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Everything posted by clintron

  1. ...Thanks for the visual...but I dont like to follow by example...
  2. Michale moore is the man.... there should be other people out in this world exposing thesess rat bastards..
  3. wow you gotta love this... Fucking Bush is a Deush.... but you know who the even bigger deuches are, are the teachers back north... prodinately in Jersey that plead for their students to vote for Nader... thus defeating themselves causing Bush to get re-elected... you will see. The people already know they are not voting for Bushy and Nader is going to fuck Kerry but yet the key in this possible "love triangle" is that Bush will be fucking us all again for another 4 years.. so get ready to take it all in.....
  4. "Welcome to the party, Pal!" (Die Hard)
  5. ok, that didn't work.... are you sure you know how to do this?
  6. clintron

    photo post?????

    hey guys, how do you put photo in your sign. without it being downloaded.... i can never get it to jut appear... i guess i am not a professional... now please make me no longer "a stranger to the way of the woman" (Garth Algar- Waynes World)
  7. yo i always had these stupid girl i knew from back in PA always chop my nuts every weekend... I swear that it was their goal to find me at the bar and hop my nut all the hell.... "Oh you know Clint, he's like my little brother...etc...." but nothing beats the time where my own damn brother chops me and says "Yeah, well you dont have to live with him...." Those rat bastards!!!!
  8. clintron


  9. clintron


  10. clintron


  11. clintron


  12. clintron


  13. clintron


  14. clintron


  15. clintron


  16. Yo guys, lets hear em' What was the most amazing cock block stories that has happened to you from both guys and girls.... And dont forget, Dave Chappelle offers great moments in hook up history for us to learn from so we can successfully adapt to the situation.... hehe Clint
  17. yo happy birthday and definately take advantage of those serisou tataz!!!
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