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Everything posted by outofthebox

  1. Yeah but don't you see the hypocrisy. His own forefather include your quoted words... "It is not about me being better than you or you being better than me" That's Mr. Freeze's M.O.
  2. I hear you. I also feel you may enjoy yourself if you can look past the things that are bothering you. A lot of the original people will come back and you may see familiar faces and old friends, even if commercialization rears its head.
  3. I'm curious, orfeo633. I understand your view of the whole issue surrounding VIP and cover and making money. And yes it's obviously impossible to replicate the exact same vibe and magic as the original. But is it not OK for the people involved to make painstaking efforts to create a "reunion" and treat it like a business? I'm pretty sure the original Utopia wasn't built on grants and donations. This is Las Vegas, heck it's the USA. Money talks and bullshit walks. If people want to sit upstairs and sip on expensive champagne, which helps fund events like this, does that really piss you off to the point you won't enjoy or even participate with it?
  4. Yes it was. I pointed out the Mr. Freeze probably didn't even recognize the forefathers from 20 to 30 years before his time. And of course you jumped right in with one of the most moronic statements I've seen... You can try to cover up and twist that ignorant statement but no matter what you say now, my point still stands. Freeze doesn't give respect to the TRUE forefathers of "his" culture and music and you think Mozart is to Zepplin as James Brown is to Hip-Hop. Idiot.
  5. 1. Obviously YOU don't care. 2. Amazing kid, making career moves in kindergarden. 3. ... according to you. 4. If the demand was equal, then there would be a line outside Tabu. 5. Ra Ra Ra Yap Yap Yap Widdle cry baby.
  6. Here are some facts not opinions. 1. Looser is spelled Loser. 2. You never graduated first grade. 3. Tabu has never brought more people on a Sunday all night than the "fake" hip-hop club on their slowest two hour Sunday start. 4. This message board encourages opinions, not just facts. This is what adults do.. discuss each other's opinions and facts. This is how adults grow and learn. 5. It is 2006, not 1982.
  7. *That* was my point by the way.
  8. Mix of house, hip-hop, top 40 and dance music. More house towards the later hours.
  9. You still don't get it do you? By Freeze's definition, most of today's hip-hop isn't real hip-hop. Back in the late 70's I can guarantee you some people who grew up with James Brown were thinking the new stuff back then wasn't real either. So are you saying we should respect people like Freeze and his djs, but he shouldn't give that same respect to artists like James Brown who helped develop soul and R&B when Mr. Freeze was sucking his thumb? The truth is that Hip-Hop didn't ORIGINATE in the late 70s. Music styles evolve. Cultures evolve. Don't act like you solely invented something when you used someone else's blocks to build it.
  10. Detn8or, you have just lost so much credibility among anyone reading this thread who knows the first thing about R&B and Hip-Hop music. If you honestly believe James Brown is to Hip-Hop as Mozart is to Led Zeppelin, then you need to quit while youre behind. I believe your last post and Mr. Freeze's last post just proved my point more than I could ever prove it on my own.
  11. Wow I was actually looking for a reason to RESPECT you. I was hoping you would mention someone like James Brown. To say there was nothing before Mr. Freeze and his list, displays a level of ignorance and arrogance beyond measure.
  12. It's a great night, and a bit less chaotic at the door than Saturdays and Tuesdays.
  13. My question is which forefathers do you respect from 20 to 30 years before your years doing your original thing. In other words, who do you respect from the 1950s and 1960s. You know, the forefathers who created the old school before your creations became old school.
  14. That's a great list but I'm talking about people from 20 to 30 years before you.
  15. Who are *your* forefathers. Who do you give respect?
  16. So I'm curious, do you think he's cool for which reason. 1. He never did steal anything as DJMW said all along. or 2. It's ok that he stole it because you and him are tight now.
  17. I don't have a problem with EDM and why is it that you can't just take a comment for what's it worth. You started this thread with a question. I answered it and then you get all bent out of shape because the answer wasn't what you wanted it to be! You're the one getting defensive. I just said that it will be challenging to build an EDM night Sunday through Thursday at Ice. If you can do it, then god bless. If you can't do it then you will join all the others who tried it but couldn't find enough support. I hope you can change the trend but in the meantime don't cry whenever someone gives you an honest answer instead of a stroke and an ass kissing.
  18. No, you're just doing what kids do in second grade (which Freeze wouldn't know about since he admitted dropping out of first grade, he should be so proud). Anybody who has followed this board for some time has seen that Freeze acts like a school yard bully, always pounding his own chest and acting like an arrogant know-it-all. The only reason he even began to develop a beef with DJMW is because DJMW stood up for DJ AM when Freeze was bashing him publicly. Supra has also acted that way, insulting DJ Create, DJMW, plus one of the DJs at Tangerine and countless others, but in her case she uses several different screen names to argue why other people don't perform to her standards. Yet, on her own myspace she features mixes that do not even beat match well, plus an original beat that repeates the exact same measure 120 times, and now an old school R&B mix that includes almost the exact radio hits (the old ones at least) that she has insulted DJMW for playing at OPM. So here you are, doing the school yard bully routine, trying to make yourself feel better by joining the bullies. Yes, you have even made comments to try to align yourself with them. It's childish, and almost laughable to see how you are trying to feel better about yourself. So one question. Why isn't Ice open Sunday through Thursday and do you know how many times they tried to promote one of those nights? I didn't say your DnB night sucked, nor did I say the other nights you mentioned were unsuccessful. I said it will be difficult to pack the house on a weekday.
  19. When you make posts like that, it reflects poorly on you, and it also means you do not respect the people who run this message board.
  20. Rain still brings in the masses, especially on Saturdays. It is forever imprinted in the minds of frat boys around the country, many of whom feel Pure is too "upscale" and "sophisticated."
  21. I knew you couldn't handle a position that doesn't just agree with you. Part of discussion is accepting the fact that 100 people can look at the same picture and see 100 different things in it. The problem with people like you is that you think if someone has a *different* view, then it's stupid. I didn't say a DnB night would never work, nor did I say that EDM wouldn't work on the WEEKENDS as you pointed out. What I said was that WEEKDAY promotions are extremely difficult to promote in this town unless the *new* sexy venue gets behind the night. This is a fact of life in Las Vegas and I would celebrate someone who could change that trend. Ice has never been able to do that consistently. Even a popular venue, Body English, hasn't dared to go after Mondays through Thursdays because those nights are locked up by the newer venues. This town is competitive and the locals are very reluctant to support "old" venues that try new weekday promotions. Like I said, it's Vegas, get over it.
  22. Actually his team has been putting in much more important efforts (yes the world doesn't just center around you) like helping get E-40/Keak-Da-Sneak's new single into MTV rotation last week and spreading the Hyphy movement across the country. OPM is still the only club in Las Vegas that supports the Bay Area (every Sunday night in fact) and now that Lil Jon is involved in producing some of the new Bay releases, it's going to run to the top in popularity. Funny how you brag about being on MTV, the ultimate cheerleader for all the Hip-Hop you hate on like Ying Yang, etc. Whatever, you keep spreading a negative message, and the rest of us will keep doing what we do to party with the masses.
  23. OK I'll bite. Nothing will consistently work at ICE on a weekday and every attempt to date has failed. Why? Because the very thing that VegasBabie and Freeze hate on, is the most appealing choice for the MAJORITY of Vegas Clubgoers... Mainstream Hip-Hop. People come to this town to have fun and listen to music they know already. The locals don't support any of the major clubs except the "hot" newest nights where people can show off their latest boobs, etc. All the successful major locals nights advertise "sexy" before "music quality." It's Vegas. Get over it.
  24. There's probably more than one guy.
  25. Yes it is. You know all about sneaky message board promos, right Bill Just playing.
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