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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    Attn: Saleen351

    It's not just his review....word of mouth has been great for Delux.
  2. oh, God, my friend dragged me there once a couple of years ago. i still haven't washed all the stink off of me.
  3. tech you make a great point: most people that share our train of thought don't vote. it's freakin ridiculous how many of my friends didn't vote in 2000, and it really pissed me off. and now, there's another chance to change things, and we all have to do our part. i get more and more paranoid every day about the way our government runs things completely independent of public involvement. a few notes of concern for me: 1st john ashcroft scares the freakin crap out of me. in fact, it wouldn't surprise me that one of his cronies is reading this post right now! 2nd it was revealed that g. dubbya doesn't read the newspaper. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? there is just soooo much that is wrong with that. 3rd this FCC mierda is getting entirely way out of hand. every day it's getting worse, all in the guise of "protecting our kids". blech. makes me sick. it's so sad to me that there are only 2 political parties in this country, and no realistic room for anything else. but i choose the lesser of the two evils. i'll make my voice heard in november, and you bastards better make your voices heard, too!!!! ;D
  4. that's frikkin hilarious! i didn't know either until i saw the pics. how the hell did that happen???
  5. ryan2772

    party 93 is gay

    mmmmmmm.....ramen noodles......mmmmmmmmmm
  6. ryan2772

    party 93 is gay

    Until then, I'm stuck with my girlfriend, Fay. That beeatch sucks.
  7. ryan2772

    party 93 is gay

    Grrrrrrr...need satellite radio.
  9. ryan2772

    party 93 is gay

    Too bad there isn't a radio station that is. :-/
  10. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Narcoleptic!
  11. I think this is getting a little out of hand.
  12. Sounds like witchcraft to me.
  13. frikkin a!!!! i've been dying to see cor, and i've never been to maze. i'll be there for sure. 8)
  14. but we both like the music...that's what's important!!! (AVB sucks)
  15. yeah, i just hate AVB. but then again, i don't know sh*t. ;D
  16. The voice of reason!!!!
  17. I predict the triumphant return of Paul Oakenfold.
  19. I agree....it was a valid effort, EV, but you're missing the point that Saleen is TRYING to irk people. You give him good advice, and maybe he'll take it, but I doubt that'll happen in the near future. "The first step in fixing a problem is admitting that you have one."
  20. But you've already admitted your sordid past! Oops. :-X
  21. Well, I think his music sucks.
  22. ....or put on a SeaEscape "boat".
  23. Of course they misquoted him! He wouldn't say he hates Australia. He wouldn't say he hates anywhere.
  24. Those extra features cracked me up. Them Dutch folk are a little "different."
  25. Or the SEVERAL countries in Central Africa.... The list goes on and on....
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