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Everything posted by marcblemberg

  1. Ask for me at the door when you come in so i can meet you.DJ-P goes on @ 1am Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  2. Oh look who's back its the yapping little cry baby Rah Rah Rah Rah... DJ P would never youse a computer. and the ones that use computers to mix with,good as long as there in a dj box were no one can see them...thats fine but it's not a real dj. Mr Freeze Rcok steady Crew
  3. I wouldn't get stupid with you because the way you speak is correct. Your always on point,for me to be disrespecful would be completely out of line,you speak with facts and that's great. And yes most of this goes on suday night. Just be cause an mc is charted on billboard doesn't make him an mc? It just means that the record sales are good. If (big daddy cane) (rakim)(Grand master caz) isn't charted on bill board does that mean there not mc's? If because there b, boy battles and a DJ mixing it live on the dance With old school b, Boy Video Playing, are your telling me that that's getto? Every Sunday night there's a B, boy and a B, Girl wreck session along with DJ p ripping it on the dance floor live.and we except an open battle to nay DJ... Know that is a real hip hop spot. Exciting The most getto place I have been to in town, and I when only ones, and that was enghou that was CD webmeisters spot. I felt like I was going to the tee connection back in the days... I mean shit there were metal ditectors,metro police security IM talking right there before you go in ... that crazy...I couldn't believe it. My night has the real elements the music is off the hook and DJ P is on the dance floor mixing scratching given a real show live and direct on the dance floor for the people to enjoy ... the B, Boy battles are great everyone in the club loves it. When they leave slide they have had an experience of pure Hip Hop. All IM saying is CD webmeister's spot is not hip hop it takes more the a rap CD to be Hip Hop. I see you know your history and that's great,I have to say its nice chatting with someone that knows how to get a point across. If i can ever do something for you just hit me up. Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew The hottest spot in Vegas on a Sunday night check out slide. The only pure real deal & only Hip Hop spot in Las Vegas. Others claim to be real, but it takes more then a rap CD to make it a real Hip Hop Spot See the turn table mix Master D.J.P rip it live and direct in front of your eyes on the dance floor. And check out VH1 Hip Hop Honoree Mr. freeze From the world famous Rock steady crew rock It Live. we will take any B,Boy Or DJ Challenge from anyone. @ Tabu the Ultra Lounge MGM Click on flier for animated invite. Mr. Freeze Rock Steady Crew
  4. Oh IM not screaming I laugh at you and your wack events. Mr. freeze rock steady crew
  5. Because you call your self's a hip hop club and your not. And on top of that you call your self's up scale, come on with that bullshit. As for other clubs, there not saying there hip hop only you are. And if other club pay top dallor for someone to put in a CD in a system, then good for them if that's what they want. I am one of the reps for the culture of hip hop my friends and I created in the early 70's and if I or any of the og's feel that its being missed represented then we will speak up. This is not personal betweenyou and me. I will protect the integrity of this culture by exposing the frauds. You my friend are one of them. Mr freeze Rcok steday crew
  6. Ya vinyl with the DJ mixing scratching and giving a visual along with an incredible remix show. Putting a 50 cent CD in a sound system does not make a club hip hop. Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  7. Ya vinyl with the DJ mixing scratching and giving a visual along with an incredible remix show. Putting a 50 cent CD in a sound system does not make a club hip hop. That's right. What's so hard to understand? Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  8. take care of your self.RESPECT. Mr Freeze Rock Steady crew
  9. when ever you want come down on a sunday to tabu and check out DJ P.He goes on @ 1.00 am and he is on the dance floor live. youll see what i mean. Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  10. If notice every time i post there it will be end up bieng viewed by over 200 people.Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  11. Its not you party.your just hired to play a couple of cd's thats all. Stop calling it hip hop cause its NOT. Mr freeze Rock Steady crew
  12. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me.But I already know this. I think its great that you can have ten million songs in a lap top, fine but the art of turn tabling is an art, in witch a DJ has to go thru his wax and make his show happen, its much more exciting for the crowd to watch, that is if you a live hip hop DJ. the computer is great if your put in the back of a club in a box and your purely playing a song and mixing for the dance crowd. COOL. But there are large groups of people that come into a club and also want to be entertained, and as you know most DJ's are just record players. DJ P is a real hip hop DJ when people come to see him they know there going to be wowed by the music his own mixes and style, his job as a hip hop DJ is to rock a crowd, and when I say that I don't mean playing gold digger. My point is with this CD webmasterf is if your going to call your club hip hop then please stop cheating the public and give them what you say. Anyway take care of yourself nice cheating with you.… Mr. freeze Rock steady crew
  13. If a club puts it self on the radio and claims to be hip hop. You cannot have a DJ playing CD's and using a computer hidden in a square box. The DJ has to be on the dance floor so the people can see the man mix scratch and create new sounds with yesteryears sounds mixed and cut up with today's sound...that's it. The public is being cheated with fakes. And a crowed will always enjoy to see a B, Boy get down,especially the ladies. There is no hip hop without those elements, so calling out the fake one give the people what they deserve and entertain them, they deserve it. Instead of poring alcohol down there body's. and put up some old school hip hop videos come on get a real hip hop element going if you calim to be hip hop. STOP BULLSHIT THE PUBLIC. Mr freeze Rock steday crew The hottest spot in Vegas on a Sunday night check out slide. The only pure real deal & only Hip Hop spot in Las Vegas. Others claim to be real, but it takes more then a rap CD to make it a real Hip Hop Spot See the turn table mix Master D.J.P rip it live and direct in front of your eyes on the dance floor. And check out VH1 Hip Hop Honoree Mr. freeze From the world famous Rock steady crew rock It Live. we will take any B,Boy Or DJ Challenge from anyone. @ Tabu the Ultra Lounge MGM Click on flier for animated invite. Mr. Freeze Rock Steady Crew
  14. Im only saying that its not a hip hop club thats all.Peace out Mr freeze Rcok Steady crew
  15. Your right.thank you. Mr freeze Rock Steady crew The hottest spot in Vegas on a Sunday night check out slide. The only pure real deal & only Hip Hop spot in Las Vegas. Others claim to be real, but it takes more then a rap CD to make it a real Hip Hop Spot See the turn table mix Master D.J.P rip it live and direct in front of your eyes on the dance floor. And check out VH1 Hip Hop Honoree Mr. freeze From the world famous Rock steady crew rock It Live. we will take any B,Boy Or DJ Challenge from anyone. @ Tabu the Ultra Lounge MGM Click on flier for animated invite. Mr. Freeze Rock Steady Crew
  16. Your right about that,you are no competition. Against a real Funk & Soul spot,in case you didnt no. mc's rap over funk and soul. ay keep it hop with the ying yang twins and lil john Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaia. what a joke you are. Mr freeze Rock steady Crew
  17. what you said where facts. and i will always stand behind a fact. ya hope to meet you soon. take care. Mr freeze Rock steady Crew
  18. well said. Respect. Mr freeze Rock Staedy Crew
  19. hip hop is not about producing a record its a life style.but i dont excpect you to know that.But just rember,and let me keep reminding you . My spot is the real hip hop.ya i know you do great numbers,your in the ceasers palace mall,a club with half leg elephants would make money. you think the spot you play cd's at makes money because of you? You cater to only one crowd . Oh does it make you sad that you cant have a picture of you on your flyers? Because you are trully are a nothing at your spot,or for that fact anywere in the world, you go to clubs that you talk bad about,and ask if you can buy a bottle and get one free? you got class,oh and your spot is packed why would you need a free bottle?you packem in..your making paper. Ill tell you why,its because all you are is a payed check worker. my events are mine and all mine. ya keep it going hala chisil nisal,yahh no how to keep it real,keep it up scale hala. when people come to any of my events they get a real hip hop show,not Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaya. Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  20. Hip hop music is rap that is if were talking about artist making hip hop music. Point blank.The ying yang twins and lil iohn is just Yaaaaaaaaaaaay. Lets just say they created there own wack bull shit music that millions listen to and buy every day. But its not hip hop. We created the culture in 1970, and we say what's hip hop or not. If you new anything about the culture you who'd know that the foundation has already been laid. im sorry you cant change history. Any one that has 2 cents will say that lil john and the idiot brotheres are there just wack. they laugh all the way to the bank so did hammer and vanilla ice. hammer & vanilla were wack mc's ,but they were hip hop. Its funny how you really think that your views matter. Why is your name not on the radio spot? and what the hell is up scale hip hop? ohhhhhhh people dress up. Wow that's really creative. How does the add go on 881 point 1. Check it yah come to --- for the up scale hip hop we represent hallllla. Its your girl. Ha Ha Ha Ha ow my god that radio spot is off the chisill my nisal. hayyyyyy Yooh know how to rock the partayyyyyyyyy rightttttttttttt. Hayyyyyyyyyy i said Hayyyyyyyyyyyyy Listen please get the Kid Capri to do your add or someone that sounds right. that radio spot is so getto. Please do something,so peolpe dont think that, your add reps Hip Hop. Mr freeze Rock Steady crew
  21. Z-trips and DJ p's that is pretty wack to me i agree
  22. Not DJ -p he is on the dance floor at tabu live in front of you eyes and will take request and mix it up and flip it on command.Nothing is preset with him. 99.9 percent of them uses computers. mr Freeze Rock steady Crew
  23. Who cares,ill call fox 5 news,hay evryone am & z-trip makes more money. But P is better. Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  24. why dont you come shut me up. 2260 village walk drive # 1606 I live at the district at green valley ranch. Mr freeze rcok steday crew
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