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Everything posted by drdoom

  1. drdoom


    Do you think he could take on Kaydup? Instead of XYIENCE, D-Bol would probably sponsor the fight.
  2. drdoom


    I just realized that when GSP recovers and fights Serra, the BJJ training situation is going to be weird, as GSP's trainer is John Danaher, who got his black belt from Serra. Who's going to stand in who's corner?
  3. drdoom


    Cro cop is a fucking freak of nature. He made Bob Sapp his bitch. And the signature - I had no fucking clue Forrest was going down, yet alone that easily.
  4. Fair enough. However, I still don't see how I was "played". But under Casey Kasem. And I never tried to conceal myself being shehateme.
  5. drdoom


    You're right. I'm glad that Jackson is signed - hopefully he gets a shot at Liddell as that weight class could use some excitement. And to this day, I have no fucking clue how Arlovski lost twice to Sylvia.
  6. Wait … hold on a minute here. While I am not trying to play Grand Inquisitor or accuse you of lying, but you told me that you were in the dark to what had happened when you returned from your trip. And I also apologize for not informing you of my messageboard and chatroom accomplishments when you’re away on vacation. I promise to create a daily Excel file of all my flames and send it to you as an attachment. Regarding the length, I can waste my downtime at work anyway I want. I didn’t get on your case when you spent an entire summer creating alternate aim accounts and making prank phone calls in your cubicle to “maholelune†(sp?).
  7. Absolutely not. I never knew that backtracking was one of your few fortes. It's ok, I have a vivid picture. A few posts = a lot of effort? What can I say? You provide invaluable entertainment to me. Huh. That's strange, as that was my mantra as well. Quite hypocritical. And don’t worry about buying rounds for me – you should save your money as you’re moving soon into your first apartment. Congratulations on taking the initiative.
  8. The majority of front-office operations in finance are located in New York. Fact. The significant portion of back-office positions are based in Connecticut. Fact. You basically are a secretary for a failing chop-shop. Fact.
  9. I seriously can’t believe that you’re in denial. Be a fucking man and own up, I easily got under you skin. And how am I your muppet? Did you affect me in anyway? Of course not! Stop changing the story and quit the lying – everyone knew you got angry, no matter how many of your friends in your “bbq clique†you ask for support. People imed me to ask me to stop. I wish I still had the log, but you yourself asked me “why I enjoyed threatening youâ€. You suck at damage control wigger. Don’t pretend you were initially “playingâ€. Your hypocrisy shows no limits. And as for entertainment value, I think your wigger act definitely tops anything I can accomplish. Cheers.
  10. With all due respect, who the fuck are you to comment? You were in Napoli when this broke down, so before you jump in for your boy, get the facts straight. Again, I don’t understand how he “had†me? Like I said I knew right off the bat, he wasn’t coming. According to your logic, that would be like me saying that I’m going to wait for you outside of BDO and jump you. Your response would be similar to mine, as you would laugh it off and not take it seriously. I couldn’t give a shit what he did. So how did he “have†me? If I backed down or told him that I would be waiting for him, then I could agree with you. However, it’s definitely apparent from the transcript that it wasn’t the case.
  11. But you were . . . stop playing it off. I think we're cool, as long as you're okay with me thinking of you as a lowlife piece of shit.
  12. I knew he definitely wasn't going to Crobar, so why would I think he was coming to fight me? He definitely was angry, that's for sure. He's backtracking now.
  13. "yeah man but you really crossed the line with this shit talking about my family and my girl, etc..." Stopy lying, you never said that. I don't get how you "had" me. If you were going to come at me, I was more than willing to have a go. I didn't wait for you both nights.
  14. I don't get how he "had" me. I didn't get "shook" and went to work like it was any normal day. And the gf part was a different event. That was Deepspell at Sully, when he offered to send out his "girl and boys" on me. I knew all along he wasn't going to Crobar.
  15. Talk behind my back? Who the fuck do we know in common besides Ghost and Smokesum, and why do I give a shit to be accepted by your e-clique? Give it up, I got under your skin. I already knew that you were not coming out of Friday, so how could you possibly play me? I was encouraging you to come, so I could see you in person. When Deepspell was playing at Sully, you were afraid of me. Threatening to stick your boys and girlfriend on me like a real man. You said "no I don't fight fair". I can't believe you're that much of a coward to have your girlfriend fight your battles. Like it said on the log, I knew that you were posting this on CP and I'm more than willing to take you on anytime.
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