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About piscespoet

  • Birthday 03/04/1983

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  1. If you read the paragraph correctly (or if you can comprehend things like a person of average intelligence)..the first paragraph is comprised of all fact, using comparative analysis, to describe how the publisher who's promoting OJs new book is under the Murdoch corporation. In no way does it insinuate whether or not the book would be published with or without the Murdoch Corporation. I'm making the point of what a money hungry slime ball he is, and that he'll print anything to fill space, relating back to the Page Six Crobar report. That's the job of a tabloid. Some are more respectable than others. No shit that all rumors are based on some type of fact. Half-truths and sort of based on the truth is still not the truth. Rumors are rumors until someone has come forth to confirm or deny a report. Re-read your rebuttals before you submit then Einstein.
  2. oh yea, I also double as waiter (much better money)!! Hopefully I'll sell a screenplay and not have to do either anymore.
  3. the Daily News....we have a blogging policy here, so technically I can't even mention where I work on messageboards, but whatever. It's a whack policy...I mentioned once where I work in some letter of mine that was printed in GQ about an Axl Rose article and when they fact-checked here to see if I worked for them, they made me write "a major newspaper" instead. It's bullshit.
  4. I know...I work at its rival tabloid paper (the Daily News), so I know most of this shit is made up. I dunno if you read today's paper, but if see that article on OJ's new book, "If I Did It," it says that the publisher promoting this ridiculous book is owned by the Murdoch Corporation. Rupert Murdoch also owns the Post, which controls Page Six. So, he's backing a known murderer, b/c he'll know it'll sell bigtime - sad, but true, considering the general public is pretty ignorant. They sell their souls to sell papers. That's the name of the game in this biz. Hopefully the Crobar thing is a hoax...just the way they describe the prototypical jumpsuit wearin' Greek mafioso tough guy-types alone. It sensationalizes the entire story.
  5. With the exception of the recent pig blitzkrieg at Crobar, it still has the best line-ups (at least for my taste of music), best atmosphere and has been home to my most memorable and spontaneous club experiences. It better not get shut down.
  6. Yea...I had just started dating my crazy ex-Colombian gf and the only other thing I remember from that night, was that there was some totally misplaced fat kid in a really bad K hole (there were still white remnants on his nose) walking around with his hands out through the dancefloor as if he were blind or something. It was pretty funny...he got kicked out soon after. lol..wow three knee braces..that's intense..but then again, I've never seen anyone dance as hard as you do. I honestly think anyone can run a marathon. I mean, I saw people with "I didn't train" shirts on and one-legged men finishing. So, it's possible. I only trained, half-assed, in like 8 weeks. The only reason I thought I could train in that amount of time is b/c I found out Diddy had done it in the same time frame - yet he completely gave up partying and drinking, and ran almost every day. I did the complete opposite, and actually think I went out more during this 8-week period than I had ever gone out in my life. I wouldn't recommend that method at all though (but it kept me sane throughout), b/c I got an injury three days before the race, and still ran on it...Right now, I'm still limping (so I may have done some long-term damage). But I still say it was totally worth it. You should try it. I used to watch the marathon on TV and be like, "that's something I'll never be able to do." It's really amazing what you can accomplish once you put your mind to it. I'm totally down to go to one of your parties. Just let me know. I'll be at PVD on Thanksgiving Eve (although Roseland as a DJ venue totally blows)and he'll most likely finish early. Any other party recommendations that night? I'm usually out til the parade starts.
  7. That would suck, but then again, the report's from Page Six, not the most reliable of sources.
  8. no...actually it wasn't made up at all....I honestly think pacha's a great club...just giving you an instance where they tried to rip me off... And honestly, I could care less if you think it's a made up post. Take the truth for what it is. People try to skim people and that's the bottom line. Obviously I'm not the only one who tried to get fucked over. Charging two prices for the same beer says it all. The point that you go so far as to create your own conspiracy theories that people create other login names just to start shit (which is pretty fucking sad, if that is true - I have to agree with you on that one) to nullify other people's replies to various threads is also pretty pathetic.
  9. I totally agree...it made absolutely no sense, yet this dude was completely convinced that he was going to successfully rip me off. When I say "watching him the whole time," I meant that my brother literally saw the guy swipe my card an extra time right in front of his eyes when I wasn't paying attention, making him rationalize that he was ripping me off the entire time, b/c I know I only had had only one drink. Then, he tried to spin it off like I had bought someone else a drink, which I didn't. I mean I've worked at a restaurant/bar on the side for nearly a decade and know that stealing goes hand-in-hand with bartending - it's the nature of the game. Yet, good bartenders do it tactfully and when they do steal, it's stealing from the place they work for, like giving someone who's just bought three drinks, a free one, not ripping off the customers they expect to get tips from. That's just being a money-hungry bartender, considering they probably walk out of there with close to a $1000 or more on any given Friday or Saturday night.
  10. Last time I went to pacha I started a tab with my credit card (dumb to begin with, but beside the point), got a long island iced tea, left, came back maybe like a half hour later, and the bartender was like, "you gotta start a new tab." He hands me the tab and the bill is like $36......luckily my brother saw that he was ripping me off the whole time...and his response: "you shouldn't leave credit cards here." Are you serious? Nice excuse. Then when I asked to correct the tab, he gave me attitude. Clubs are expensive enough to get into, then paying $12 per drink is even worse, and then having to pay $12 a drink for drinks you're not even drinking is even more ridiculous. Not making a biased judgment on all bartenders there, but this one was an "i-am-a-god" asshole.
  11. Just got put on a story pegged to this girl who's suing a bar after she hurt her leg from a "Shake it Like Shakira" contest. Ridiculous, right? This isn't really my cup of tea, but maybe someone can help. We need a collection of bar contests. Contests need to be active and can include everything from darts, catching pool balls with one hand, dancing, jumping, putting heads in toilets..binge drinking, climbing....that kind of shit. Anyone know of anything that I can go to tonight so I can interview some of these girls? Should be some real intellectuals.
  12. Sorry for the length, this thing just meant a lot to me. I'm not this serious all the time. No reason to hate though, as I was trying to explain where I was coming from. If you can't stand threads like these, don't bother reading them.
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