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Everything posted by boogiedown27

  1. He's not going anywhere, he decided to stay with LA
  2. Agreed, this kid started dj'ing 3 month ago and he is already talking about being more successful than JP, lolol
  3. Dude that aint cool to run ur mouth about someone like that, I highly doubt she ripped anyone off.
  4. Anyone know anything about the opening of SF Miami?
  5. LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.......I remember being a young wiseass kid, when I was your age. All I could do is Laugh at people like you. Damn you dont even know people and you look to insult them, your the coolest. ASSWIPE, hahahahaha yeah right, come talk to me, when you grow up son. Did yo mama teach you to be this way in life...lolololollololololol
  6. Def looking foward to this, it's great to have more Big Room venues to go to, hopefully it will work out for the best.
  7. Everyone has there opinion, but give respect where respect is do, the man put his time in and he still packs out venues, wherever he goes, that's all that matters, weather you like him or not.
  8. I like Pacha as a club better than Crobar, but I would have to give the edge to Crobar when it comes to talent, but Pacha is starting to step it up with there talent, def would love to see Carl Cox again at Pacha or Lawler, give it time, they will be as good as Crobar with the talent situation. As of now they are doing better, money wise, with JP and Morillo and a few others.
  9. Thats your opinion an dI respect it, I liked what he did with it, what ever he played it with was insanity.
  10. I wouldn't say it, it it wasn't true, he tore that shit apart, like he tore every track apart. He played California Dreaming over this sick beat that he tore to shreds, that was also another nice highlight. Woman Beat their Men, I never heard him kill that track the way he did Sat night.
  11. he played it for about 30 minutes, he mixed it with relentless.
  12. Not only did he suck in NY last week, my boy went to see him last night in Cali and he said the same thing, Tiesto was garbage, very overrated.
  13. Morillo was good last night, he played alot of nice classics, played hard which was surprising. The only thing I didn't like was that after every track he would lower the volume and then bring it back up, he did that all night, which was annoying, but besides that, track selection was good and the vibe was good.
  14. Cause alot of people have npthng better to do with there lives, besides sit on a message board and be on JP's Sack.
  15. I AM DONE WITH YOU FUCKING MORONS ON THIS SITE....LOL...IT'S just worthless trying to knowledge anyone on here, cause everyone has a hard time understanding....Do yourselves a favor and go buy a dictionary and learn the word UNDERSTAND, maybe try hooked on phonics, that may help you all...See ya all later. YOU SKUMBAGS...
  16. WTF are you talking about as in SF and teen night and I know about Europe you dope cause my whole family was born there and half of my family is still there. I go there every year and stay in my nice big Villa you fool. So b4 you open your mouth and run to the aid of your fuck buddy, think b4 you speak you moron...
  17. Yes he does have some sort of fan base from Europe not in Europe u dope. I am arguing over the fact is that you state that the crowd in Ibiza will hate JP and BOo him off the stage...How do you know what will happen? Is my question. As for my grammar, puntuation etc etc...what is this school...get a fucking life you idiot..And the only HEWA I am running back to is YOUR MOTHER....SO I CAN SMACK HER AROUND WITH MY COCK AND SHOOT A NICE LOAD IN HER EYE...lol....YOU FUCKING JERKOFF...WOOOOOOOOO I LOVE USELESS MORONS LIKE YOU...
  18. JP@ Pacha and Carl Cox@ Crobar...
  19. I agree his parties b4 weren't that great, the vibe b4 Pacha was dead, I will admit that and that had to do with parties being 18+, there is a huge difference in 18+ and 21+ and it showed at Pacha this past weekend... Vibe brings alot to a party, if the vibe is dead, then the party is dead...His Bday party was absolutely the worst out of all the parties I have been to over the years, I will agree wit that...I am A big JP fan, but I do experience alot of other DJ's, there are plenty other DJ's that I love to go out to hear such as DT, Picotto, Calderone,Carl Cox, etc etc...They all throw down great parties and they all have off nights, thats just the way it is, they cant be great every single weekend...Regaurdless to what JP plays at his parties, there is more to DJing than just playing records and thats where I say JP has an advantage over alot of DJ's, technically he can work a track 1000 different ways, and thats what alot of people dont understand, there is more to spinning record after record in the DJ world... Atleast you are one of the few on this board that has intelligence, and no hard feelings...
  20. He probably wont get a residency in Ibiza, but they are working things out for him to go spin there very soon, since he now has a residency with Pacha NY, they are working on him going to Pacha in Ibiza. Just like I said you have your opinions and you seem like one of the few on here that actually has something to back up there opinions with...He did throw down a great set at Pacha and I hope it continues, every DJ has there ups and downs. When you come on this site, it seems that all everyone talks about is JP and how much he sucks and I bet half the people on this board probably have only heard him a few times and there are probably a few that never even heard him b4 and are making comments, is that really right. I come on here and all I see is all these threads on how JP sucks, why waste time in life discussing how much a Dj sucks, wouldn't people rather discuss how much they like DJ's or anything else that has to do with DJing or Producing...There is so much more in the club world to discuss than bash on a DJ the whole day...
  21. All the girl did was say WMC is played out, did she insult you, have some fucking class...People like you deserve a beating...You have to be some young kid, that doesn't know any better.
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