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Posts posted by freakster

  1. just curious since you're only 21 and been together for 6 years that would mean you were about 15 when you met him...is he the only person you've ever had intercourse with?

    Yeah and that didn't actualy happen till after we graduated.

    Amanda, I am also curious: why did you decide to have a baby at 21? My friends who've had children tell me that life pretty much ends. What they mean is that a child takes most of your time and most of your money.

    In my native Russia young people had children because there was nothing else to do. But in the US when you're unattached there is so much you can do like study for advanced degrees, make bold career moves, travel, buy luxuries for yourself, meet different interesting people and have sex with them, enjoy your hobbies (like clubbing)... Why would you give that all up so young?

    Life ends? There is more to life than clubs and parties. She wasn't planned either but I wouldn't change anything. I love her dearly.

    Also... what do you think babysitters are for? Parents can still go out and have a good time. My fiance's mom takes her every once in a while so that me and him can go out and have a good time. But even if it ment not doing anything I would not change it. I've always wanted kids. Planed on waiting till I was actually married but stuff happens.

    I don't see how anyone can sit there and say that haveing a child means life ends... it changes vut if you seriously couldn't stand not being able to party and do your own thing all the time then you just need to get steralized or soemthing (no offence to your friends)

    EDIT: I probably won't be back for a few days to read any more replies to this. I'm sick as hell right now so I am just going to go back to sleep.

  2. LOL Me and my friends have been glued to that site waiting for a update. I can't beleive that chick had the nerve to say the shit she's saying. I guess that's what happens when you grow up with trash parents.

  3. good to hear...

    so do you think your fiance is only planning on marrying you because he knocked you up? (i'm assuming it's his kid by the way)

    I hope that's not why. We have been together for 6 years and engaged for 2 so if it is then there is something deffinitly wrong there. Plus we are getting married within the next month. Time to grill him...

  4. ....calling arianna ADrianna is just not reading...........and what did they call u?...LESBY?!.....

    ...it's like these people who name their kids and don't think about intials.....BJ..BO....etc....poor kids..

    they would mis-pronounce it Lesby and that would lead to Lesbian. In the 8th grade I went to a new school midyear. Walked into my first class only to be asked if I was really a lesbian. Spent an hour in the bathroom crying over that. I was such a baby. Probably didn't help that my hair was cut really short either. I looked like a boy.

  5. If the person moves to another country then they need to learn the language and speak it. You would get alot of people saying crap like "It's a part of my heritage".

    Well if you love your heritage that fucking much that you won't learn the language of the country you moved to then why the hell did you move in ther first place?

    And if it was for a better job opertunity then you just have to get over it. How can you do your job if you can't even talk to anyone because you want to be stubborn. I say learn it or go back where you came from.

  6. I named my daughter Arianna(R-E-Aunna)

    People are always saying her name wrong. Her doctor keeps calling her Adrianna.

    Growing up I got called alot of mean names. My last name was Lusby so all the ignorant idiots had to make a crack at it.

  7. I never know what the hell to say in these intro topics. I guess I will start out with the basics and let you guys take it from there.

    My name is Amanda, I'm 21, I live in Indiana with my Fiance and my 5 month old daughter.

    I joined this forum because i like to have people to talk to (especially since my fiance is glued to WoW 24/7, ugh) and other forums i have joined have been overrun with retards and 14 year olds. After reading around a bit I've decided you all seem pretty cool so far.

    That's it. I could babble for days but I would probably piss some of you off.

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