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Hey everyone,

I'm down here in sunny Florida, reading all of the wonderful posts from this previous week. Haven't been around all week so I just wanted to catch up. I have been really laid up in bed all week, had a really bad accident and just trying to get back to normal and get my life back on track:( . But things are looking on the up and up and day by day I am getting better. Looking forward to going to down to see Howells next week in NYC and get to get out in the public eye once again! So who is going down to NYC next week anyways? It is only a week away and I want to make plans to meet up at a lounge or something for a couple:smoke: :screwy::drunk: before we go to Vinyl as they do not serve alcohol there kiddies!!! This will also be a very special night for me as I am not going to be able to go out until this and haven't been out of the house (besides coming to Florida) in more then two weeks. So I will be back in the office on Tuesday and can't wait to converse with everyone again, and see what's up!!

Talk to you'll


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hey jess,

hope you're feeling better.. you know i'll be there in NYC this weekend.. i haven't been out since s&d... time for dancing again!

who else is coming???? and when are you going down to NYC? people wants to know :)

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Jess, sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you're feeling better! Thank God you'll still be able to make it down for Danny Howells this weekend. By the way, WE'RE GOING TO SEE DANNY HOWELLS FOR 10+ HOURS THIS WEEKEND!?!?!?!?!?!?! Can you stand it!?!?

We should definitely meet-up or something before we go in there. I have no idea where, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. Vinyl is pretty much in the middle of nowhere (and in a BAD neighborhood), so it probably won't be too close to there. I'm still debating driving to CT then taking the train in from there (I've done it before and it sucks, but it's better than driving/parking in NYC).

I'm sorry you guys all missed Way Out West on Friday, you would have LOVED IT!! (Katie, I think they'd be right up your alley).

Don't worry though, I talked with Nick Warren after the show and they're gonna be coming to Boston a LOT (I got the dish, and it is Sweet!) Damn I had a good time on Friday, I'll have to fill you guys in sometime!

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sorry ot hear about your accident\ :( hope you feell better :)

Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

We should definitely meet-up or something before we go in there. I have no idea where, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. Vinyl is pretty much in the middle of nowhere (and in a BAD neighborhood), so it probably won't be too close to there. I'm still debating driving to CT then taking the train in from there (I've done it before and it sucks, but it's better than driving/parking in NYC).

brian vinyl is in tribecca? since when is that a bad neighborhood?? :confused:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

brian vinyl is in tribecca? since when is that a bad neighborhood?? :confused:

It's on an old, abbandoned street that is completely deserted at night except for clubbers. I've only been there once, so don't quote me on it, but when I was there I didn't see any signs of life within a few block radius.

I did, however, see lots of other things that night :D:tongue:

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Hey everyone, I am back at work today, but feeling a lot better thanks. Yeah, you don't even know how happy I am to be going away this coming weekend, I am very excited and Mike is very excited about seeing Howells this weekend. I have been talking him up for the past couple of weeks, so I hope he doesn't dissappiont.:D Well here is the deal, I was on deaths door and bed ridden for like 9 days, terrible, terrible problems. I thought I was going to die, thank god for modern medicine!!!:D But I am getting better, and things are looking up everyday, so thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, I will tell all of you the story this weekend when I see you'll. And Vik if you want to give me a buzz at work I am hear, tried to call you this morning, no answer.

Well I am going to post an inquiry on the NYC board about some cool lounges in the area of Vinyl so that we can maybe meet-up. Will talk more about it in the next couple of days.,...

HOWELLS here we come!!!

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Jess, glad to hear you're feeling better! Sounds like you had a rough week of it :(

But that's no matter cuz it's all hands-on-deck, full steam ahead Danny Fuckin' Howells!!!! :D:tongue:

We've only been talking about this since BEFORE his last appearance at Vinyl, so it's not like we're excited or anything!

DH is gonna put a hurtin' on us, I can't wait! I also can't wait to see what Mike thinks... first time seeing DH AND at Vinyl. he doesn't know what he's in for!!!

On a side note, I talked with Nick Warren after the show at Axis on Friday and he said he's going to be starting up a bi-monthly residency at Axis!!!!! How sweet is that!?! (Remember when you were asking what Avalon/Axis needed... well, this is one of those things. A solid resident!)

you guys are going to HAVE to check out Nick next time he's here, the show friday was nuts (everyone on here would've loved it!)

But alas, nick warren's good... but he's no Howells!!! Can't wait to be punished!!!! :grin:

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Yeah, saturday night to going to fawkin rock! I really can't wait, we are flying down on friday night, and our NYC friends are going to be joining us, so there is going to be so many people that we will know.

I had someone on the NYC board give me name of a place Crystlemethod said that Circa Tabac is a cool place he said it is @34 Watts St in Soho, a 5 minute walk to Vinyl over the Canal & 6th Ave walk bridge over the tunnel, anyone know of this place??

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