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Posts posted by destruction

  1. Wow......a scary glimpse into the state of your mental health. I gather that it is much more than just seeking professional help, rather it is becoming clear that you never returned from your weekend pass from an instituition.

    It might also explain your resiliency from the bludgeoning you took. You know you are on borrowed time, so you have no choice but to take the beating. Poor little clownboy.

    The good news is that when the authorities find you, you do not have to complete any new admission paperwork, simply print this out this thread, and in particular, your last post for your one-way ticket to a room with no windows and shoes with no shoelaces. However, you are going to have to turn in your Jr. Michael Moore Sheep Badge. Sorry.

    Listen....please listen. Take a breath and listen. You got destroyed. You threw your usual shit against the wall, and it was easily shoved up your ass. For your recovery, it would simply more effective if you took the beating, and learned something from it. Please. There are enough social misfits running around, don;t add to the problem.

    Now, what is even more concerning that exposing you as a blowhard, is this pattern of you twisting statements, generating your own false meanings, creating utter bullshit and lies, and in print where it is easy to see. I know if you tried to debate on merit you would last one sentence, and we have seen that. But it is a little scary to see your mental defective mind work in print.

    Just stop. It is not amusing, but actually disconcerting. And it is bad enough that you are just regurgitate Michael Moore and moveon.org talking points, without any ability to defend them---except the usual standard defense given to sheep like you when you are getting destroyed--"pretend the beating never took place", "ask the same question over and over again even though the answer was shoved up your ass", "ignore facts when they slap you, and stick to the baseless rhetoric", "stick to the slogans and anti-Bush chants form the top 10 list", etc.

    That is disturbing enough, but you can't even come up with your own "insults". You simply repeat back the same things that are said to you, with a perverted twist. Are you that incapable of generating your own thoughts or words, even with an insult? Mind boggling stupidity. Of course, when they are hurled in your direction, they are not insults, but accurate observations.

    Lastly, to repeat, you don;t give a fuck about Cindy Sheehan, her son, or the troops. Your words are testimony to that. Posting her blogs, her articles, the Hardball interview, poems, etc does not mean you support her, it PROVES you are like the rest of the repulsive vultures swarming around her--you are simply exploiting the situation for your anti-Bush agenda. You are just a useful idiot in the network incapable of thinking for yourself. To hang your hat on the fact that you "post" stuff about her again shows you are a schmuck.

    I will not address the disgusting use by you of your father or his service, other to say thank you to him. I find it repulsive you bring it up as your own defense, and equally reprehensible that you have twisted it as such to attack me. You should be ashamed of yourself. And to put it in print is proof what you are all about. One of the most shameful acts I have seen, but it is expected of you.

    In sum, you got crushed, and with ease, and it was plain to see. And now you are reaching new lows in a pathetic attempt to somehow save face, but you do not have the intellect, nor the education for a defense. The standard talking points from your heroes can't save you. They are intellectually bankrupt, as are you.

    Spare us your twists, your translations (evidence of your mental illness), your conversations with yourself, your fabrications, and the like. It is not funny, nor effective, other than to offer a disturbing view into your mental state

    So turn yourself back into the authorities. You are boring, and can not offer society anything of significance.

    There is a difference between agenda and cause. I, like Cindy Sheehan have a cause. You have an agenda.

    First. Cindy Sheehan and myself:

    cause pron.jpg ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kôz)


      1. The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.
      2. The one, such as a person, event, or condition, that is responsible for an action or result.

    1. A basis for an action or response; a reason: The doctor's report gave no cause for alarm.
    2. A goal or principle served with dedication and zeal: “the cause of freedom versus tyranny†(Hannah Arendt).
    3. The interests of a person or group engaged in a struggle: “The cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind†(Thomas Paine).
    4. Law.
      1. A ground for legal action.
      2. A lawsuit.

    [*] A subject under debate or discussion.

    Second. You, your America bashing propaganda whores and Bush:

    a·gen·da pron.jpg ( P ) Pronunciation Key (schwa.gif-jebreve.gifnprime.gifdschwa.gif)

    n. pl. a·gen·das

    1. A list or program of things to be done or considered: “They share with them an agenda beyond the immediate goal of democratization of the electoral process†(Daniel Sneider).
    2. A plural of agendum.

    You know, like Cindy Sheehan, I, myself, just finished e-mailing the President.

    Like Cindy Sheehan, I also told him that he knowingly lied to us, and like Cindy Sheehan, I called for his resignation, and if he does not resign, like Cindy Sheehan, I will work my butt off to have him impeached.

    You said thank you for my father's service to our country but I know you don't really mean that. You have no respect for him and you have no respect for the dead as you equally have no respect for Cindy Sheehan, her son, the mothers of sons and daughters who paid the ultimate sacrifice, my father and this country. You dispise all of the above.

    Igloo, what you said not only dishonors Cindy Sheehan, her son, the mothers of sons and daughters who have parished in a war based on the lies of the AWESOME GEORGE W. BUSH, you have dishonored both my late father who was also a war veteran who so happens to be dead (you have no respect for the dead obviously), my sfc, US Army Green Beret brother who fought in Vietnam as well as other veterans who served, the soldiers who are currently dying on the count of Bush's lies and the ones who have died based on the same. I take that very personal. Your word twisting to advance your murderous agenda by inflicting twisted accusations which amount to nothing more than slander and lies proves you are a derranged twisted maniacal degenarate who cares less about the ones who have parished on the count of Bush's lies and cares less about this country. Like Bush, you are a pathological liar.

    Posting hate propaganda that bashes her and her son does not show you support her, her son and the troops in any way. You support this war only to support Bush. Nothing more. It's disgustingly sick.

    Lastly, to repeat, you don't give a fuck about Cindy Sheehan, her son, or the troops. Your words and propaganda whoring are your testimony to that.

    Spare us your diabolically sick and closed minded twists, your America-hating Cindy Sheehan bashing propaganda (evidence of your mental illness), your conversations with your blow up fuck doll, your fabrications, and the like. It is not funny, nor effective, other than to offer a disturbing view into your mental state. Yours, like the desperate attempts by your propaganda whores are a failure. Like you. A failure.

    Like the busload of jingoistic Bush supporter faux patriots who came to counter-protest (actually taunt Cindy) who chanted "we don't care" when Cindy and her supporters sang "God Bless America" after her speech, the Bushites didn't care if we, the REAL AMERICANS sang God Bless America because they don't care for America. Like you and your propaganda whores who bashed her with their anti American propaganda, they hate America too. They support the war only to support Bush.

    Have a miserable weekend loser. I hope you get ass-raped and stabbed to death in a dark alley.

    Silly faggot.

  2. speechless i see..

    igloo just totally owned you and basically shot down every single argument ("arguement" according to your stellar spelling skills) you have ever made here..

    give it a rest..

    maybe you should take a week or two off to practice..then maybe you can come back with some real arguments rather than your repetitive assinine regurgitations you troll..

    i have never seen ownage like that before..

    maybe you should have responded with a " :bowdown: " rather than a fake laughing smily..since the only laughter here is aimed at you.


    I support Cindy Sheehan by being a sheep in the propaganda machine I read that bashes her and her son and I support Cindy Sheehan and her son by supporting anyone who runs over crosses that represent the fallen soldiers who paid the ulitmate sacrifice amist the Bush supporters who stood across the street counter protesting and cheered the efforts of that wonderful man who mowed down the crosses with his pickup truck because I don't care because he did it in Bush's name and I support the war only to support Bush because supporting a war only to support Bush makes me cool. :cool:

    Give it a rest.

    Maybe you should take a week or two off to practice, then maybe you can come back with some real arguments rather than your repetitive assinine regurgitations you trolling chickenhawk.

    Go suck on Igloos cock blowboy

    Have a miserable weekend loser. I hope you get ass-raped and stabbed to death in a dark alley.

    Silly faggot.

  3. You don't give a fuck about Sheehan, her son, or the troops. Oh, that's right- you have her pciture in your sig (your stupidity is exhausting). You are just a useful idiot in the moveon.org network who is party to the exploitation of the situation. You siply found a group of misfits like yourself looking to fill their empty lives with some pathetic false sense of purpose.

    Kill yourself,


    To show support for Cindy Sheehan, her son and the troops effectively, you must post scathing right wing propaganda about her in order to try to discredit her. Then insult and smear anyone who disagrees with you.

    That's right!


    I post articles about her, her blogs, her interview on Hardball and post her picture on my sig to show my support for her, her son and the mothers of other kids who paid the ulitmate sacrifice because...


    And I'm sure moveon.org, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Mothers for Peace, Code Pink and the troops from Fort Brag who have been bringing Cindy items and have stood by her as well as other demonstrators including ROSA PARKS because...


    They all gather around the microphones and news cameras, and answer questions by reporters and express how hurt and empty as well as devestated for the loss of their kids and grieve, cry and hug each other, throw rallies and demonstrate to show their support for Cindy Sheehan because...


    I don't know what I did to dishonor Cindy Sheehan, her son and the troops but I'll do it again when I go visit my father who was a pfc, in the US Army, 82nd Airborne Div., 676th Glider battion during WW2 to place flowers on his grave to show my love and support, and to honor his service to our country, I do it because...

    I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-Cindy-Sheehan-and-her-son-and-the-troops-and my-WW2-veteran-dad!

    Hell, I'll even further my virginity by having sex with the Dixie Chicks to show my support for Cindy Sheehan and her son because...

    I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-Cindy-Sheehan-and-her-son-and-the-troops-and my-WW2-veteran-dad!

    But seriously, child...

    Spill out your cunt juice to them. Directly.


    Answer this. Does that mean I don't give a fuck about my own father either?

    Refusing to answer this question will compel me to initiate the presumption that you believe that I don't give a fuck about my own father, who was a pfc, in the US Army, 82nd Airborne Div., 676th Glider battion, who landed on Normady, and who fought to protect your right to be an arrogant assclown.

    If I did not "give a fuck" about Cindy Sheehan and her son who jackbooted fascist loving rethuglinazis like yourself bashed post after post, I would be agreeing with you. I would be slandering and bashing her with propaganda, and insulting others who disagree on this forum the way you have, throughout this forum. I would not be posting her interview, her blogs and a poem from her own daughter, and posting her pic holding the cross representing her own son. I would be posting propaganda from braindead losers such as yourself, and post a quote from John Podhoretz in my sig, and fall in line and follows orders and obey and be told what to say, what to think, who to vote for, what despot be loyal to and say "it's war, people die, get over it" like a REAL AMERICAN should, just like you!

    And if I don't give a shit about our troops, then going by your logic, I don't give a fuck about my own father who fought for your right to be a repulsive ignorant cunt. Are you gonna say that next? Oh wait... You already did. Why don't you say THAT to ME. Directly. Cum deposit.

    You bashed Cindy Sheehan, her son and those who volunteered to ally with her and bashed me and my wartime veteran father with your tired and old "you don't give a fuck about Cindy Sheehan, her son and the troops" right wing vomit simply because you disagree with my views and fail to address the points, answer questions as well as fail to defend your "lets have a Cindy Sheehan bashfest" propaganda to show your "support" for her, her son and the troops.

    My father's dead. Shame on you for dishonoring him!

    Shame on you for dishonoring Cindy Sheehan, her son and the many who paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the count of Bush's lies!

    You are immature. You are mentally sick. You are sub-human. I would normally suggest for you to seek professional help but obviously, you are beyond help. Just end your life for the better good of society.

    And of course you once again refuse to answer my questions. Predictable.

    PS. I don't belong to moveon.org

  4. You don't give a fuck about Sheehan, her son, or the troops. Oh, that's right- you have her pciture in your sig (your stupidity is exhausting). You are just a useful idiot in the moveon.org network who is party to the exploitation of the situation. You siply found a group of misfits like yourself looking to fill their empty lives with some pathetic false sense of purpose.

    Kill yourself,


    To show support for Cindy Sheehan, her son and the troops effectively, you must post scathing right wing propaganda about her in order to try to discredit her. Then insult and smear anyone who disagrees with you.

    That's right!


    I post articles about her, her blogs, her interview on Hardball and post her picture on my sig to show my support for her, her son and the mothers of other kids who paid the ulitmate sacrifice because...


    And I'm sure moveon.org, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Mothers for Peace, Code Pink and the troops from Fort Brag who have been bringing Cindy items and have stood by her as well as other demonstrators including ROSA PARKS because...


    They all gather around the microphones and news cameras, and answer questions by reporters and express how hurt and empty as well as devestated for the loss of their kids and grieve, cry and hug each other, throw rallies and demonstrate to show their support for Cindy Sheehan because...


    I don't know what I did to dishonor Cindy Sheehan, her son and the troops but I'll do it again when I go visit my father who was a pfc, in the US Army, 82nd Airborne Div., 676th Glider battion during WW2 to place flowers on his grave to show my love and support, and to honor his service to our country, I do it because...

    I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-Cindy-Sheehan-and-her-son-and-the-troops-and my-WW2-veteran-dad!

    Hell, I'll even further my virginity by having sex with the Dixie Chicks to show my support for Cindy Sheehan and her son because...

    I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-Cindy-Sheehan-and-her-son-and-the-troops-and my-WW2-veteran-dad!

    But seriously, child...

    Spill out your cunt juice to them. Directly.


    Answer this. Does that mean I don't give a fuck about my own father either?

    Refusing to answer this question will compel me to initiate the presumption that you believe that I don't give a fuck about my own father, who was a pfc, in the US Army, 82nd Airborne Div., 676th Glider battion, who landed on Normady, and who fought to protect your right to be an arrogant assclown.

    If I did not "give a fuck" about Cindy Sheehan and her son who jackbooted fascist loving rethuglinazis like yourself bashed post after post, I would be agreeing with you. I would be slandering and bashing her with propaganda, and insulting others who disagree on this forum the way you have, throughout this forum. I would not be posting her interview, her blogs and a poem from her own daughter, and posting her pic holding the cross representing her own son. I would be posting propaganda from braindead losers such as yourself, and post a quote from John Podhoretz in my sig, and fall in line and follows orders and obey and be told what to say, what to think, who to vote for, what despot be loyal to and say "it's war, people die, get over it" like a REAL AMERICAN should, just like you!

    And if I don't give a shit about our troops, then going by your logic, I don't give a fuck about my own father who fought for your right to be a repulsive ignorant cunt. Are you gonna say that next? Oh wait... You already did. Why don't you say THAT to ME. Directly. Cum deposit.

    You bashed Cindy Sheehan, her son and those who volunteered to ally with her and bashed me and my wartime veteran father with your tired and old "you don't give a fuck about Cindy Sheehan, her son and the troops" right wing vomit simply because you disagree with my views and fail to address the points, answer questions as well as fail to defend your "lets have a Cindy Sheehan bashfest" propaganda to show your "support" for her, her son and the troops.

    My father's dead. Shame on you for dishonoring him!

    Shame on you for dishonoring Cindy Sheehan, her son and the many who paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the count of Bush's lies!

    You are immature. You are mentally sick. You are sub-human. I would normally suggest for you to seek professional help but obviously, you are beyond help. Just end your life for the better good of society.

    And of course you once again refuse to answer my questions. Predictable.

    PS. I don't belong to moveon.org

  5. Retard...your stupidity is annoying.

    You used a FNC article in which Bush states: "There's no question that Saddam Hussein had Al Qaeda ties."

    No question is one of his big lies, especially when the 9/11 commission confirmed there are no ties. You totally ignore the first part of the article where Bush admitted there is no evidence quite conveniently to further your right wing agenda.

    That is no spin....so again, I repeat, do you even read the things you post? And in the same article, it states Blix as saying Iraq kept up the appearance they had WMD. and yet Bush still lied?

    I read entirely before I post.



    Leaked report rejects Iraqi al-Qaeda link

    Osama Bin Laden

    Bin Laden 'does not agree with Saddam's regime'

    There are no current links between the Iraqi regime and the al-Qaeda network, according to an official British intelligence report seen by BBC News.

    The classified document, written by defence intelligence staff three weeks ago, says there has been contact between the two in the past.

    His [bin Laden's] aims are in ideological conflict with present day Iraq

    Leaked intelligence document

    But it assessed that any fledgling relationship foundered due to mistrust and incompatible ideologies.

    That conclusion flatly contradicts one of the main charges laid against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein by the United States and Britain - that he has cultivated contacts with the group blamed for the 11 September attacks.

    The report emerges even as Washington was calling Saddam a liar for denying, in a television interview with former Labour MP and minister Tony Benn, that he had any links to al-Qaeda.

    Peace prospects

    It also comes on the day US Secretary of State Colin Powell goes to the United Nations Security Council to make the case that Iraq has failed to live up to the demands of the world community.

    Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is also ratcheting up the rhetoric in the ongoing crisis over Saddam's alleged weapons of mass destruction, saying the prospect of a peaceful outcome was "diminishing" by the day.

    He said he could not believe the Iraqi regime would be "this stupid" not to disarm.

    If we had a relationship with al-Qaeda and we believed in that relationship, we wouldn't be ashamed to admit it

    Saddam Hussein

    Saddam denies al-Qaeda links - click here for full story

    The defence intelligence staff document, seen by BBC defence correspondent Andrew Gilligan, is classified Top Secret and was sent to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and other senior members of the government.

    It says al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden views Iraq's ruling Ba'ath party as running contrary to his religion, calling it an "apostate regime".

    "His aims are in ideological conflict with present day Iraq," it says.

    Gilligan says that in recent days intelligence sources have told the BBC there is growing disquiet at the way their work is being politicised to support the case for war on Iraq.

    He said: "This almost unprecedented leak may be a shot across the politicians' bows."

    Iraqi co-operation

    Mr Straw insisted that intelligence had shown that the Iraqi regime appeared to be allowing a permissive environment "in which al-Qaeda is able to operate".

    I personally had not believed that the Iraqi regime could be this stupid

    Jack Straw

    "Certainly we have some evidence of links between al-Qaeda and various people in Iraq," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

    But he conceded: "What we don't know, and the prime minister and I have made it very clear, is the extent of those links.

    "What we also know, however, is that the Iraqi regime have been up to their necks in the pursuit of terrorism generally."

    He added: "The use of force to enforce the will of the UN, now, I'm afraid, is more probable, but it is not inevitable and the choice essentially is one for Saddam Hussein and his regime."

    UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw

    It seems increasingly clear that Saddam will never voluntarily relinquish his weapons

    Jack Straw

    French President Jacques Chirac, as he met Mr Blair on Tuesday, called for UN weapons inspectors to be given more time, saying "there is still much to be done in the way of disarmament by peaceful means".

    But Mr Straw said "endless" calls for more time were "futile" and risked being a "cop-out".

    Both the US and UK are pushing for a second UN Security Council resolution soon, which could authorise force against Iraq.

    Colin Powell has said the dossier of evidence against Iraq he is presenting to the Security Council will be "a straightforward, sober and compelling demonstration" that Baghdad is deceiving UN weapons inspectors and failing to disarm.

    Saddam Hussein himself denied on Tuesday having any weapons of mass destruction.

    He told Mr Benn in the interview broadcast by Channel 4 News: "These weapons do not come in small pills that you can hide in your pocket.

    "These are weapons of mass destruction and it is easy to work out if Iraq has them or not."

    Denying any connection with al-Qaeda, he said: "If we had a relationship with al-Qaeda and we believed in that relationship, we wouldn't be ashamed to admit it."

    Even so, are you fucking kidding me hanging your hat on that----it is bad enough you got destroyed, but to come back with that nonsense as a rebuttal just makes matters worse....just take the ass kicking like a man liitle sheep boy

    ^^more insults.

    Washington Post and the 9/11 commission:


    The Iraq Connection

    Al Qaeda-Hussein Link Is Dismissed

    By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank

    Washington Post Staff Writers

    Thursday, June 17, 2004; Page A01

    The Sept. 11 commission reported yesterday that it has found no "collaborative relationship" between Iraq and al Qaeda, challenging one of the Bush administration's main justifications for the war in Iraq.

    Along with the contention that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top administration officials have often asserted that there were extensive ties between Hussein's government and Osama bin Laden's terrorist network; earlier this year, Cheney said evidence of a link was "overwhelming."

    But the report of the commission's staff, based on its access to all relevant classified information, said that there had been contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda but no cooperation. In yesterday's hearing of the panel, formally known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, a senior FBI official and a senior CIA analyst concurred with the finding.

    The staff report said that bin Laden "explored possible cooperation with Iraq" while in Sudan through 1996, but that "Iraq apparently never responded" to a bin Laden request for help in 1994. The commission cited reports of contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda after bin Laden went to Afghanistan in 1996, adding, "but they do not appear to have resulted in a collaborative relationship. Two senior bin Laden associates have adamantly denied that any ties existed between al Qaeda and Iraq. We have no credible evidence that Iraq and al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."

    The finding challenges a belief held by large numbers of Americans about al Qaeda's ties to Hussein. According to a Harris poll in late April, a plurality of Americans, 49 percent to 36 percent, believe "clear evidence that Iraq was supporting al Qaeda has been found."

    As recently as Monday, Cheney said in a speech that Hussein "had long-established ties with al Qaeda." Bush, asked on Tuesday to verify or qualify that claim, defended it by pointing to Abu Musab Zarqawi, who has taken credit for a wave of attacks in Iraq.

    Bush's Democratic challenger, Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.), sought to profit from the commission's finding. "The administration misled America, and the administration reached too far," Kerry told Michigan Public Radio. "I believe that the 9/11 report, the early evidence, is that they're going to indicate that we didn't have the kind of terrorists links that this administration was asserting. I think that's a very, very serious finding."

    A Bush campaign spokesman countered that Kerry himself has said Hussein "supported and harbored terrorist groups." And Cheney's spokesman pointed to a 2002 letter written by CIA Director George J. Tenet stating that "we have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda going back a decade" and "credible information indicates that Iraq and al Qaeda have discussed safe haven and reciprocal non-aggression." Cheney's office also pointed to a 2003 Tenet statement calling Zarqawi "a senior al Qaeda terrorist associate."

    White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the commission finding of long-standing high-level contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq justified the administration's earlier assertions. "We stand behind what was said publicly," he said.

    Bush, speaking to troops in Tampa yesterday, did not mention an Iraq-al Qaeda link, saying only that Iraq "sheltered terrorist groups." That was a significantly milder version of the allegations administration officials have made since shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

    In late 2001, Cheney said it was "pretty well confirmed" that Sept. 11 mastermind Mohamed Atta met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official before the attacks, in April 2000 in Prague; Cheney later said the meeting could not be proved or disproved.

    Bush, in his speech aboard an aircraft carrier on May 1, 2003, asserted: "The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We've removed an ally of al Qaeda and cut off a source of terrorist funding."

    In September, Cheney said on NBC's "Meet the Press": "If we're successful in Iraq . . . then we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11."

    Speaking about Iraq's alleged links to al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks, Cheney connected Iraq to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing by saying that newly found Iraqi intelligence files in Baghdad showed that a participant in the bombing returned to Iraq and "probably also received financing from the Iraqi government as well as safe haven." He added: "The Iraqi government or the Iraqi intelligence service had a relationship with al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s."

    Son, you are a moron of gigantic proportions. To repeat, your Bush Lied mantra is as baseless as your existence. There is overwhelming data that exists from reputable sources detailing the connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda, and crushing your "dream" that Bush lied about WMD.....

    And you fucking retarded imbecile that boggles the mind, if anything, the Deulfer report destroys your Bush Lied arguement, you stupid schmuck.....take the weekend to google up some more baseless bullshit...


    Key Findings

    Saddam Husayn so dominated the Iraqi Regime that its strategic intent was his alone. He wanted to end sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) when sanctions were lifted.

    • Saddam totally dominated the Regime’s strategic decision making. He initiated most of the strategic thinking upon which decisions were made, whether in matters of war and peace (such as invading Kuwait), maintaining WMD as a national strategic goal, or on how Iraq was to position itself in the international community. Loyal dissent was discouraged and constructive variations to the implementation of his wishes on strategic issues were rare. Saddam was the Regime in a strategic sense and his intent became Iraq’s strategic policy.

    • Saddam’s primary goal from 1991 to 2003 was to have UN sanctions lifted, while maintaining the security of the Regime. He sought to balance the need to cooperate with UN inspections—to gain support for lifting sanctions—with his intention to preserve Iraq’s intellectual capital for WMD with a minimum of foreign intrusiveness and loss of face. Indeed, this remained the goal to the end of the Regime, as the starting of any WMD program, conspicuous or otherwise, risked undoing the progress achieved in eroding sanctions and jeopardizing a political end to the embargo and international monitoring.

    • The introduction of the Oil-For-Food program (OFF) in late 1996 was a key turning point for the Regime. OFF rescued Baghdad’s economy from a terminal decline created by sanctions. The Regime quickly came to see that OFF could be corrupted to acquire foreign exchange both to further undermine sanctions and to provide the means to enhance dual-use infrastructure and potential WMD-related development.
    • By 2000-2001, Saddam had managed to mitigate many of the effects of sanctions and undermine their international support. Iraq was within striking distance of a de facto end to the sanctions regime, both in terms of oil exports and the trade embargo, by the end of 1999.

    Saddam wanted to recreate Iraq’s WMD capability—which was essentially destroyed in 1991—after sanctions were removed and Iraq’s economy stabilized, but probably with a different mix of capabilities to that which previously existed. Saddam aspired to develop a nuclear capability—in an incremental fashion, irrespective of international pressure and the resulting economic risks—but he intended to focus on ballistic missile and tactical chemical warfare (CW) capabilities.

    Iran was the pre-eminent motivator of this policy. All senior level Iraqi officials considered Iran to be Iraq’s principal enemy in the region. The wish to balance Israel and acquire status and influence in the Arab world were also considerations, but secondary.

    • Iraq Survey Group (ISG) judges that events in the 1980s and early 1990s shaped Saddam’s belief in the value of WMD. In Saddam’s view, WMD helped to save the Regime multiple times. He believed that during the Iran-Iraq war chemical weapons had halted Iranian ground offensives and that ballistic missile attacks on Tehran had broken its political will. Similarly, during Desert Storm, Saddam believed WMD had deterred Coalition Forces from pressing their attack beyond the goal of freeing Kuwait. WMD had even played a role in crushing the Shi’a revolt in the south following the 1991 cease-fire.

    • The former Regime had no formal written strategy or plan for the revival of WMD after sanctions. Neither was there an identifiable group of WMD policy makers or planners separate from Saddam. Instead, his lieutenants understood WMD revival was his goal from their long association with Saddam and his infrequent, but firm, verbal comments and directions to them.

    Douchebag, seriously--shut the fuck up, unless you enjoy hanging yourself....that is the danger with retards like you, who get their education from headlines and Michael Moore......Take my advice: get an adult to help you, because it is embarassing to wacth you hang yourself

    AND GET SOME MEDICATION....your shit ass putting words in people's mouth and twisting things to suit your sick little game is so fucking lame it is indescribable.......


    Again, I cannot defend my argument. Again, I must resort to personal attacks and slander. I know it's ignorant but it makes me feel good especially when my propaganda bullshit has been knowingly rammed back up my asshole. I cannot debate. All I can do is trash my advarsaries, Cindy Sheehan and her son when knowingly owned by my adversaries. Why, because I am an imbecile. An adult with the mentality of a 7 year old.

    Seriously son, your arrogance, insults and slanderous tendencies as well as ignorance to the facts are your weakness. It also show your immaturity. Time to grow up and smell reality. Your spin once again has been despun.

    I look forward to your next post of make believe....

    Your propagandish articles are posts of make believe. You live in a world of make believe.

    J00 HAV3 833N PWN3D!!!!!!!!!111111111

    Resistance is futile.

    Since you made the fallacious accusation that I don't care about Cindy Sheehan and his son, then explain why I have been defending her from ignorant losers such as yourself to show my support for her? Explain why I have her picture in my sig? Contridcting to your lies. You make no sense.

    Again, you avoid my questions, showing evidence you are running away.

    Again... since we know Bush lied about WMDs and lied about the connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, what noble cause did they die for?

    Would you enlist and go to war? Would you let your kids enlist and go to war? Since you support this war, why won't you? Chickenhawk.

    Why do you dodge these questions?

    Answer or they are going in my sig. And I will haunt you with them every time you post, no matter where.

    I have also compiled your posts over the past several years to use against you to expose you as the liar that you truely are. I intend to use them.

    Oh BTW snot miner, a neighbor of Bush volunteered one acre of his own property to let the protesters do their thing. It is one mile from the Bush ranch and directly across the street from the church Bush attends. Sunday service isn't going to be the same for him. :D

    What are doing besides winning the war on your playstation? Why don't go to the recruitng center and enlist and fight this illegal war since you get a hardon and shoot your load over it?


  6. Son...wow......I am serious, get some medical attention, because you need medication.......this post was your rebuttal? Hope you didn't strain yourself, because you are a schmuck...do you even read the things you post?

    What is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Chemical imbalance? Bi-polar? Just plain stupid? All of the above?

    Son, go get an adult and have them walk you through this.....match up the ass kicking I delivered to you with ease, and then your rebuttal (used lightly).....ask them to read you full statements, and pay close attention to timeframes...but that is the only hints I will give you......if you can't figure it from there, then I am afraid you have to come to the realization about the level of your idiocy....

    And son, if there is an extremist on this board, it is you.......you are not fooling anyone with your lame remarks, weak-ass spin, taking statements out of context, your little transalations, and applying bullshit meaning to what was actually said....to repeat, you are smart enough to pull it off

    Son, really shut the fuck already...you are lame.


    I have not an argument I can defend. Slander is all I have left.

    The sources I used were Fox News and the actual document from the CIA itself. How can you deny this is true? How can you call that spin? The same right wing extremists like yourself who play the spin card are the ones who are doing the spin.

    Once again, you got owned Igloo.

    And about my WW2 dad. Are you gonna say I dishonor him next? Go ahead. Trash my wartime dad like you do me, Cindy Sheehan and her son. You will be met by serious repercussions and your head will roll because he is dead. Watch your step. You will get hurt.

    Go run down some more crosses. Loser.

  7. Hurry up, go google up some talking points, or cut and paste some bullshit from your little education centers, or grab a chant from a t-shirt sheepboy......is it time for the Michael Moore blog hour yet-your normal venue for your "thoughts"...

    Kill yourself

    The immature childish things neocons like yourself say when they know their backs are up against the wall knowing they cannot defend their arguements. So they throw lies to try to discredit them but eventually fail. Like the way they have failed numerously to discredit Cindy Sheehan with their slanderous attacks. You are no better.

    Got anymore lies about me? Come here and say them to my face instead of cowering yourself in the front of that computer screen. You must be feel mighty brave knowing you can spew your shit remotely. Pussy. Try saying your shit to Cindy Sheehan and the other parents of fallen soldiers and the IRAQ WAR VETERANS from both IVAW and FORT HOOD who are also there rallying right behind her. Say it to them. Are you afraid you might get knocked down the same way your Bush supporting friend in a pickup truck knocked down the crosses? I promise, I would most definately knock you down if you ever said that vomit to me.

    Why haven't you answered my questions? And I repeat, since we know Bush lied about WMDs and lied about the connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, what noble cause did they die for?

    Tell me sheepboy, would you enlist and go to war? Would you let your kids enlist and go to war? Since you support this war, why won't you?

    Answer them, or advance your cowardess by avoiding the questions.

    Bush didn't lie about a connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda?



    Bush: No Link Between Iraq, Sept. 11 Attacks

    WASHINGTON — Deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (search) may have not been involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, but he definitely is linked to the terrorists who did commit those crimes, President Bush said Wednesday. "We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the Sept. 11" attacks, Bush said at the start of a meeting with congressional lawmakers discussing new energy legislation. But, he added, "There's no question that Saddam Hussein had Al Qaeda ties."

    The White House expressed consternation earlier in the day over reports that members of the administration have led the public to believe a link exists between Saddam and the attacks on the United States.

    White House spokesman Scott McClellan said that in no way did Vice President Dick Cheney (search) suggest in interviews over the weekend that there was evidence of Saddam's participation in the attacks. Bush never came to that conclusion either, the spokesman said.

    McClellan could offer no clear explanation as to why recent public opinion polls indicate that 70 percent of Americans think there is a tie between Iraq and the attacks.

    In an appearance on a Sunday newsmaker show, Cheney was asked whether he was surprised that more than two-thirds of Americans in a Washington Post poll would express a belief that Iraq was behind the attacks.

    "No, I think it's not surprising that people make that connection," Cheney answered.

    Cheney said on Sunday that success in stabilizing and democratizing Iraq would strike a major blow at the "the geographic base of the terrorists who have had us under assault for many years, but most especially on 9-11."

    Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld (search) said Tuesday he had no reason to believe that Iraq's deposed leader, Saddam Hussein, had a hand in Sept. 11.

    At a Pentagon news conference, Rumsfeld was asked about the Post poll.

    "I've not seen any indication that would lead me to believe that I could say that," Rumsfeld said.

    He added: "We know he [saddam] was giving $25,000 a family for anyone who would go out and kill innocent men, women and children. And we know of various other activities. But on that specific one, no, not to my knowledge."

    The Bush administration has asserted that Saddam's government had links to Al Qaeda (search), the terrorist network led by Usama bin Laden that conducted the Sept. 11 attacks. And in various public statements over the past year or so, administration officials have suggested close ties.

    In a television interview Tuesday night, White House National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice (search) said that one of the reasons Bush went to war against Saddam was because he posed a threat in "a region from which the 9-11 threat emerged."

    Rice, asked about the same poll numbers, said, "We have never claimed that Saddam Hussein had either direction or control of 9-11."

    She continued: "What we have said is that this is someone who supported terrorists, helped to train them, but most importantly that this is someone who, with his animus toward the United States, with his penchant for and capability to gain weapons of mass destruction, and his obvious willingness to use them, was a threat in this region that we were not prepared to tolerate."

    Cheney said he recalled being asked about an Iraq connection to Sept. 11 shortly after the attacks, and responded that the time that he knew of no evidence at that point.

    "Subsequent to that, we have learned a couple of things," he said.

    "We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s; that it involved training, for example, on [biological warfare] and [chemical warfare]; that Al Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems, and involved the Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the Al Qaeda organization."

    Bush and others have stressed that the war in Iraq is part of the overall war on terror. The war was also aligned with Bush's preemption policy, or first-strike doctrine, which says the United States will not stand by and wait to be attacked before it takes action to root out those who wish to do harm to Americans.

    "This is a new kind of war against a new enemy," Cheney said at an Air Force Association National Convention in Washington on Wednesday. "In addition to taking on terrorists, we're also going after the states that sponsor terror."

    While many were critical of suggestions Saddam had anything to do with the Sept. 11 attacks, most people agree that Saddam himself terrorized his own people and others.

    Officials maintain that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction and/or was in the process of building them. Those weapons could at some point be used against Americans, officials have said.

    Coalition forces in Iraq have been hunting for those weapons for months and administration officials have expressed confidence that some will eventually be found.

    But former U.N. chief weapons inspector Hans Blix told an Australian radio station Wednesday that he thinks Iraq destroyed most of its weapons of mass destruction 10 years ago, but kept up the appearance that it had them to deter a military attack.

    "The more time that has passed, the more I think it's unlikely that anything will be found," Blix said.

    McClellan responded on Wednesday that the president stands by his warnings before the war. He added that Iraq's threat was documented in resolution after resolution at the U.N. Security Council (search).

    At his Pentagon news conference, Rumsfeld reiterated his belief that U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq are making satisfactory progress in stabilizing the country.

    He said it was an "open question" whether the United States would get the 10,000 to 15,000 additional international troops it seeks to create a third multinational division for security duty in Iraq. The Pentagon hopes to get at least that many additional troops from Turkey, Pakistan or other friendly countries to beef up security and possibly to allow some of the 130,000 U.S. troops there to go home next year.

    "It would relieve some of the pressure on our forces," Rumsfeld said. "Whether or not there will be a [united Nations] resolution and whether or not — even if there were a resolution — we would get that number of troops is an open question."

    Rice acknowledged that if commitments for more troops are gained, it "could be months" before they were in place.

    Gen. Peter Pace, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who appeared with Rumsfeld, said there are more than 210,000 coalition troops in Iraq: 130,000 American troops, 24,000 British and other international troops, and 60,000 Iraqi police, border guards and members of civil defense forces.

    Bush didn't lie about WMD? He admitted there were no WMD and the Duefer Report confirms that Saddam dismantled them after the Gulf War.


    Since then, the Bush Administration abandoned the search. So what is your argument/insult now?

    I don't support Cindy Sheehan? I don't care about her son, I don't care about our troops? You are lying and you know it.

    That is the avenue you obviously travel because based on your propaganda and insults, it is you who cares less about her, her son and the troops. If I didn't care about the troops, I would not have cared for my WW2 dad. That was a very arrogant and ignorant statment you made. Your lies amaze me.

    And about my WW2 dad. Are you gonna say I dishonor him next? Go ahead. Trash my wartime dad like you do me, Cindy Sheehan and her son. You will be met by serious repercussions and your head will roll because he is dead. Watch your step. You will get hurt.

    Go run down some more crosses.

  8. Like I said, seek professional help. Nice job with all your bullshit spin. It didn't work. I have told you a thousand times, you are not smart enough to pull it off. I guess you do have to stick to regurgitating Michael Moore talking points. You do not have the IQ to do anything else, obviously.

    So, I am attacking her, how is that? By saying she has a right to say what she wants? Again, seek professional help.

    I am attacking her like the propagandists I posted here? You mean the two posts I pasted from those in the military, and those from military families? Again, seek professional help.

    And of course, the "Bush Lied about WMD" mantra--the rallying cry straight from the chambers of Michael Moore's ball sack. This is about as baseless as your pitiful existence. Give it up already, it is bad enough you do not have a shred of credibility, but to continue to hang on to that chant does nothing but cement your status as a schmuck blowhard.

    Of course, I stand corrected if your definition of "Bush Lied about WMD " includes those in the Clinton Administration, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Congress, the intelligence services of Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, the United Nations, former weapons inspectors including Blix, etc. Did they all lie too?

    I guess the fact that Iraq never PROVED they did not have WMD in the run-up to the war is lost on you, even though they were required too by U.N. sanctions. I guess it was lost on you that it was incumbent on the Iraqi regime to show they had no WMD, but instead they did the opposite. I guess that when Iraq kicked out weapons inspectors in 1998, but said they still had stockpiles that we never verified were destroyed is lost on you. I guess it also lost on you that when the U.N. passed the final resolution, it stated "disarm or face serious consequence"- does "disarm" mean anything to you.

    I guess the Iraqi Liberation Act passed in 1998 was another lie by Bush. Wait a second, was Bush passed that as Governor? Or the plant that Clinton bombed in the Sudan was another Bush lie, even though it was suspected to be a joint Al Qaeda-Iraq chemical weapons plant, and the target was recommended by Richard Clarke. Oh wait, Bush lied about the Al Qaeda-Iraq connections. I forget simpletons like you were expecting to see a photo of Bin Laden and Saddam looking at plans of the WTC. In the murky world of ME intelligence, terrorist groups, and state sponsors, you needed to see them taking a bath together. But I guess the numerous terrorism experts and investigative journalists who have uncovered connections, they lied too. I guess Bill Clinton lied too, because he thought there were connections. Will Hillary's stated belief on the connections derail her 2008 bid for the Presidency? BTW--connections simpleton. That is the reality in the intelligence world. I can provide overwhelming data for you to read on the subject, but it would be lost on an imbecile like yourself.

    And please SHUT THE FUCK UP with your spin that your intellectually BANKRUPT chant of "bring the boys home now" is for their safety, and they are there for Bush lies. You are a fucking jerkoff with not a once of intelligence. Your little chant, driven into your sheep head by Michael Moore and the like, does nothing but further endanger the troops in the field now, and advocating that absurd action would only further endanger the lives of Americans tenfold going forward. So again, you feeble minded little boy, I suggest you simply shut the fuck up, or find something else to give your pathetic little existence some false meaning.

    Bush lied, Bush lied, blah, blah........jesus, shut the fuck up already. It is so tired. Someone in your life needs to point out to you that although you are dumb, you would be better served by staying off of lefties extreme websites and find yourself a home outside of Michael Moore's brown eye.

    And why are we in Iraq-I thought you knew that answer when you posted the talking points straight form moveon.org (thanks for the laugh BTW).--...Wasn't one of them because Saddam tried killing Bush's daddy?......Of course, it was lost on you that this was a former President of the United States, and that Clinton bombed Iraq for days because of it. I guess that little fact did not appear in your sheep alarm from Moore.

    Oh, that's right--oil. Of course. War for Oil. Laughable. Should I bring up democracy in Iraq? I mean, the antiwar crowd loves to now ignore that as one of the tenets for the President's justification of war, but at the times they mocked him for this "idealism"...Interesting.

    But wait, this was an illegal war too, according to you. It didn't matter that Iraq violated the 1991 ceasefire, or did not adhere to U.N. sanctions, or Iraq was firing at out planes daily, or that you didn't have a problem when we went to war in Kosovo without U.N. approval, or the very same U.N. who you count on for legality was running a corrupt Oil for Food scam, or that we have been at a state of war for over a decade...none of that matters....the only thing that matters is France and Germany would vote for war.....hhhmmm, I wonder why.

    Should we talk about Saddam Hussein and his two sons at all...nah, better not...would probably get the usual misguided moral equivalency from jerkoffs like you. I mean, jerkoffs like you like to ignore that the President brought up the "humantariam" element to this, including in his first speech to the U.N....but Bush didn't mean it, he just said those words....

    After all, you jerkoffs who pretend to care so much for teh Iraqi peope were in the streets protesting Saddam Hussein and his regime? You marched on the U.N. HQ's and demanded action be taken against this brutal dictator and murderer? You demanded

    So, you choose to ignore all the facts of why we went to war, choose to ignore all the reasons we went to war, in favor of your baseless babble and sophomoric rants...Well, perhaps your Bush Blinders are casuing that--that is obvious. You want to look at what Congress put out,stating the 23 reasons for a cause of action against Iraq, you may want to ask Bill Clinton why the Iraqi Liberation Act, you may want to ask Saddam why he behaved in the manner he did, or maybe you want to take the words of an Iraqi:

    Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council member, who according to the New York Times, "admonished the French not to try to drive a wedge between the U.S. and the new Iraqi government by offering a tempting plan for quick sovereignty."

    It is al-Hasemi's parting words to her French hosts that bear repeating: "Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

    Destruction...you are a fucking asshole.....you do not have a clue what the fuck you are talking about, and are just a little boy sheep with the IQ of a gnat......but more sadly, is you don't give a fuck about Cindy Sheehan, you don't give a fuck about her son, and you don't give a fuck about our troops. Sheehan was exploited by leftist groups with an agenda, and you are a useful idiot pawn in this repulsive game.

    Don't bother responding with any more of your idiocy, baseless talking points you get from your little michael moore sites, tired rants and chants, and little "transalations" that define your social deficiencies and cut and pastes from moveon.org...you are a bore, and an undecuated one at that......

    if your goal in life was to be a blowhard, you have succeeded...but sadly, jerkoffs like you think this is a fucking game, and think that your repsulive words and actions do not have negative consequences for the people and country who are fighting for the right for you to be a blowhard....

    Your noise and bullshit detract from those who have legitimate points to make, and offer dissent with honest, credibility, merit, and integrity.....these are the poeple who need to be heard from, not useless plebes like yourself and the peope and groups you get your education from

    Sad....trust me, it would be better to either get an education and professional help...if that does not work, kill yourself.


    Lies, lies and more lies. Go ram down some more crosses.

  9. Douchebag,

    Just as Cindy Sheehan has a right to voice her opinion, so do others. Especialy those families who have members serving or have given their life, for something they believe in.

    That's true. Isn't this how democracy works?

    Or do you believe that what they believe in is not as important, or worthy, as Cindy Sheehan. Because she is anti-war, her opinion carries more weight than a military family who is pro-war, or pro-Bush? Those who disagree with Cindy Sheehan do not have a right to speak up? Why?

    Falsity iggypoo. As the son of a WW2 dad, I honor their services as it is my duty as an American citizen to honor them no matter how diverse or opposite my opinion is on this war and my opposing view on Bush.

    I never said that those who disagree with Cindy Sheehan have no right to speak up. In a democracy, people have the right to speak out for or against, no matter what. Isn't this how freedom of speech works. A two way street?

    Cindy Sheehan has a right to say whatever she wants, although I find some of her statements to be repulsive and baseless.

    Exactly. Just as you feel that her statements to be repulsive and baseless, you have the right to believe that and express it. In a free society, you have that entitlement, however repulsive and baseless or not is only a matter of opinion. You are entitled to your opinion. My opinion of her is the opposite and we are both entitled to it. Free country, right?

    However, she has aligned herself with some extreme groups, and some who are downright clueless.

    Prove their extremity without propaganda from the Fox News club for the brainwashed and useless.

    And Michael moore and moveon.org are counting on useful idiots like you to continue to exploit the exploitation they have already reprehensibly started.

    Your lying propagandists and leaders you support continue to exploit the exploitation they have already reprehensively started. I wonder about you.

    The "bring the troops home now" mantra that you clueless imbeciles are barking is intellectually bankrupt, and serves absolutely no useful purpose other than to embolden those who we are fighting, and solidfying their belief that the only way to beat the U.S. is to appeal to the useful idiots with no resolve, and the lack of will to see the fight through. They are fiucking counting on it, and have been since the 90's, and you idiots jump aboard.

    The bring the troops home now mantra you clueless imbeciles are trying to mock is because we do not want anymore blood spilled on iraqi soil. We do not want more american lives murdered at the hands of a president who sent them there on false pretenses. WMD. Where are they? The so called connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda is exactly what it is. Non existant. Such as the WMDs Bush lied about. We want to save both American and iraqi lives. So to you, to avenge the loss of loved ones who served honorably we must "stay the course" we must send more of our sons and daughters to their deaths at the expense of Bush's lies? Enlighten me lemming, since we know Bush lied about WMDs and lied about the connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, what noble cause did they die for?

    Tell me sheepboy, would you enlist and go to war? Would you let your kids enlist and go to war? Since you support this war, why won't you?

    I find the left, or extreme left, and the media disgusting in how they exploited this situation.

    Freedom of the press is wonderful. Isn't it?

    ANd I will equally find the right repulsive if they attack this woman personally (although I disagree with her actions and words).

    But both the right and yourself ARE attacking her. With lies. Maybe not in front of her face (personally) and I find that repulsive. Are you afraid to confront her? Like the propagandists you copy and paste here? Do you and your propagandist friends like bashing grieving mothers of lost ones who died in a war based on deceptions knowing you and your propaganda whores cannot defend your arguements? By lying? How disrespectful of you, your propaganda whores. How deplorably disrespectful of you and your propaganda whores to dishonor our fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice. It's you, your propaganda whores and Bush who have the blood of both Americans and Iraqis on your hands. Shame on you!

    But perhaps you should take a break you fucking Moore sheep from regurgiating the bullshit you do, and expand that feeble little mind of yours.

    But perhaps you should shut the fuck up you fucking Bill O'Reilly sheep from regurgitating the bullshit you do, and expand that CLOSED feeble little mind of yours.

    Better yet. Take maddox's tips on how to kill yourself that I have linked here before and execute one of them.

    PS. running over make-shift memorials of our fallen soldiers who served this country with a pickup truck like one of your fellow Bush supporting sheep did at Camp Casey is not the way to honor our fallen soldiers. Is that the reason why that couple plucked the cross of their son from the memorial? To spare his? Because they conspired with the jerkoff who ulitmately plowed down the remaining crosses? Because Bush encouraged it, which I won't even doubt? Plucking a cross of a fallen soldier from a memorial is also dishonoring to the fallen soldiers. Obviously, that couple dishonors their own as Bush dishonors the many who paid the ultimate sacrifice on the count of his lies.


    And like that scum in a pickup truck, Bush dishonors the fallen soldiers. Ignoring his responsibility and obligation to the people by brushing off Cindy is proof he is a coward and is afraid of her and he dishonors our fallen soldiers and the grieving families who have to endure the pain and suffering he has inflicted on them because of his lies. You see, unlike Bush we don't have to cower in a corner and hide. We are Americans (like the majority of Americans who now disagree with Bush on the war) who actually disagree with him and WE are right in front of his face to actually see for himself. This time he cannot avoid us. We won't let him avoid us. We are going to be a thorn on his side for as long as he lives. We're here. Right in front of his ranch.

    And in his face. We don't need to hide, sheepboy.

  10. A Nation Rocked to Sleep

    By Carly Sheehan

    Sister of Casey KIA 04/04/04

    Sadr City, Baghdad

    Have you ever heard the sound of a mother screaming for her son?

    The torrential rains of a mother's weeping will never be done

    They call him a hero, you should be glad that he's one, but

    Have you ever heard the sound of a mother screaming for her son?

    Have you ever heard the sound of a father holding back his cries?

    He must be brave because his boy died for another man's lies

    The only grief he allows himself are long, deep sighs

    Have you ever heard the sound of a father holding back his cries?

    Have you ever heard the sound of taps played at your brother's grave?

    They say that he died so that the flag will continue to wave

    But I believe he died because they had oil to save

    Have you ever heard the sound of taps played at your brother's grave?

    Have you ever heard the sound of a nation being rocked to sleep?

    The leaders want to keep you numb so the pain won't be so deep

    But if we the people let them continue another mother will weep

  11. By Cindy Sheehan

    Saturday 13 August 2005

    10:00 PM

    The Peaceful Occupation of Iraq

    Day 8


    It is not often that I, Cindy Sheehan is at a loss for words. I will try and describe today, though. It was the most incredible, fantastic, fabulous, amazing, powerful, miraculous event I have ever been apart of. I was so humbled and honored at the outpouring of love and support that arrived in Camp Casey today.

    It was a busy morning of interviews and problem solving. I had interviews with some network shows and a photo shoot for the Vanity Fair article. Almost all of the reporters ask me if I have accomplished anything at Camp Casey and I think we really have. We have brought the war onto the front pages of the newspapers and the top stories of the mainstream media. It is really incredible that we are doing so well in the media because I keep telling all of the reporters that I am doing their jobs. I am asking the tough questions of the President that they don't ask.

    We are also gathering people together in this country who believe that this war is a mistake and our troops should come home. I know people have been frustrated, either sitting on the fence or apathetically sitting on the sidelines. I know before Casey was killed, I didn't think that one person could every make a difference in the world. Now I know that isn't true. Not only can one person make a difference, but one person, with millions behind her can make history. I really believe that this movement that began in Crawford, Texas (does the irony escape anyone) is going to grow and grow and transform the world. Like I said last night in my blog: hope is blossoming in Crawford, because WE have the power.

    The CBS reporter whom I met last Saturday when I began this Holy War against the War of Terrorism that George Bush is waging on the world told me that he has interviewed me 4 times this week already. He told me that he has never, ever interviewed anyone 4 times, let alone four times in one week. I was joking with the reporters that were here last week that they should have brought me flowers on our one week anniversary.

    The most fantabulistic (I needed a new word, none of the old ones fit) thing happened in Crawford today. There was a very insignificant counter protesters across the way. At first the Sheriffs let them stand in the street, until we politely pointed out to the Sheriffs that we had to stay in the ditch last week. So they made them move into the ditch. Since we are supposedly in Bush country, the counter protest was so small and weak. They had signs that said "Stay the Course." I appreciated that. I really believe they were telling me to stay the course. I will.

    We also met a man whose son was KIA in Iraq in November of 2004. He still loves George Bush and thinks we are doing great things in Iraq. By the end of the day we were drinking beer together and telling each other "I love you." I am telling you miracles are happening here in Crawford.

    Anyway, back to the fantabulistic thing that happened to day. We had a rally downtown in Crawford. Then the people caravanned up to Camp Casey. I was told to come down to the point of the triangle to greet them. While I was walking down to the point, I had a great view of Prairie Chapel Road. There was car, after car, after car!!! I started sobbing and I felt like collapsing. The cars kept on coming. It took almost a full hour for them to all get to Camp Casey, it was a miraculous sight to see. It was identical to Field of Dreams.

    People came from all over the country to be here. We are building a movement and they are coming.

    We don't have a full count of all the people who were there, but I would say hundreds. It was amazing and awesome. I felt the spirits of all of our needlessly killed loved ones in the presence of Camp Casey. I felt their strength and the wisdom of the ages with me in that wonderful place.

    Today was George Bush's accountability moment, and he lost. Two young ladies from San Diego drove all night to get to the rally and they had to leave tonight to get back home. One of them said: "Wow, we can drive all the way from San Diego just to meet you and he can't even come down to the end of his driveway to meet with you."

    George Bush: you work for me. I pay your salary. Come out and talk to me. Anyway, I have a feeling you are about to be fired!!!

  12. By Cindy Sheehan

    Monday 15 August 2005

    3:44 AM

    I apparently am the sacrificial lamb of the peace movement. I don't care about myself. Putting myself in the forefront and daring to challenge the president on his lies left myself open to the attacks. Which are, of course, half truths and distortions.

    When they start sliming my home life and my family, that's where I draw the line. Yes, my husband has filed for divorce and yes he filed before I left for the VFP Convention and this trip to Crawford and yes IT IS BETWEEN MY HUSBAND AND I.

    Having Casey murdered in Iraq by George Bush's reckless policies has been hard enough on my family, but me setting off on my holy war to bring the troops home, my constant absences, and all of the media attention has put additional stresses on my family.

    I chose my path after Casey died. The rest of the family has chosen theirs. We all still love each other and support each other in anything that we do. We didn't want Casey to join the Army, but once he made that decision, we supported him and even encouraged him through boot camp.

    We are a normal American family who have had good times, bad times, and terrible times. We hope the good times will come back. We hope that we will be able to laugh with abandon together like we used to one day. We hope that the troops come home and no other families have to go through what we are going through.

    It isn't about politics for us. No one asked Casey what political affiliation he was before they sent him off to die in Iraq and no one asked us who we voted for in 2000 before we were handed a folded flag from Casey's flag-draped coffin.

    I am not perfect and I never even claimed to be perfect. My family isn't perfect, but we are pretty special ... especially the children. We all miss Casey so much and it is George Bush and his neocon cabal who is at fault. The people who are dragging my family through the mud need to grow up and look at themselves. The Christ said: "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

    If everyone followed Jesus's advice, the world would be a much better place.

  13. By Cindy Sheehan

    Tuesday 16 August 2005

    12:08 AM

    Misses and Miracles

    We still have so many great things happening at Camp Casey. In spite of all the smears and lies, people are still coming.

    The most amazing thing today was learning that Camp Caseys are opening and spreading all over the country. They have been set up in Boston, Portland, Seattle, and elsewhere. If you can't make it to Camp Casey, set up your own version. Camp Caseys are amazing places full of love and hope. I am so gratified that the movement is spreading.

    There is a meeting tomorrow at the County Commissioner's meeting to vote on closing Prairie Chapel Road and then evicting us. We were all worried about that and planning on being arrested when we got the best news yet. The property owner who owns property near Bush's ranch and right across the street from Bush's church will let us move Camp Casey there!! He has property on both sides of the road ... a full acre for us to camp! We are so excited!!! We can fit more people and we will be closer to the ranch. Miracles, miracles.

    Mike Rogers from Tokyo showed up today and a dear woman from Australia who was a human shield in Iraq and knows that the Iraqi people are not jumping for joy that the policies of Bush destroyed their country.

    This is an extremely short post today ... I am exhausted.

  14. :jacked:

    By Cindy Sheehan

    Tuesday 16 August 2005

    10:23 PM

    Putting out Fires

    Day 10

    The Peaceful Occupation of Iraq

    The right wingers are really having a field day with me. It hurts me really badly, but I am willing to put up with the crap, if it ends the war a minute sooner than it would have. I would like to address some specific concerns that have been raised against me.

    The first one is about my divorce. I addressed this on my blog the other night. My divorce was in the works way before I came out to Crawford. My husband filed the papers before this all started. It just recorded last Friday. My husband didn't know that it would become public record, and public knowledge. He had told his lawyer not to serve me with the paperwork or even bother me while I was at Camp Casey. He was trying to do the right thing. He didn't want me to find out. Enough about that.

    Another "big deal" today was the lie that I had said that Casey died for Israel. I never said that, I never wrote that. I had supposedly said it in a letter that I wrote to Ted Koppel's producer in March. I wrote the letter because I was upset at the way Ted treated me when I appeared at a Nightline Town Hall meeting in January right after the inauguration. I felt that Ted had totally disrespected me. I wrote the letter to Ted Bettag and cc'd a copy to the person who gave me Ted's address. I believe he (the person who gave me the address) changed the email and sent it out to capitalize on my new found notoriety by promoting his own agenda. Enough about that.

    I didn't blog about the cross incident last night. I was at the Peace House when there was a big commotion and people started saying that someone had run over our Arlington Crawford display. I know this is old news because I have seen great posts about it today. This is how I feel. The right wingers are emailing me and spewing filth about me on the radio and on the television saying that I am dishonoring my son's memory. This man who ran over the crosses thinks he is a better American than we are. He thinks we are more patriotic than we are. Does he really believe that he is honoring the memories of the fallen and his country by running down 500 crosses and about 60 American flags? The Iraq Veterans Against the War who were here were also very offended. Those crosses represented their buddies who didn't make it home. And they are so aware of the fact that one of those crosses could have their name on it.

    Yesterday, we had a counter protestor who played his guitar across the way from us and sang (very terribly!!!) a song that loosely went like this:

    Aiding and abetting the enemy.

    How many ghosts did you make today?

    Google me this, Google me that,

    How many ghosts did you make today?

    I find it so ironic that he was singing it to me, and not to George Bush. We named the song: The Ballad of George Bush. He came back out today, but blessed be to God, he didn't bring his guitar, and he didn't sing.

    We are moving to a place that doesn't have much shade and I put out an appeal for tarps and a soldier from Ft. Hood brought some to us that he "borrowed" from Ft. Hood for us to use. I have had a lot of soldiers from Ft. Hood come out and tell me to keep it up and that I am doing a good thing. We are doing this to honor Casey and the other fallen heroes in their memories. But we are doing it FOR the people of Iraq and the other soldiers who are in harm's way right now. Right after we heard about the crosses last night, a Camp Casey volunteer found out that a pen pal she had in Iraq was KIA on August 12th. This has to stop, now. We will stop it.

  15. Inmates tunnel into prison

    15-08-2005 From: The Australian

    A GANG of prisoners at a Brazilian jail spent months planning a breakout and digging a tunnel in their bid for freedom only to emerge in the prison yard.

    The prisoners, at Timoteo prison in southern Brazil, emerged from their tunnel, which had reportedly taken the 67 men months to complete, just 30cm short of the main perimeter wall. Prison guards, who had discovered the escape plan but decided to wait and see what would happen, were waiting at the tunnel's exit for the men to emerge and promptly took the crestfallen prisoners back to their cells, Journal da Globo reported last week.

    "They were so frustrated and we could not hold back our laughter, they were so dumb," a guard told the newspaper.



  16. ``I love these prices. The higher, the better,'' said Frank Gafke, of Galveston, a senior service leader for Halliburton on the Texas Gulf Coast.

    Gafke said Halliburton's profits - and his savings account - had increased markedly since fuel prices began rising. He predicted that prices soon will reach $3 per gallon for automobile drivers, as well as for recreational boaters.

    And, he said, relief at the pump probably won't come anytime soon.

    ``Oil just hit $66 per barrel and gas jumped up 6 cents,'' Gafke said. ``And if we take any action against Iran, that's only going to cause more price increases. But if you can afford the boat, it doesn't matter what gas costs.''

    ``Our dad is in the oil business. The more the price per barrel, the better it is for business,'' Anthony Scruggs said. ``When you think about it, there's not really anything we can do about gas being more than $3 a gallon. Just accelerate faster and pick more bugs out of your teeth.``


    Gas prices soaring, but they'll keep on boating

    Fishermen say the cost of fuel is minimal for a little outdoor relaxation


    Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

    At the Three Amigos marina near Seabrook, the bigger the boat, the smaller the bite from the gasoline price of $3.07 per gallon.

    ``If you can't afford the gas, you can't afford the boat,'' said Tommy Moore, of Houston, who used about 1,400 gallons of gas to bring his Hatteras down from Virginia. ``The gas is the least expensive part.''

    Moore did take note of the sudden and steep price increase, however. He said that, only three weeks ago, he had bought gas in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for about $2.75 per gallon.

    ``I guess we're helping the Texas economy,'' Moore said. ``Now, let's go burn some gas,'' he told his boating companions.

    Many boat owners echoed that view about the expensive, but relaxing, way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

    ``I love these prices. The higher, the better,'' said Frank Gafke, of Galveston, a senior service leader for Halliburton on the Texas Gulf Coast.

    Gafke said Halliburton's profits - and his savings account - had increased markedly since fuel prices began rising. He predicted that prices soon will reach $3 per gallon for automobile drivers, as well as for recreational boaters.

    And, he said, relief at the pump probably won't come anytime soon.

    ``Oil just hit $66 per barrel and gas jumped up 6 cents,'' Gafke said. ``And if we take any action against Iran, that's only going to cause more price increases. But if you can afford the boat, it doesn't matter what gas costs.''

    Not so for Houstonian Art Taylor, who brought his ``budget boat'' to the Three Amigos dock after a day of fishing with friends Jermain Smith and Harold Duson.

    Taylor, who typically uses his more luxurious 21-foot Grady-White boat, said: ``I came out here today in the budget boat, put $20 worth of gas in the tank and caught the same number of fish.''

    He proudly showed off two large redfish, several smaller drum and some catfish, grouper and croakers on ice.

    ``I've been fishing since I was a little kid,'' Taylor said. ``My father started bringing me out here, and this is how I get my relaxation.''

    His fishing buddies said the smaller boat was a little less comfortable and a lot hotter than the bigger boat, which has an overhead shade.

    ``If the price of gas keeps going up, we might not be able to come out here anymore,'' said Duson.

    ``No, we're going to keep coming out here,'' Taylor responded.

    Business still strong

    High fuel prices failed to discourage Anthony Scruggs, 19, and his brother, Michael, 16.

    The teens pulled up to the Three Amigos dock to gas up their Jet Ski for the ride to their family's weekend home near Shoreacres, on Galveston Bay north of Seabrook. They put in $17 worth, after spending about $40 earlier Saturday.

    ``Our dad is in the oil business. The more the price per barrel, the better it is for business,'' Anthony Scruggs said. ``When you think about it, there's not really anything we can do about gas being more than $3 a gallon. Just accelerate faster and pick more bugs out of your teeth.``

    That brought a quizzical look from his younger brother, who seemed ready to explain about lower fuel consumption at lower speeds.

    He stopped, however, and remarked: ``Our parents pay for the gas.''

    Dock workers Jeff Chandler and Nick Maudlin said sailboat owners tend to complain more about the higher fuel prices.

    Chandler said one sailor bought only six gallons of gas Saturday, but then asked for the marina's 10-cent-per-gallon discount on purchases of 100 or more gallons.

    ``If they can afford to have a boat, they can afford the gas,'' Chandler said.

    His father, Steve Chandler, who manages Three Amigos, said higher fuel prices have not hurt business at the marina, which also sells bait, ice, soft drinks, beer and snacks.

    ``Everybody gets out of Houston and comes down here to play on the weekend,'' Chandler said. ``People are still going strong. I think they'd quit driving their cars first. Everybody needs to relax.''


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