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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. pretty funny... Bonaduce Bloodies "Survivor" Star - TMZ.com
  2. same thing happened to my brother...car accident, broke his neck. mofo's swarmed like vultures, stole his wallet from him, while he was almost dying in the car.
  3. Thieves Steal From Dying Hit-And-Run Victim - Local News Story - KPHO Phoenix Thieves Steal From Dying Hit-And-Run Victim POSTED: 7:08 am PDT October 3, 2007 MESA, Ariz. -- An elderly man was struck by a hit-and-run driver and as he lay dying, thieves made off with his groceries. Mesa police said the victim was waiting for a bus after grocery shopping Tuesday evening. Witnesses said the driver of a pickup swerved off the road and onto the sidewalk in west Mesa. The driver fled the scene after crashing through the bus stop, police said. Boro Mitrovich said he was sitting close to the old man when the victim was hit. "He didn't even know what happened," said Mitrovich, 51, of Mesa, who dove out of the way. "The old man took the brunt of it," he said. The elderly man was thrown across a parking lot, landing in front of a restaurant and a pawn and loan shop. It was there that witnesses said people in the parking lot "began picking up the groceries and taking them," said Mesa police spokesman Detective Steve Berry. As he was checking on the victim, Mitrovich said his groceries were also stolen. "One minute it's on the ground, the next minute it's gone," Mitrovich said. If caught, the people who stole the groceries could face theft charges, Berry said. Police, using a helicopter, tracked the driver of the pickup truck to an apartment complex less than two miles from the hit-and-run scene. By the time police got there, the driver had ditched the truck and fled, Berry said. The front of the truck was mangled and missing a headlight. A white plastic shopping bag was still stuck to the grill. Police were interviewing residents at the apartment complex late Tuesday trying to get a description of the driver, but they did not have a suspect, Berry said. The driver likely will face felony charges of leaving the scene of a fatal crash, Berry said. Police didn't release the identity of the victim.
  4. That shiite ain't cheap though
  5. her loved ones need to keep cameras away from her for the rest of her life, they're destroying her. she's obviously quite crazy. so sad.
  6. i love how red bull sponsors anything that's fast and crazy.
  7. can this be interpreted as the 1st step on a war with iran? Senate approves Lieberman resolution on Iran -- Newsday.com Senate approves Lieberman resolution on Iran By ANDREW MIGA | Associated Press Writer 6:56 PM EDT, September 26, 2007 WASHINGTON - The Senate on Wednesday approved a resolution urging the State Department to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization, a move aimed at bringing additional economic pressure on Iran. The measure passed 76-22. The proposal by Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., attracted overwhelming bipartisan support. But a small group of Democrats said they feared that labeling the state-sponsored organization a terrorist group could be interpreted as a congressional authorization of military force in Iran. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., was among those voting against the amendment. Dodd referred to the 2002 congressional vote authorizing the use of force that led to President Bush's decision to invade Iraq. "We shouldn't repeat our mistakes and enable this president again," Dodd said in a statement. Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., branded the Lieberman-Kyl measure as Vice President Dick Cheney's "fondest pipe dream." Lieberman and Kyl have said their resolution does not authorize the use of force against Iran. It was instead crafted to cut off financial support for Iran, they said. "It is vital to the national security interests of the United States that the Iranian government not be allowed to prevail in its proxy war against us in Iraq," Lieberman said in a statement. "This amendment makes it clear both to our enemies and our friends that the United States will not retreat in the face of Iranian terrorism." The Revolutionary Guard is training, arming, funding and directing extremists inside Iraq who are killing U.S. troops, Lieberman has said. The Bush administration is considering wide-ranging sanctions against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds force, which is accused of supporting insurgents in Iraq, by naming it an international terrorist group. The Senate vote came one day after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the U.N. General Assembly. During a tense appearance at Columbia University Monday, Ahmadinejad defended Holocaust revisionists and raised questions about who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks. His visit this week has drawn thousands of protesters. The Iranian leader has denied the chief accusations against Iran, that it is providing weapons to kill U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, supporting terrorism or breaking international law by developing nuclear weapons. Copyright © 2007, The Associated Press
  8. this girl made a complete assumption that they were to get taken advantage of. this is slander, she's making an accusation without any evidence whatsoever of what they "intended" to do to her.
  9. pink champagne, yessir, tis me favorite. also right now i've been addicted to this malbec named Cavia, has a little pink lizard on the label, it's excellent
  10. self-censorship. trying to class this joint up a little (i don't think it's working).
  11. you weren't an english major, were you? haha dude, are we the only 2 people on this goddamn website?
  12. wow, that has got to be the most inappropriate/shameless self plug/threadjack i have ever seen kudos, buddy...you are a true artist
  13. you know, sh*t like this makes me realize that no one knows sh*t about sh*t. everyone says they know sh*t, but they don't know sh*t. you don't know sh*t, i don't know sh*t. ScienceDaily: 'Bad Carbs' Not The Enemy, Professor Finds Source: University of Virginia Date: October 2, 2007 'Bad Carbs' Not The Enemy, Professor Finds Science Daily — The latest common wisdom on carbohydrates claims that eating so-called “bad†carbohydrates will make you fat, but University of Virginia professor Glenn Gaesser says, “that’s just nonsense.†Eating sandwiches with white bread, or an occasional doughnut, isn't going to kill you, or necessarily even lead to obesity, he said. In an article in the October issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Gaesser analyzes peer-reviewed, scientific research on carbohydrate consumption, glycemic index and body weight and gives the first detailed review of the literature on the correlation between them. His findings run counter to the current consensus on the effects of “good†and “bad†carbohydrates. Gaesser, author of “It’s the Calories, Not the Carbs†and other books, found that diets high in carbohydrates are almost universally associated with slimmer bodies. More importantly, Gaesser found that consuming lots of high-glycemic foods is not associated with higher body weights. In fact, several large studies in the United States revealed that high-glycemic diets were linked to better weight control. “There is no reason to be eating fewer carbs – they’re not the enemy,†says Gaesser, a professor of exercise physiology and director of the kinesiology program in the Curry School of Education. The description of carbohydrates as “good†or “bad†is based on glycemic index, a measure of the quality of the carbohydrate in terms of how much it raises blood sugar. Foods having a high GI are generally thought to be “bad†because they raise blood sugar more than “good†carbs do. Proponents of the glycemic index claim that this leads to excessive insulin secretion, which can cause weight gain and health problems. Foods such as whole-grain breads are said to offer “good†carbs, because they have a lower GI than white bread, for example. Likewise, a glass of pineapple juice has a high GI compared to apple juice. Several popular low-carb diets use glycemic index as a key feature for optimum weight control, but it is not a reliable description of carbohydrate quality, Gaesser says. Digestion is a complicated process. It’s very difficult to determine the GI of a whole meal, for instance, so it doesn’t really make sense to use GI or “glycemic load†-- the glycemic index multiplied by the quantity ingested -- as a guide to eating. After looking at hundreds of articles on large-scale studies using surveys or randomized, controlled trials, Gaesser says they show that “people who consume high-carb diets tend to be slimmer, and often healthier, than people who consume low-carb diets.†Even high-glycemic foods have a place in the diet, he said, attributing that to the overall higher quality of a high-carb diet, which includes more fiber-rich and other nutritional foods. Gaesser also looked for a clear association between carbohydrate consumption and illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. He found no compelling evidence that avoiding carbohydrates with a high GI helps prevent these diseases and others. People with diabetes, as well as very sedentary women who are obese, may benefit from lowering their consumption of foods with a high GI, Gaesser says. Reducing any part of the diet -- carbs or proteins or fats -- will result in modest weight loss in the short term, if calorie consumption is reduced, he points out. But for long-term weight maintenance, a high-carb, low-fat diet is still the best bet, he said. Note: This story has been adapted from material provided by University of Virginia.
  14. i think this is a great idea. something needs to be done differently, and i'm not surprised at all by who is doing it. i'm definitely going to get it, radiohead is one of my favorite bands of all time. it will be very interesting to see how it turns out. i'll pay ten bucks, i imagine most people will.
  15. ryan2772

    About time, huh? :)

    damn, dude, why are you so picky?
  16. no no...i'm sorry, but i disagree.
  17. don't count on it, i'm afraid. broke as a joke! especially for that joint. takeaway works for me, crabcake sandwich.
  18. ooooooooooooooooooooh fooking name-dropper.
  19. did he see any burras?
  20. is pretty much the worst fucking band ever. God, they suck ass.
  21. reason finally steps into this mess. poor britney, i still love her.
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