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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. And here we have The Eldridge. This flyer is a real head scratcher. First of all, a bunch of astute little birdies sent this over the wires to us. And, they all remarked how surprised they were to receive it, since they were not titanium-engraved-blinged-out-hand-etched vip card carrying peeps. They didn't even know how they got on The Eldridge list. Is the most exclusive club in the Milky Way Galaxy open to the entire bourgeois and not just Tom Cruise and his friends? It would certainly seem so. But, what had our guys down at the crime lab even more confused was that The Eldridge seems to have already broken a major promise faster than Barack Obama decided against using federal campiagn financing. Pre-opening, owner Matt Levine was telling anyone who would listen about the groundbreaking philosophies behind The Eldridge (butlers, not busboys!): NY Mag: Why not stay open on weekends? ML: Everyone I know goes away on the weekends. I wanted to keep it New York. I just thought as far as the vibe goes, the people who go to the Eldridge, they’re not in the city on weekends. So I’m closing the weekends. So, by that rationale, The Eldridge is not keeping it New York. If none of the people who go to The Eldridge are here on weekends, then who is going to The Eldridge? This can only mean they're keeping it Jersey. Or Staten Island. On weekends, at least. Represent. However, if you do feel inclined to keep it New York during the week, click ahead for tonight's Eldridge event. More...
  2. Well, we told you about it the other day, but now we have officially been served. Venerable nighlife purveyor Paper mag let us know yesterday that we have been nominated for Best Nightlife Site/Blog (Slog?). This is the first year that this category will appear at the awards. To show your support for DBTH, please go to their nifty, little Awards site here and vote for us. Seriously, who else are you going to vote for from that list? We thought so. Make your voice heard! More...
  3. Viper Room to go down, downtown [PaperMag] Lots of bull for Johnny Utah [Gothamist] ...and then you move to Murray Hill [IvyGate] Those Joe Six Packs know how to partay [Gawker] More...
  4. Just a reminder to keep listing Halloween '08 events here. Boo! More...
  5. An astute little birdy who begs to differ with our analysis of Citrine last week has come through on her promise to send us a video of what she proclaimed was the new club 'going off'. In our effort to be fair and balanced, we decided to upload this video through the system of tubes that is the internet (sorry Ted). So, here it is. Judge for yourself. Disclaimer: If you are or have had a history of being epileptic, you may want to turn away from the color changing bar. More...
  6. AceHotel wants to be your next notch [HC] Nello did the IRS dirty, too [Eater] Culture, drinks, and Flatiron, together at last [NYM] Crop prices are out of control. Try meth [Gothamist] More...
  7. Last night Target (yes, Targét) hosted the album release party for Q-Tip's The Renaissance at the Bowery Hotel. The hip-hop heavies were out in full effect, including Mark Ronson, above, (who just produced the new Kaiser Chiefs album, and it is tiiight), Nas, Talib Kweli, Nile Rogers and the RZA (pictured with Mark Ronson) and a little DJ named Ali Shaheed Muhammed. More...
  8. Just a reminder to keep listing Halloween '08 events here. Boo! More...
  9. Um, like how could you not go to Home tonight if that guy is going to be there? More...
  10. Har har, Brooklyn Bowl is already bowling them over [Eater] Get your brewskie at these fine establishments [GS] Laid off ex-Radar cogs can still get laid [Gawker] 1Oak: old club, new linkedin [GoaG] ...vote early, vote often [Papermag] More...
  11. Best Blog from Pierce Jackson on Vimeo. Well, well, well. Seems that yours truly has been nominated for a Paper Mag Nightlife Award. Best Nightlife Site/Blog. Check out the other nominees at the nifty little minisite here. Let's get this thing wrapped up for DBTH. Pretty please show us your support and make sure to vote for us. Cut and paste this link (http://papermag.com/?section=peopleschoice08) send it to all your friends and tell them to vote DBTH in '08 y'all. More...
  12. It's that time of year again. Temps in the 60's + Friday night + Halloween = Debauchery on the streets of NYC. Those of you who remember Halloween '03 will recall the madness that is a weekend night Halloween with balmy fall temps in the city. There are sure to be parties galore, so let's get a Halloween event list going in the comments section. As always, if you've got a hot event, you know where to send it. More...
  13. Despite a week of ho-hum new club openings and general douchbaggery, there is a silver lining. The new Cain (aka Cain Luxe) re-opened last night. Pity Citrine for poor scheduling of their grand opening. Word is that the prior documented new design has been very well-received (the old design was pretty nice, too). Spotted in the crowd showing clubland solidarity and support were reps from the Tenjune and Bijoux crews, among others. Teaser site is up, as well, in all its flash-tastic Bob Sinclar glory. Cain NYC More...
  14. We haven't been hearing much about The Eldridge lately. An little birdy visiting for CMJ checks in: "After getting denied from Element by some hostile bouncers - (no really I don't go to lame clubs, it's CMJ and there was an artist there I work with) we went over to The Eldridge out of boredom and I felt like stepped into a time zone. Cheesy ppl, men shmoozing and eventually smooching busted chicks with bottles and - dramatic pause - strawberries and the saxophonist really killed me... I work in music and I really can't fathom who would think its a good idea to blast saxophone over hip hop/house, the guys with the drums in the Hamptons are bad enough! And don't get me started on the floutist who I saw there one night..." Oh, but it gets worse... much worse. More...
  15. Well, we have to admit, we had our doubts about Citrine before last night's 'Grand Opening'. Unfortunately, our worst fears were confirmed. The pay-for-celebs-and-parties model for successful bottle service clubs expired some time ago (or has just been relegated to Miami and Vegas), but someone forgot to tell the management of Citrine. First things first, the place doesn't look anything like the renderings. As one of our commentors noted: "The biggest mistake they made is that the picture floating around on the web (not the flyer discussed here, but something similar) sets such a high expectation, but looks nothing like the place itself," and "The actual interiors of Citrine look like they just took the old Snitch (which itself looked like a car repair garage without the fun lift, but was actually appropriate for the garage bands that played there) and added some long drapes, painted plywood, and cheap rubbery/plastic covered stools and cushions for the banquettes. The sort of thing I might have done when I was 8 or 9 trying to 'dress up' my friends grease-pit garage in order to impress and seduce 10 and 11 year old girls." Ouch. What did we think? More...
  16. My, how WBurg has grown [Curbed] BB too trendy for HC [HC] Nolita 0, Wburg 1 [NYM] So that explains the shortage of "special k" [Gothamist] More...
  17. Excuse the double Flyer Follies on this fine Thursday, but we would be remiss if we didn't offer a hearty and belated congrats to our favorite Uncle on his move over to a more reputable pub. Make it official next week at Asspen Deux. More...
  18. JE is at it again. In another inane email wreaking of douchebaggery, the self-annointed king of clubland invites us to Status Fridays at Suzie Wong. Launched last week, Status Fridays sound like the party to be at. JE apologizes to all who didn't get in due to 'lines around the block'. However, fear not! All you need to do this week is ask for the JE guestlist. No need to even rsvp. Alls you have to do is 'say JE guestlist at the door for VIP admittance.' For table reservations you can email him directly because he can make 'special bottle deals'. But I thought... Anyway, best part is his email signature. It's so 1992, we're going to print a screenshot after the jump. More...
  19. Oh, Citrine. You have been burning up the birdy wire all week long. Kicking off tonight, we see a rash of events in the next few weeks. Is it game on on 21st Street again? We have been hearing some Limelight rumors... More...
  20. Our favorite haberdasher turns two tomorrow. The sartorial extension of Freeman's is celebrating all day with pumpkin carving, hot apple cider and apple bobbing in the alley. Hopefully they'll bring a portable bar out there to shake up a few manhattans. There is a storewide sale that even extends to services in the barbershop- big shout out to Van the Man. Tell him DBTH sent you. More...
  21. Saturday night was cold and windy, but we wanted to get our drink on in West Soho, anyway. Good thing we were wearing our fundies and we headed over the the Rated X Panty Party going on at Don Hill's. Now, Rated X has been going on for awhile, but we needed a status report. These days it'll cost you $7 (with rsvp). At the helm is the unstoppable Michael T. While his infamous Motherfucker party may be no longer (we're still pulling for a rebirth), Rated X is going strong. Any party with half-nekkid emo girls is our kind of party. If you want to check out Rated X, we suggest coming on the later side, after the shots in plastic cups have been downed and the clothes start coming off. More...
  22. Looking to pick up some chicks this weekend? They'll probably all be at the Vag Fest, so you should have pretty good odds there. Promoted as "an opportunity to have conversations we don't typically get to have" (um... I have vag conversations with my friends ALL of the time), the fest is about visual art, performance and interactive activities. Interactive activities, you say? Sign my ass up! October 24-26 at the Sage Theater, 711 7th Ave. Vagina Festival More...
  23. APT in need of a major clean-up [NYM] Aspen overdone before it opens [Eater] Even in hard times, billionaires still like models [Gawker] Hotels start ahurtin' [HC] More...
  24. The birdy wire is on fire today. Word comes that Citrine will be set for a grand opening in the old Snitch space on Halloween. There will be a number of soft-opening parties before including Richie Rich's MAC benefit and P. Diddy's Rock the Vote (aka Obama Victory) Celebration. We're hearing that aside from the pricy servers and bartenders outfits, the bottle girls will be decked in real citrine gem pieces worht about $10k. That's some serious bling. We're hope they're on loan. More...
  25. Image Courtesy of NY Times Cultural wunderkind Allen Salkin had a piece in the Times on Sunday pondering whether the 'rise' of uptown (read Harlem) nightlife was an encroachment into NYC's storied downtown nightlife scene. Let us just spare you the tedium of reading the article and answer that ourselves: No. Moving on... we were able to cull an interesting little tidbit of info from the piece: "The owners of West Chelsea stalwart Cain closed the club for a $1 million renovation to the decor and sound system, and plan to reopen as Cain Luxe, on Oct. 23, a spokeswoman said." We always thought the sound was ok at Cain. More interesting, besides that and the previously reported loss of the sunken dance floor, is the name. Cain Luxe? Hmmm. It will be very interesting to see if Team Cain can pull this off. We've seen nighclub relocations recently (Pink Elephant), but a same space overhaul? And, on 27th no less? This will be an intertesting one to watch, indeed. More...
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