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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. can't promotors ever get his fucking name right? unbelievable.
  2. another gem: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/12/nparty112.xml Family beaten after YouTube party invitation By Richard Savill Last Updated: 12:55pm BST 11/10/2007 A teenager was airlifted to hospital and his father left with a broken nose after 100 teenagers gatecrashed a 16th birthday party when an invitation appeared on the website YouTube. The parents had gone out for the evening when the house party, which had been meant for no more than 40 youngsters, descended into chaos after details were posted on the video hosting site. David and Susan Worthy left their eldest son Stephen, 18, in charge at his brother, Christopher's party, but rushed home when they were told scores more teenagers had turned up. After ejecting some of the unwanted guests with the help of police, Mr Worthy, 53, was attacked as he later tried to turn away an older group of about 15 youths. The engineer was punched in the face and bundled into a hedge as several youths beat him. Stephen, who is studying graphics at Bath Spa University, went to help him but was also attacked and kicked in the back. Eventually the pair managed to scramble back inside their four bedroom £250,000 detached house and lock the door. A group of youths then smashed the living room, dining room and front door windows. A number of fence panels were also damaged. The Worthys again called the emergency services and Stephen was airlifted to hospital with a suspected spinal injury. Mr Worthy also went to hospital for treatment to his facial injuries. Yesterday the family spoke of their "terrifying" experience which occurred last Saturday in a normally quiet area of Chippenham, Wilts. advertisementThe parents had taken their youngest son Richard, 14, for a meal at a nearby pub at 7pm and had planned to return at 9pm and watch a DVD in their bedroom upstairs while Christopher and his friends celebrated downstairs. But Stephen was unable to stop the gatecrashers entering and raiding the alcohol cupboard for whisky, wine and champagne. Mrs Worthy, a nurse, said: "We left at about 7pm and less than an hour later, Stephen called us and asked us to come home. We rushed straight back. "There were too many for us to sort it on our own but with the help of the police we managed to calm it down." When another gang of uninvited guests turned up Mr Worthy and Stephen were attacked. Mr Worthy said: "One was swearing right in my face so I pushed him away and then all hell was let loose. "I was punched in the face and hit on the head with something and fell backwards into a bush. It is all a bit of a blur. "Stephen came to help and was wrestled to the floor and kicked and punched. I think there were eight, nine or ten people setting about us." Mrs Worthy, 52, said: "We were scared stiff then there was a loud bang and the windows smashed. I was terrified. I thought they were going to kill us." She added: "You hear the stories and try to take precautions. We were aware of what could happen. "We left an older presence there to turn uninvited guests away and although we weren't in the building we were only a five minute walk away. "We expected a certain amount of debris from a party like that but we never imagined it would turn out like it did." Mr Worthy added: "The police asked us if we knew about an invite posted on YouTube for the party. It seems that may be why so many people turned up. "We feel a little naive now but it's a sad situation if you cannot go out and let your children have what was supposed to be a quiet party with a few friends. "This is not what we expected at all - we live in a nice quiet place, it's very pleasant and we thought this type of thing couldn't happen. "I have had to take several days off work with my broken nose and two black eyes and Stephen has got a badly bruised kidney and had to take the week off university." Wiltshire Police said six male teenagers had been arrested in connection with the incident. An 18-year-old and a 16-year-old were arrested for public order offences and released on bail. Two 17-year-olds, a 16-year-old and a 15-year-old were arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and have also been released on bail pending further enquiries.
  3. i don't accept your "no disprespect" lead-in, as your statement was rife with disrespect. //on my second one now, they're delicious!
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=487118&in_page_id=1770 Man tells judge: 'I'll shave off my handlebar moustache - to stop me getting into fights' A man who sports an Edwardian style dandy moustache has promised a court he would shave it off after it landed him in trouble with the law. Charles Law 48 has spent years growing the elaborate handlebar moustache which at times has measured 16 inches in length. But it's led to him being teased in the past, a court heard. On Christmas Eve last year, a group of teenagers began making disparaging remarks about the moustache as he was taking money out of a cash point machine in his home town of Borehamwood in Herts. As the teasing continued he confronted the group and ended up kicking a 13 year old in the leg. Mr Law of Stratfield Road, Borehamwood appeared at St Albans crown court pleading guilty to a charge of common assault on a 13 year old boy. He appeared in the dock wearing a brown sports jacket, bright red trousers, blue-and-white checked shirt, watch chain, and carefully folded red handkerchief. The court heard Law, who pleaded guilty to common assault, had been in trouble before with moustache-related incidents, with convictions for affray and threats. Defence barrister Julia Flanagan said her client accepted he had a tendency to over-react to teasing, and had now promised to shave his spectacular growth to avoid trouble. Judge John Plumstead said he was worried that community service would lead Law into further confrontations but, after hearing that Mr Law was prepared to shave it off, said he could deal with the matter by way of a compensation order. He said: "I have mixed feelings about his decision to give up his moustache. It is plainly a matter of pride, and it must have taken a great deal of time and work to develop." The judge said said Mr Law had "put the boys to flight by a show of force which convinced them he had a knife." Judge Plumstead added that having heard the case he was pleased the defendant had decided to shave off his moustache. He said "I am extremely pleased because I suspect it will prove a rod for his back." He gave Mr Law a conditional discharge for two years and warned him against re-offending. He also ordered him to pay 75 pounds compensation to three boys who he said had been "shocked and frightened by the incident." The judge told Law, a self-employed financial advisor, that there was nothing wrong with his chosen appearance, but he should expect comment, and not and over-react. Outside court Mr Law said: "It's coming off before the weekend. It's a shame but it has to go. "I've had it since I was 22. It was up to 16 inches once, but I shaved it down a bit. I will miss it"
  5. why? is your meat cigar habit working out for you? i'm sure you're getting plenty of protein
  6. ryan2772


    who the hell are those two tossers?
  7. coach you should just start smoking cigarettes. everyone who's cool is doing it.
  8. damn dude how many phones do you have?
  9. mmmmm eating one right now mmmmmm uh oh.
  10. you're not allowed to take your shirt off, buck, i'm sorry to tell you. i hope this doesn't put a damper on your evening.
  11. i was watching the republican debate last night...and i noticed that all of the rep candidates (other than ron paul) now feel that it is ok to go to war without approval of congress. what the hell is that??? because of what bush has done, there is now a precedent that the president (like that play on words?) has authority to act alone....this is absolutely insane. like he is the only one with the country's best interests at heart. this goes against what this country was founded on, and leaves the decision to go to war in the hands of one person. there is supposed to be a separation of powers in this country, and bush has eroded that in the name of "national security".
  12. what i meant was that the company that you work for probably shares the same opinion you're expressing here. the "big brother" is the company you work for. best not to upset them with this rebel talk.
  13. lie? what lie? your defeatist attitude will get you very far in life! i, on the other hand, will do very well, i'm quite sure. because i will never rely on any entities to dictate where i end up. yes, i am in control of my own destiny. this isn't something someone told me, it is something that i decided on my own. enjoy your pity party!
  14. wow that is unbelievable. they should counter-sue, for her not wearing slip-proof shoes or something.
  15. wow!!! the seb fontaine?!?
  16. yes but radiohead got themselves on a label, then fulfilled a contract. joe garage band has to work hard, it's that simple. and a myspace music page is NOT hard work. btw, got their new album today....been listening....it's very mellow (perhaps too mellow). gotta listen a few times to get an accurate opinion...but i'm not too happy at this point, unfortunately.
  17. thanks for the NSFW tag, buddy:( a little courtesy, eh? not all of us are on welfare like you.
  18. the ethnic cleansing has just about been completed.
  19. ....right, not because they're talented bands or anything. it's just fluffy marketing that made radiohead the band they are. pffffft! coach, you're just talking like that cause your big brother is watching what you type... :-) radiohead fulfilled a 6-album contract...so what, they're supposed to beg their label for another contract?
  20. first off.... http://www.cooljunkie.com/forum/music-junkies/121366-welcome-future-radioheads-bold-step.html i pre-ordered my new radiohead album yesterday. gladly paid $20 (that's about £10 for the blokes). i really hope they find success with this. everything is changing....
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