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Posts posted by Capo

  1. The $100 entry to Teatro sounds pretty nice from the description on another thread. It's where a guy can take his lady out, have some comp drinks and appetizers and ring in the New Year in a nice and cozy environment. You wouldn't get lost in the shuffle, and it seems like it's for the grown and sexy. Too bad I will be working that night.

  2. Never too long like I can get in 'without the guestlist' long?

    I am in on the Foundation Room.

    I can always take my peeps over to the Beach? :...:

    Sundays don't get "busy, busy" at Body English until almost 1:00am. If you got there at 11:30 you would be in with no problems. If you want to go the guestlist route, I know for a fact that the waitresses must bring in 15 people under their name on the guestlist for Sundays...so if you or someone knows one of the waitresses at BE, get your info to her so you can get in even faster. Guestlists last til 12:00 before the club hosts start playing games with patrons for more $$$$.

  3. What city do you live in? In Las Vegas, there are always crazy lines at the popular clubs. On New Year's weekend especially, there are crazy lines at most, if not all venues. On New Year's Eve, the Beach may even have a line of people waiting to get in.

    It is not true that independent VIP hosts have no pull at clubs on New Year's Eve. In some cases, depending on the venue, people will either have to buy tickets to get admission along with paying a host, or pay the host to take care of the full package. Tables are also available if the price is right. We do a good amount of business with Tao so they do give us more freedom than other venues, such as Pure, would give to us.

    I know for a fact that last year at Body English there was no line to get in. Anyone who had a ticket walked right in from the sidewalk (there was a red carpet walkway coming from outside the glass doors to the front doors of the club). The only time people waited was if the table line was building up.

    The independant host can put you in touch with a club host, or try to broker everything themselves. Either way, a patron will be paying for the admission to the club via a prepaid ticket. To make sure an independant host isn't adding their own "tax" or fee, it's best to call up the casino in advance and see how one can purchase the tickets themselves.

  4. Weds Jerome Thomas resigned as GM of RA. It marks the chsnge of a place that was one of the first nightclubs in vegas and up until memorial day, it was still one of best and busiest places in Vegas. Since then every piece of what made RA special has systematically removed. From the superstar dj's and pleasuredome and Warren Peace and Mr. B.O.B. Rumor is that Pure group will take over RA, so for me to say that RA is at its demise my be premature but i dont RA will never be the same.

    Ra was finished for good when Warren and BOB left. They brought the real hiphop energy to Vegas on a regular basis.

  5. Club Rubber left a while ago.

    Since then, Seven is sold and closed. "Replacement" = "Stage" on Fremont.

    LOL...wow, Club Rubber lasted all of 6 months, huh? Even funnier, a "show" trying to premiere at a location somewhere downtown. Downtown in Vegas is a cemetary for hotels and casinos of yesteryear.

  6. I too would be up for them dumping the cheesy wannabe name, and coming up with something new. The original Studio is a legend, and helped launch a new era of nightclubbing in America. The knockoff at the MGM, however, never had a chance to even begin to approach the lofty heights of the original. Don't harken back to yesteryear when you should be helping push the Las Vegas club scene forward. That's just my opinion.

    I totally agree with that. And adding to that, the main room looks cheesy as hell. The club needs a facelift both physically and administratively.

  7. We would like to give a piece of advice to those of you planning to use a VIP host to take care of your New Year's adventure. We suggest that you book your reservation far in advance to ensure that there will, in fact, be a host to meet you at the club that you wish to go. We are already fielding requests for New Year's Eve and it is not even Thanksgiving yet. If the host that you plan to use gets overwhelmed with parties, or stuck at another club due to the overabundance of people and traffic, you may be out of luck. Save the hassel and make reservations asap to have guaranteed VIP assistance.

    Independant hosts have NO PULL on NYE. Do you think Body English or Tao wants some leech coming up trying to sneak people in for a typical $20 tip to the club host?? There are tickets which are sold in advance for a reason. If anyone wants to go to the clubs, just go to the websites of the hotels and find out how to purchase the tickets with a credit card ahead of time. There are no crazy lines to be in with a prepaid ticket. There is no paparazzi to get in, because the people who should be in there already purchased a ticket.

  8. Sounds like Koval will end up being a second "strip", paralleling Vegas Blvd. in a few years. All those ghetto apts. are gonna be knocked over soon. And then the Hard Rock will have the entire block from Paradise down to the Koval area. Almost like a city downtown filled with top of the line resorts. Cannot wait!

  9. Most club hosts will make you pay through the nose for a table on NYE. And the independant hosts have NO PULL that night, no matter what they will tell you. You need to buy a ticket to get in the club, straight up, no exceptions. And if you want a table, the independant host can do nothing for you. Call the casino ahead of time and get in touch with a casino host.

  10. As we said before, we were entertaining the idea of introducing a Las Vegas show into one of our VIP packages. We will, in fact, be following through with this idea around March of 2006.

    This show, entitled Crazy Benny's, will be like no other that Las Vegas has ever seen, and will appeal to many different types of people, especially clubgoers. The general idea of the show is that the host, Crazy Benny, will bring up a number of volunteers from the audience and allow them to participate in all types of skits such as telling a dirty joke, or flashing the audience in exchange for a prize which can be anything from a pack of XXX rated movies, to a leather jacket, or a battery-powered scooter. In some cases, more than one audience member will be called on stage to have a competition between them to see who will get the larger prize, and who will get the "booby prize."

    Crazy Benny's will be opening up at the new club, The Stage, being constructed downtown by the owners of Seven.

    If anyone would like to give an opinion on a show of this nature, please make a comment.

    Seven cannot carry an event there to save itself. Everything that's been there the last 2 years has been a flop. Why don't they sell to someone so another hotel/casino can be built there? The owner would get rich off of that prime strip real estate.

    Has Club Rubber already shut down at Seven?

  11. I had no idea the restaurant inside Tao is part of the club. I see a "main room", which contains the dance floor...and I see the "lounge", which is downstairs. As I go downstairs from the main room to the lounge, I see the restaurant, which was empty last Thursday. I assumed it closes after dining hours are over and the main room and lounge are all that is open. I have only been there a couple times so I never paid much attention.

    Regardless, Tao is a major player in Vegas...it is #1 or #2 out here (with Body English) if you are being realistic, with Pure being #3 and Studio 54 not even a factor anymore.

  12. About 20 friends and I went to Studio 54 on Tuesday Nov 8 to celebrate a friend's bday. We all work in the industry. We reserved a table area and 3 bottles.

    First off I want to give props to DJ P. He is a very awesome DJ and he read the crowd nicely, mixed and timed very well. Ironically, with all the talk on this board about djs using technology, DJ P uses a digital echo/effects machine so I guess he cheats like the rest of us LOL! He also puts "cheat tape" on his vinyl to mark the cue spots (which is fine in my book but some would argue that a "real" vinyl dj doesn't do that either LOL)!

    The club was only half full at best and appeared to attract mostly 25 to 45 crowd, who looked like they were tourists.

    OK for the hustle part - and this is pretty despicable in my opinion. Our group tipped the waitress 30% of the bill by 2am and someone who claimed he was a manager went up to the birthday girl in our group and complained to her that we didn't tip the waitress enough yet! I don't have names yet, but that is pretty much a guaranteed way to alienate local industry bottle buyers if you ask me. It was probably the most obnoxious hustle I have ever experienced in this town. What's your thoughts on that?

    I hate people who complain to the manager about club staff, but this definitely warranted it. 30% is more than ample for a tip at a B level club on an "off" night. It's actually ample for Tao or BE on a Sat. night. I would get names and see what you can do to get them busted.

  13. Body English is the top spot on Sundays. Lines are never too long on a typical Sunday there, either. Mondays is pretty much Foundation Room or bust. The new club, Jet, will be competing for top-billing on Monday nights when they open.

  14. 54 definitely needs to step its game up. Back in 2001 it was considered one, if not THE, top club out here. Looks like after all the new megaclubs landed out here in the past year, 54 got a reality check that their shit really does stink. I hope they improve, as the MGM should have a megaclub of its own to compete with the rest.

  15. Capo, I never said that I was god, but as a VIP host in Las Vegas, I hear things that people who aren't in the scene wouldn't. Pure is not the largest venue in town. Pure is only 36,000 sq feet, which is a very impressive size, but Tao's total size including the restaurant and the nighclub levels is 44,000 sq feet. Just because Jet is owned by the Light group, doesn't mean that they will build another small venue.

    As we stated in a previous post, there is a trend going on in Las Vegas. That trend is that nightclub developers are beginning to build "super venues" that are enormous in size, that include multiple levels, and rooms that play different music to appeal to a greater audience.

    Let's take a moment to reflect on the popular venues in Las Vegas, and the hotels that they are located in. Before the Pure group built Tangerine inside of Treasure Island, what was the age range of people that frequented this resort? What was the age range of people that went to the Venetian before Tao was built? One would probably guess that they were in the age range of 35-60 years of age, on average.

    For those of you who haven't been to Tao these days, it is the newest up and coming venue on the Las Vegas strip. The line is always long, and tables are always full. Jet being located at the Mirage will have no impact on whether or not it will be full of people who are over 35. If a venue is strong, then they will have the power to pull in the younger people that we all like to see in nightclubs.

    On the other hand, if the owner has a reputation for being rude and disliked, this will impact the amount of customers that will frequent their club.

    Well, I've always had a strong hatred for Tangerine. I think it has already "jumped the shark" and will lose relevance in the Vegas club scene in the next 12 months...my opinion, nothing else.

    VIP hosts get their info from people who work inside the clubs, and I work inside a club. It's really not hard to get any info..usually press releases have everything in it.

    Well like someone stated above, Tao is 44,000 sq. ft. because of the restaurant...the restaurant has nothing to do with the club, so therefore it is not as big as Pure. But like I said before, that is the smart thing to do, because it looks just pitiful when Pure isn't busy. I don't have a hatred for Pure, I just know that it is #3 out here and these weird "awards" and "ratings" keep saying it is #1.

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