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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

::Please All Read:: Important disclaimer...WTF??? Why is it....

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...that every single post on every single thread turns to drama?:rolleyes: Can many of you please keep your childish antics and personal lives off the board...there is IM, we do have phones, PM system, emails and what not. I am sick and tired of this bullshit...Many of you wanna spread your drama all over the board, but none of us give a flying FUCK!!!...Why not create a a drama board....Please dont turn all threads into shit...we have enough shit threads as is. I will have to whip out the :biggun: and :gang: on your asses...NOW CHILDREN GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!

**message brought to you by your one and only FieryD Spanker:tongue:**

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

there is a drama board already


damn turks....;) j/k

STFU biatch...damn I dont even know what you are..so no come back..it just seems that the NY board = drama board these days...

damn I am gonna have to whip out a can of ass woopin on these children:laugh:

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You god damn (tony draper sucks) drama starters. Why do you always (Tony draper really sucks bigs) start fights out of nothing. Like Fiery D said (Tony draper is horrible, exit sucks) why dont all of u stop ur complaining (I hate Roxy) and act peaceful for a change not like little children. Thank you.


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Originally posted by doubtness

If some people would shut their hole, and mind their own business, there will be less drama to deal with....IMO.

yea ppl can shut there hole and all, but if they do speak...why not keep it outside the boards...I mean come on...many of us know each other here...and frankly it amuses us, yet we DONT GIVE TWO SHITS!!!!....

No one cares...really we dont give a shit...but we can all live in harmony......


Imagine there's no heaven,

It's easy if you try,

No hell below us,

Above us only sky,

Imagine all the people

living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,

It isnt hard to do,

Nothing to kill or die for,

No religion too,

Imagine all the people

living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,

I wonder if you can,

No need for greed or hunger,

A brotherhood of man,

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,

but Im not the only one,

I hope some day you'll join us,

And the world will live as one.

-John Lennon.

live by these lyrics...now ppl lets forget the drama and have a big orgy...deal?


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