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Posts posted by ryan2772

  1. I am willing to do what it takes to be on top whether people think i will suceed or not i know i will and when im on top it will show that i have the drive and determenation to do it and hopefully i can help other people 20 years from now live their dreams and to anyone who wants to stop me try because ur negitivity will not stop me and one day i will be able to influence other people and to help them make the right decisions

    the next thing for you to learn is that you don't have to justify yourself, especially to strangers. especially on a messageboard.

  2. Besides, I believe most of our current laws are derived from Judeo-Christian beliefs, are they not?

    that's just rhetoric used to make people feel like they're right.

    thou shalt not kill? thou shalt not steal? is there anything else? i don't think so. adultry is "legal", we are allowed to worship other things than God, too, right? what about jealousy? that's legal too.

    so, no, we're not founded on judeo-christian beliefs. our laws are pretty simple, for society to exist. this is a case of tying morality to religion. they're not the same at all, in my opinion.

  3. as much as i dislike t his person i do not want to stoop to their level and post names but i will say that is a dj that is known to some in miami. also i do plan on doing music the rest of my life whether it is djing or producing or just being a sound engineer or someone who works in a studio hopefully i can get to the point where i am still making music or being involved in the music scene when i am older hopefully i can go to berklee school of music which is a dream for me

    spit it out.

    name the name, son.

  4. BOO!!!



    Stick to your MDMA supositories and skipping in place in your puddle of sweat until the heroin junkie scank who's been passed out in cornder of the club finally decides to give you a sample of her yeast infected twat which resembles a petri dish more than a "toto"...LOL

    jeez, dude, where the hell did that come from???

  5. nothing wrong with profits, as long as you let others PROFIT as well... But it appears that Space doesnt want anyone BUT THEM profiting... I mean, getting attornies involved??? come on!!!!!!!! seems a little childish. but I know most of you dig Space and its "owner' so oh well.

    you're somewhat retarted, i'm sorry.

    please read the comments above, it's not very complicated.

  6. in related news...


    Harry Potter fan, 3, freed by six firefighters from traffic cone 'wizard hat'Last updated at 23:47pm on 22nd October 2007

    cthomasmumDM2210a_468x397.jpgHarry potty: The three-year-old wanted to be a wizard

    To Charlie Thomas, it must have seemed like a wizard idea.

    Spotting a discarded traffic cone, the imaginative three-year-old immediately saw its potential as an impromptu Harry Potter outfit.

    But after placing it carefully on his head to show his family, the magic soon disappeared.

    The plastic cone became firmly stuck and despite the best efforts of the toddler's parents, it refused to budge.

    Perhaps a Potter-style cry of 'Expelliarmus!' might have helped.

    But in the end they had to call the fire brigade - and it took a crew of six half an hour to release Charlie using cutting tools and pliers.

    Yesterday, his mother said Charlie was left with a slight bruising to his head - and pride - after his attempt to mimic his Hogwarts hero.

    Louisa Thomas, 34, said: "He loves Harry Potter and when he put the cone on he was so pleased with himself, it was very sweet.

    "But when we couldn't get it off it was a bit scary.

    "We shouldn't have laughed but we had a chuckle - he looked so comical even though he was a bit upset."

    The bank worker added: "He was very good while the firemen were there and he didn't panic. They got him out by pouring water down the top of the cone for lubrication and cutting the rim.

    "He looks quite sorry for himself in the photo and he's not going to thank me when he sees that in the future."

    Charlie, who turned three at the weekend, was on a family outing to fly his brand new kite when the incident happened.

    After lunch with his parents, grandparents and sisters Emily, eight, and Isabella, four, the family visited a playing field near their home in Cullompton, Devon. But before the kite was in the air, he had picked up the cone from the side of the field and put it on his head.

    Mrs Thomas and her husband Martin, a car sprayer, tried wiggling him free, pulling the cone and using soapy water.

    When they thought their only option was to cut the cone, they called the fire brigade for help, who spent 30 minutes cutting him free using small levers, cutting tools and pliers.

    Mrs Thomas said: "We had gone across to the school field with the kite when Charlie picked up the cone and wore it as a wizard's hat. Then he ran over and said, 'It's stuck'.

    "We tried to pull it off, tried laying him down and wiggling him free but that didn't work. We tried soapy water but that didn't do the trick so we had to call the fire brigade to cut it."

    Mr Thomas said Charlie was very excited by Halloween which, combined with his love for Harry Potter, meant the cone was an irresistible temptation.

    He said: "My first reaction was laughter. It wasn't until I got over to him and realised it was really stuck that I got worried."

  7. leaked my ass. yeah right...more like emailed directly to you, for you to post on cooljunkie, as soon as possible.

    please admit that you're on his payroll.

    good for him though!! he fought for the 24 hr zone...he deserves to protect it.

    i just can see him laughing his ass off at the "fuck you" thing. you're probably sitting on his lap, reading this right now

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