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Everything posted by marcblemberg

  1. Im not promoting im just saying that anyone that uses CD Players or Serato is not a Real DJ.Thats It. Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew
  2. Hip Hop started in 1970 not 82 learn some history, oh and did you notice there over a thousand hits on my posts?ya hip hop is playing a rap record in a club,your such a little girl. Oh is the widdle baby getting mad again? its ok just remeber your just an opinion not a fact. Its what i say that goes. Mr freeze Rock steady crew. www.concretemaster.net
  3. I got to tell you, I couldnt care less if people come to my spot or not. Im packed every sunday night. but i do like to get my point across about cd dj's and serato users there all fake. and i do apreciate your nice reply i have to agree with you. Mr freeze Rock steady crew www.concretemasters.net
  4. when you say Hip Hop what do you mean?1)are you talking about playing a rap record at a club and saying thats Hip Hop? 2)opr are you including the Four elements.B.boying,graff,Mc's,DJ's Mixing Scratching Live and not Hindin in back of the Club? Im just asking Mr frreze Rock Steady crew www.concretemasters.net
  5. ya but thats a big part of the game.Mr freeze Rock Steady crew
  6. Thats the job of a real DJ he has to have his own wax and change up the records live idiot not click a mouse and there it is right on time let the computer do your work for you,you should work at a radoi station and becaome a program director. Mr Freeze Rock Steady Crew www.concretemasters.net
  7. Tupac had nothing to do with Hip Hop.Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew
  8. Great come back, one day when you become a real DJ you'll understand. But for the moment your just lost and against people who crepitated the real art of turntableizm. I embrace new ideas concepts and invetions,but there is no talent in serato. setting up and programing your sets is an outright cheating and having nothing creative to bring to the game. Mr freeze Roc Steay Crew www.concretemasters.net
  9. Ya but you dont switch records to get your cuts and mixes on time. it makes a dj lazy. Its good if you in a small dj box in the back of the club were nobody see's you. its fake. You need to stop cheating the crowd and be live and direct,set up on the dance floor so your paying fans can see you get down,and switch records,scratch & mix... STOP CHEATING THE PUBLIC. Mr freeze Rock steady Crew
  10. yap yap yap all your doing is talking shit. stop with that serato garbage,stop preseting your sets and get original. Mr freeze Rock Steady crew
  11. When a Dj uses wax they still go back and foward to make the mixes and scratches on time.Theres still pushing them selfs. wana be dj's that use serato just becaome lazy and program there sets,thats a fact. Great come back,and the turntables your talking about was SLB1's. Ya keep programing your sets that real turntableizm. Mr. freeze Rock Steady crew www.concretemasters.net
  12. A magazine that means nothing to me.The point is that Am can scratch and flip records. My only problem with him is he was using other peoples mixes. When DJ P & DJ Z-Trip went to see AM last sat @ body English he told them that he no longer has to carry records, his hole set was pre programed. The magazine that did the writhe up is just that a celebrity magazine. Means nothing. Mr freeze Rock steady Crew
  13. Seraot is for none creative no talent lazy wanna be Dj's....Fact. Mr freeze Rock steady crew
  14. It wouldn't be me if I didn't add my .02 ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been reading your post for a few weeks now, and if you aren't the most ignorant FUCK to ever walk the face of the earth I don' know who is........ First and foremost: WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT A PARTY IN VEGAS, WE LIVE IN JERSEY DICKHEAD!!!!!!!!!! Second: Don't come on here insulting other DJ's trying to make your DJ's seem like GOD when nobody has heard of them. If they were the #1 DJ in the world, then we would have all heard of them, weither we like their style of music or not. Third & Final: STOP USING CLUBPLANET!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE ANYNORE...........................
  15. ya im a cry baby, mom help im crying.Vanilla ice and mc hammer made millions and they sucked, who cares what am makes bottom line is am noseDJ P & z-Trip & boy does he nose who they are. Back to the point anyone using serato or CD's is not a DJ. Mr. Freeze Rock Steady Crew
  16. Your just an angree wana be who has done nothing for the game,hatting and going crazy because nobady would ever respect you bacause your just a shit talking side line.You read history books,im in them Great come back. Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew
  17. Shut up your a retard. Mr freeze Rock Steday Crew
  18. all i got to say is www.concretemasters.net what are you a clown 2 juke boxes what's that suppose to mean. Im 42 years old, everything you do in hip hop has to do with what we created posser. Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew
  19. so that means that know a dj doesnt need to grab the record and put it on the turntable on time so he could make his cut mix or scratch,you just sit down and click a botton.Thats great so much skill and in that.. Whats your come back? Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew www.concretemasters.net
  20. Who cares what you think. my posts are for the real not the fakes. some people from jersey have lap tops with them when they travelle, and they check on line when there out of town. Please dont come to my party's. I only want people that are interested in a cultural DJ experiance. Dj's That use Cd palyers & Serato are wack........and are being responsible for killing the art of turntableizm Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew www.concretemasters.net
  21. Are you saying noone from jersey travells to Vegas. Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew www.concretemasters.net
  22. Sure but the dj has become lazy,and were is the talent?If a dj if programs everything? were is the skill? You have to say that a brother switching wax back and forth and mixing his own mixes make him a real turntableist. a serato dj just stands ther click a button and that it. Its great if your in the back of a club and nobody see's you. but when on the dance floor set up in front of your crowd you have to rock it correctly. Im sorry that serato is bull shit. Mr freeze Rock Steady Crew. www.concretemasters.net
  23. Its on the #1 DJ's on the planet,will be spinning live and direct from the dance floor tonight @ tabu ultra lounge. Come see the only real Funk & Soul old school night spot in Vegas. DJ's are starting to shake in there boots, all you CD serato computer wana be DJ's, you are being exposed. the public is learning about you cheating them, and not playing live. STOP CHEATING THE PUBLIC. Mr Freeze Rock Steady Crew The hottest spot in Vegas on a Sunday night check out slide. The only pure real deal & only Hip Hop spot in Las Vegas. Others claim to be real, but it takes more then a rap CD to make it a real Hip Hop Spot See the turn table mix Master D.J.P rip it live and direct in front of your eyes on the dance floor. And check out VH1 Hip Hop Honoree Mr. freeze From the world famous Rock steady crew rock It Live. we will take any B,Boy Or DJ Challenge from anyone. @ Tabu the Ultra Lounge MGM Click on flier for animated invite. ] Mr. Freeze Rock Steady Crew
  24. Its on the #1 DJ's on the planet,will be spinning live and direct from the dance floor tonight @ tabu ultra lounge. Come see the only real Funk & Soul old school night spot in Vegas. DJ's are starting to shake in there boots, all you CD serato computer wana be DJ's, you are being exposed. the public is learning about you cheating them, and not playing live. STOP CHEATING THE PUBLIC. Mr Freeze Rock Steady Crew The hottest spot in Vegas on a Sunday night check out slide. The only pure real deal & only Hip Hop spot in Las Vegas. Others claim to be real, but it takes more then a rap CD to make it a real Hip Hop Spot See the turn table mix Master D.J.P rip it live and direct in front of your eyes on the dance floor. And check out VH1 Hip Hop Honoree Mr. freeze From the world famous Rock steady crew rock It Live. we will take any B,Boy Or DJ Challenge from anyone. @ Tabu the Ultra Lounge MGM Click on flier for animated invite. ] Mr. Freeze Rock Steady Crew
  25. Well Said my freind. Take care Mr Freeze Rock steady Crew www.concretemasters.net
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