanks get Johnson but the Sox make the playoffs, beat the Yankees, and go on to win the series, you wouldn't be up all night watching every game?? Yeah right.... you'd be flipping cars and looting on Lansdowne St. with everyone else....

    FYI: We don't pay for the YES Network. It's basic cable...

  5. This is hysterical...

    If Boston was the media capital of the world and had their own network, they would do the exact same thing... So would Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Tampa Bay etc... Don't blame the Yankees for the state of baseball. Blame MLB and the players association for the current enviorment. I think it would be a bigger problem for MLB and their fans if the Yankees had a $20 million payroll and George just pocketed all the cash...

  6. i was just down there on my lunch br8k n i didnt c it

    I used to work at 110 Wall St.(By the water) and this is how I would get there:

    1) Wall St. to Water St.

    2) Make right on Water St and walk to Maiden Lane

    3) Make left on Maiden lane walk 1 block, cross the street and make a right.

    4) Sophies should be about halfway up that block maybe less...

    I recommend the shreded beef. Make sure you get plenty of that green sauce to go with it...

  7. throw away the books and learn to control your emotions..........that's 90% of trading.....

    This is correct...

    If you're the type who gets angry easily or makes rash decisions when they are angry or under duress then you might want to try something else.

  8. Possibly as a career...But I don't want to work for a firm...I've got a shitload of money saved and I've been looking into doing this on my own for quite a while from my home office...

    I know of a few books that should be good. I don't know the name of them off the top of my head but I'll pm you when I get home from work...

  9. Is anyone here a day trader? Any advice on how to learn and get into it..

    I've got a decent financial background, but I am looking for some solid advice from anyone whos into it...Any books you would recommend?

    Are you looking into it as a career?? Would you want to trade your capital or the firms capital??

  10. I just don't agree.

    Even if they have long legs and a nice back, how on earth can you see past a beer roll gut that hangs over their pants.


    Chances are if they have the long legs & nice back they won't have the beer gut...

  11. Question is...what reported story are you getting this from? The Post? The News? Times?

    Look, jtk mentioned something I forgot about. Millar got plunked after having an outstanding series and took his beanball like a gentlemen. He ran over to first base and didnt say a word. Thats class. Thats sportsmanship. Better than a $25 mil a year brat whining cause he got hit with a changeup.


  12. You weren't there to see it, it's much different when you're 50ft away from it and in the whole atmosphere of it all. A-Rod was pointing and cussing, and was walking extremely slow. He could have mouthed off and just walked to 1st, but he didn't, instead he decided to stagger around and keep talking, everyone in the crowd pretty much expected a fight at that point. His body language said it all, he wasn't interested in just walking to first.

    Comparing football and baseball is pretty dumb anyway... with your mentality I guess tennis players should beat the hell out of each other when they get hit by the ball.

    Also, getting beaned is part of the game, so you DO take it whether you like it or not... if you can't handle getting hit or can't control your temper, then don't play the game. Imagine what the quality of the game would be like if batters always yelled "fuck you asshole" to the pitcher everytime they got hit... you're not supposed to enjoy it, that's why you get the free walk, so just shut up and take it.

    Nothing personal, but I'll take the reported story over that of a biased Red Sox Fan...

    As for the beanings, what you say works well in theory but be both know that the reality is completely different. If beanings are part of the game then bench clearing brawls are part of it as well...

    It's obvious that we both have strong opinions and are not going to budge, so I'm going to stop at this point. So in parting, it was a fun series as always. Hopefully you guys can build off this and we can do this again when it means a little more...

  13. Then A-Rod started walking slightly towards Arroyo, NOT the base,

    This is what you said. You've already read how it actually happened. There is a big difference. If A-Rod walks toward the mound then Varitek is just protecting his pitcher and is justified by his actions. However, A-Rod did not walk toward the mound. He thought he got hit intentionally and was pissed. He gave Arroyo a piece of his mind and was on his way to first. It was THEN when Varitek mouthed off to him. You're trying to change the facts to make it look like it's A-Rod's fault.

    wrong again? when i was wrong before, or even in this case? he didn't charge the mound, but he was off the line going to 1st base, any time a batter starts mouthing off it creates unnecessary tension... you just don't do it in NY-Sox game unless you want to start shit. If someone says fuck you asshole to your teammate, you'd say something back too... trash talk is a part of sports, they just took it too far. 3 batters were hit yesterday, did they say anything? Nope, and the game went on. Unless you get hit in the head, spine, or neck, just shut up and walk to the base... I don't know anyone who's played baseball that hasn't been hit by the ball, it happens, and whether its intentional or not doesn't matter as long as you're not hurt. Not directing it at just A-Rod either...

    Just because getting beaned (intentionally or not) is a part of the game it doesn't mean you have to like it or just take it and walk to first. How many offensive lineman get chopped blocked every game in the NFL?? How many quarterbacks get knocked into next week by a linebacker coming in late?? You don't see them just take it and neither should A-Rod if he felt it was intentional. The fact that he didn't get hurt is inconsequential... The difference between getting hit in the back and the head is a split second...

  14. People get hit in baseball, STFU and go to your base... I was about 20 rows up and saw it all go down. A-Rod yelled "fuck you asshole" to Arroyo, Arroyo then grabbed his package and said right here. Then A-Rod started walking slightly towards Arroyo, NOT the base, then the shit with Varitek happened... I can understand getting angry when someone hits you in the head/helmet, in any other case though just deal with the pain for a minute and play the game.

    Wrong again...


    On Saturday, Rodriguez reached on Bronson Arroyo's error in the second inning. He came up again in the third, and Arroyo plunked him.

    Rodriguez moved slowly toward first base while glowering at Arroyo, and when Varitek stepped between them tempers flared

    So once again, A-Rod thought he got hit intentionally. He didn't charge the mound. All he wanted to do was say his piece and go to first. He was walking towards FIRST when Varitek mouthed off. So if Varitek keeps his mouth shut none of this happens...

  15. "

    first arroyo is lucky if he could throw 90 mph second it was a change up third arod is new so what does he know about bad blood. Nomar was plunked friday night so maybe it was a little payback maybe not. Just take your base its part of the game.

    Who cares what kind of pitch it was or how fast he threw it?? The fact is that he got hit with the pitch and felt it was more than an accident. It's not like A-Rod was charging the mound or anything. He just wanted to say his piece and get to first. He was on his way there till Varitek opened his mouth...

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