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Posts posted by millie19

  1. Haha, that was beautiful! Rofl! Just returned to the board after days, got exams to revise for at the mo, hence my disappearance. Am scrolling thru' messages in reverse date order... see if anyone truly wants to see my nekked pics! Haha! Yes, I'm a girl! LOL

  2. Originally posted by FlipsSOE

    about a month and a half ago i was willing to show. but the people spoke, and no one was really interested in seeing it. no harm done, no feelings hurt. but now i'm hanging out with someone, and out of respect for her, i don't feel it would be right to show my stuff on a public board. i was willing to at the time in hopes that a visual of it would land me some dates, but i had no takers. oh well. check back with me in a few months. :hat:

    Ah, okay. Nice excuse! I agree, if you're with someone, it's her property right now. But will check back with you! Can't wait... ;)

  3. Over my past week as a newbie on the messageboard, I've noticed a distinct lack of male faces & cocks, Victor Webster and Tired aside. This has been a real disappointment, and if this trend continues, gotta find a site more orientated to female satisfaction!

    So in this thread for a change:

    Show your cock or shut the fuck up (STFU)!


  4. Pointless thread, I know.

    But due to the content, the large amount of top-naked women on the messageboard, where do people view these pages?

    On your own/with mates in the office?

    At home in the privacy of your own bedroom?

    At college alone/with mates?

    Whole family sat in front of the computer screen?

    Does anyone ever ask girl users why they are scrolling through vast pictures of naked women?

  5. High maintenance girl you got there!

    You say guys are cool not calling their girls for a few days, whereas girls need a bit of regular loving.

    It seems someone who's really interested and misses his girl enough will eventually get round to calling, if the girl just waits a bit. Guys do the phoning in dating.

    To see if this was true, I tried the tactic of waiting for his call, but he never phoned... Before you call me a sad case, I stood the test of time, and waited, and waited... in the end, I called, and I think he was actually relieved, and wanted me to call more often, because he had no phone credit and show my interest.

    Which goes to show, some guys are lazy bastards, and you have to just use your own good judgement sometimes. Now I just think, wait for a man to call you, and if the call never comes, time to check out other fish in the sea.

  6. Guy I was with preferred silky smooth, hairless. So I tried, and failed abysmally.

    Options & Problems (does anyone know how to overcome

    these?) - the details I'm putting have a high groce factor

    - Clean razor/Epilator + moisturiser - pubes grow back immediately, and irritate the skin - does anyone else get that?

    - Home Wax - just painful, icky, and doesn't work

    - Brazilian Wax - expensive and embarrassing, probably the best way

    - Depilatory creams - they don't seem right for this sensitive area, apparently cause stinging/rash :(

    What have people tried that works?

    Do guys really care?

  7. You know what, "The Rules" do say play hard to get, and be a super-bitch. But I always thought, be yourself, and if you're in love, enjoy being in love (and obsessive! And nice!) Lol. It didn't work for me, though.

    I guess men used to hunt and gather in our days of early human evolution, so keeping the thrill of the chase is sometimes said to be a sure way to keep a man. Do at least give your half to a relationship; no more, no less. But too cold is disinterested, and probably won't keep a boyfriend!

  8. Get back with your ex? Hmm, difficult one.

    The fact that you've shared so many things over a long period might make it easier for you to sleep with them on a one-off occasion, if you're both still not with someone new. Or even if you are with other people, more time invested together = more comfy, less self-conscious intimacy. Probably the best type there is!

    I learnt a lot from my mistakes. I wish I hadn't made so many! But if he was willing to take me back, as the new person I am, having learnt from our experience and the time after, I would go for it! Life is too short to cut people out of your life for good. Take things as they come :) But this time I'm going for more than just a pretty boy! :P

    Guys once they have made a decision to dump a girl, probably experience a little guilt but then just get over it. Although when a girl has been dumped by someone, the regrets, anger, bereavement, self-blame, and lowest of the low self-esteem that follows after true love is just too great to forgive. For me it is. I went through hell in trying to forget him, and did a lot of stupid things because I felt like shit.

    So then again, someone who broke my heart & even unwittingly made me feel like the most worthless thing on Earth probably isn't worth the effort. It doesn't look good for a girl to chase after a guy who dumped her, and most girls are hot property once they regain that lost confidence, and go for a guy does care for them. Instead of going back to someone who didn't care enough to try and keep you and the relationship going.

    Thought about relationships a while. And figured that ending one is the "easy way out" for most people. In most cases, taking the effort to change old ways and work at a relationship is too much hassle unless you're truly in love. If one person couldn't make that minor effort, maybe they simply don't love you, and you gotta get over it.

  9. The deal with fake boobs is that I've been told to get implants by an anonymous person on the board. Yeah, tell me what the deal is with that, huh huh HUH?

  10. Hey, that photo is of me! Can you stop posting it everywhere NMN!!! I took it with my cheap little camera phone. And there are no blooming implants anywhere in me. Oh dear.

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