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Posts posted by dianak33

  1. Are you a fan of fist pumping? Do you enjoy running in place and calling it dancing? Do people refer to you as das uber douche? If so, please read more.

    Here are some samples:

    Go shopping and buy all the t-shirts with skull designs and bleachings on them. Make sure you buy the one you think that every single person in Miami will have. Some of my recommendations are Ed Hardy and Christian Audigier. If you can’t afford those brands, just go to Macy's (or a store of that nature) and get ones that look the same there but for half the price.

    Practice your dance moves in the mirror with your shirt off so you can achieve peak performance on fist pumps and running/hopping/skipping in place to the beat of the music. Try to move your hips as least as possible. Just the extremities like arms and head because those are the best maneuvers in getting attention and possibly knocking an innocent bystander out and/or cause a fight.

    Do NOT buy dress shirts or dress shoes. You don't wanna go to those type of places where you have to dress nice....you can’t take your shirt off so why bother?

    Read more here http://www.clubplanet.com/Articles/2049/Guidos-Guide-to-WMC"

  2. is dianak fucking Dave? hes never been this overprotective about someone before..

    nevermind the fact she appears to be too dumb to hold a job where you actually have to think..i wonder how she landed that job at track entertainment..


    we're a bunch of losers? :laugh: Your the one telling on people over comments on a messageboard.. :laugh:

    First of all, it's "you're" but I gather I'm too stupid so maybe thats wrong. And if you recall, I had no problem with Misk insulting me or anyone else for that matter when it came to my posts but sorry, its annoying when I start a thread and people just insult me for the hell of it. But whatever. I stopped posting. So why are people STILL writing about this? Dave said nothing will be deleted anymore. Get over it. Seriously.

  3. Wow. You guys are a bunch of losers. I haven't posted and/or deleted anything in two days. Why are you searching me on Facebook? Why are you going to my profile? Next thing I know you'll be showing up at my apartment. I won't lie - all of this attention is fucking awesome but also a bit too creepy for my taste.

  4. thank you dianak <3

    I am sorry it had to come down to that but I feel that calling other CP members names like "gayboy" is a bit childish...it is the year 2007 and these things should not be tolerated.


    NP. And I can assure everyone here that if you are derogatory to other memebers, whether because of their sexuality or race, you will be deleted. Not only because its rude, but because you should be able to come up with more clever insults.

  5. Get with the times, ashy! We're taking more than just your tech support and programming jobs. Kal Penn, M. Night Shayamalan, ... Indra Nooyi. When you find cousin Vinod doing your job and dating your women in 6 months, don't act surprised.

    and jhumpa lahiri?

  6. I would imagine the only time your boyfriend enjoys being with you is when his dick is in your mouth and you are unable to speak...am I right?

    I would imagine the only time your girlfriend enjoys being with you is when you are having virtual discussions or virtual sex, or whatever it is you do with her, the very lovely girl you met online.

    And seriously, it is so disturbing that you resort to playground taunts when you have nothing of substance to say. You are a grown man. Both in age and girth...well, the girth part I'm just assuming...you know, the whole "i met everyone i know online" thing just made me think that.

  7. you mean an entire THREAD not an entire BOARD...there is a difference and you being an administrator should know that...if you are going to try and be slick atleast know what the fuck you are talking about


    same difference to me. and you're really devoting a lot of time to me being an admin and not being as "educated" about the boards as you are. dont worry, man. im sure ill figure it out by the time im 30. that is the avg age here, isnt it?

  8. you suck at posting

    Thanks. My purpose in life is to post something just so that you can say it sucks. I absolutely love the attention you give me, which is why I continue to do it.

  9. hmm please explain what you had to do...

    Well...first I emailed GLAAD. Then I filed a police report. When I realized that this was not enough punishment, I called Homeland Security...just in case, you know?

    Why? What do you usually do when a post is reported?

  10. No I am not but I find it very hypocritical of Diana who is an administrator on this board to bitch me out for making fun of other CP members or using foul language towards them when she is doing the same thing to a much larger group of people. Why is it ok for her to talk shit about fat people yet I can not make fun of someone who happens to be gay or someone who has AIDS? She should lead by example if she wants to be taken serious on these boards.

    The difference is that you were reported and so I had to do something. You say a lot of disturbing and offensive things and I have never went out of my way to delete your posts or call you out. When Misk called me a skank and when you called me a bitch, did I report you? Did I delete your posts? No. But its out of my hands when you are reported.

  11. Have you ever hear of lung cancer caused by second hand smoke???

    im not going to debate this because i will obviously loose. but seriously, passing someone in the street who is smoking will not cause cancer.

    i used to work in grand central and when i would take my cigarette break, ppl would be so rude to me and cough in my face. mind you, they werent bothered by the massive construction going on or the seven "clean air" buses that were zooming by. new york is not a clean city and a whiff of my smoke for two seconds should be the least of peoples problems.

  12. uh, many smokers are fat. Plus they stink and usually have ugly teeth.

    Oh and they have cancer.

    dont worry. despite what you've heard on the streets, you cant get cancer by touching someone who has it.

    and obese people have a lot of health problems, too.

  13. what about those that have hormone problems and cant really do anything about their weight? do they suck too?

    i think smokers suck more than fat people, and you come across as a smoker.

    i actually am a smoker (could you tell by the cigarette im holding in the pic?) and it is a disgusting habit. i hate it and have tried to quit many times. whatever you say about smoking being bad is true...but i rather be a smoker than a fat ass any day.

  14. real mature...make fun of fat people :rolleyes:

    fat people suck. especially those that take up two seats on the train. before you know it, new york is going to have to expand the turnstiles to accomodate this group of people. hopefully the trans-fat ban will do some good.

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