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Everything posted by pizzazz

  1. Has anyone ever had sex right after a meal? I just want to know if its safe and doesn't cause any cramps because of food digestion...In gym class in school, I used to hear that you should wait at least 1 hr after a solid meal to exercise. I wonder if that holds true for sex, since its like exercise???
  2. Well I was there and saw tht they were giving away free copies of BPM magazine....I took a couple....I think that's what he's lookin at.....Cool mag...great event and nice pics max3
  3. If All politicians lie most of the time...why are we debatin and makin our decisions on lies...it seems like is alla big gamble to me...and i guess its more sensible to have a wait and see attitude, and judge people on their record of actions...after all anybody can say positve things to convince u to vote for them, but are they GONNA follow though once elected??? and the president doesn't make all his decisions by himself, hes has his entire ADM, speechwriters etc that advises him on the best actions they feel he could take....So in this sense the prez takes the role of a puppet....things to think about....
  5. this situation is just insane...thats why u have republican guys kickin undercover democrat girls in thier heads at RNC's after their is an all out brawl, when they were found out to be posing as repubs to get in to protest in the convention...And it was caught on tape, and when the guy was interviewed on camera, he flat out denied it...That SUX!!!
  6. BTW..Do they accept credit cards at the door at CPark?
  7. my thoughts EGGZAKLEE!!!!!as I read that post...
  8. the werld is commin to an end dude:cry:
  9. HHHMMMM ..IC:smile2: So are u GUYS GAY? And do u have to be gay to get the card? Hope not...Well thanks...might get one just to go check the club out 4 the 1st time
  10. Well I only have $40 to my name at the moment...if u were me, would u spend it on Tiesto????
  11. I think u make a wrong choice to experience your clubbing debut...That clubs location, I think is working against it....
  12. I was passing by a club on 20th 6th ave two sundays ago one eve, and was curious to find out what type of crowd and cover this club has... well a staff told me the crowd was eclectic, and that cover was 15.00, but if I come B4 11pm and have a John Blair card I could get in free...So who is this John Blair and how do I get one of those Cards????
  13. IVAn as other hurricanes was NO JOKE!!!!!
  14. One of the worst if not THEEEEE worst summer I ever had
  15. i thought they closed down....people don't seem to be into the scene in WP
  16. We are growing and fluttering to new horizons.....
  17. those bastards at Clear Channel are monopolizing the air waaves... Down with Big Brother!!!!!
  18. REPUBS seems to have such a naive bandwagon type mentality.....
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