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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. WTF??? is that his life story??? damn...he lost me at like the first sentence
  2. WTF??? is that his life story??? damn...he lost me at like the first sentence
  3. WTF??? is that his life story??? damn...he lost me at like the first sentence
  4. WTF??? is that his life story??? damn...he lost me at like the first sentence
  5. WTF??? is that his life story??? damn...he lost me at like the first sentence
  6. sweet...that rocks LOL
  7. I only have two brain cells left from all that shit....and they have to rub together to get a thought...fuckin crazy..I'm fried
  8. I can't even remember...I used massive amounts of acid in my younger days....but I've been thinking about doing it again. The only problem is that the quality isn't what it used to be. It is still around but now they mix it with all types of shit. I got connections for liquid....but they're all the way on the west coast....pain in the ass the laws....cops have bigger things to deal with now..acid is low on the list
  9. ahhhh...I kinda figured that but I didn't wanna just come out and say it....wanted to hear it from you. It's alright.....your not alone
  10. I got plenty more stories now that I think about it...I gotta hear some others though
  11. Vegas?? I haven't been there in years....whose payin for my flight?LOL
  12. ok..sweet....I'll definately do that...thanks I'll be with my parents and will need to get away for real!!!!
  13. why???? don't mean to be depressing..it's just reality
  14. yeah..I just thought the same thing...wow...lol are you a mind reader??????lol
  15. are you goin to the party?? if so...I don't know anyone down there that's going...HELP!!!
  16. haha...I'm going down on thurday!!!! I'm gonna be down there for the ultra shit..yay
  17. whoa..settle down big boy....no need to take out the artillery now don't make me go Kung Fu on your ass
  18. ummm..nooooo...don't be so sensitive mister
  19. ok...I got a story...In college, my two best friends were Mandy and Matthew. The three of us always went out and got trashed together. So, one night, in a drugged out haze, we all decided to have a threesome. Npw, I had never been with a woman before and either had mandy...so we wanted to keep it all three. We get back to my house...Mandy and I are hyped about it, but Matthew ends up falling asleep on the couch. Mandy and I look at each other and decided to go ahead and have fun. We went to my bedroom and proceeded to disrobe each other....to be continued...lol..haha
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