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For All of u who Didnt go to BOo.....

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shoot urselves..seriously..it was fucking offf the meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeterrrrrrrr!!!!!so much fun..fuck the rain..fuck it all..we had so much fun..i duno where to start...i thought i was gona miss my love Spacegirl..i caught half of her set and she fucking blew me away..i wana marry her i swear to god..she rippppppped it!...mistress barbara..wow..girlie really tore the house down..first dj i saw was glaude..dude had the crowd mezmorized...Dj Dan..never ever ever dissapoints!!...caught limited amounts of Feelgood..dope as well..tall paul..yeshh yesh!! x-dream..amazing...richie hawtin @ the end was good..not as good as he should have been .....Seriously..im not even gona go on..because everyone tonight was so on point that i cant even describe it...

as for the new peeps i met..hm..trancend..roha..crobra(for the second time)..j30j..ahh man im shot..so dont anyone get offended please! ahahah....glowgrl and her boyfriend are the greatest dancers in the world...this was deliberated on by me and DJjonstephen and Hitokiri..theyre fffffffruckin amazin...god..it was so fuckin illllllllll!! especially seeing 2 kids OD back to back AHAHHAAH..that was fuckin something to be seen...but as crobra said..EVERYONES FUCKING ROLLING HERE....progressive tent a.k.a CLOUD 9..fuckin iillllest haze hanging over it ehe....suchhhhh a dope night....for all u suckers who missed it .....STUPID STUPID STUPID

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ahahah....glowgrl and her boyfriend are the greatest dancers in the world...this was deliberated on by me and DJjonstephen and Hitokiri..theyre fffffffruckin amazin...

....awwwww...Thank You :) It was ReALLY GreAT hangin' out with You (you are one HaPPY and Hyper Guy!!! You have an amazing vibe that made me SMiLE :) Loved that Turquoise Sweater on you... It's soooooo YOU ...hehehehe

DJjonStephen it was great drinking those Vodka Red Bulls ;) together ....thanks for cutting the line :) You got some tight dance moves yourself...WOW!!! I had my eye on you during Richie's set and all I can say is WohOoOooO!!! You looked GreAT!!!

Trancend...always a pleasure chillin' with you :) stomping with you... Its a good thing that ID worked...I couldve just brought a Black Magic Marker with me and wrote "B" on your hand and

"^>\" on my hand....hehehehe

Hitokiri Nice MeetinG you...JoeG nice seeing you again (Twice in ONE week ...woah!!!...) Crobra... it was cool seeing you agian....Snoozie, always A pLEASuRE seeing ya... Dave, wow...you remembered me...hehehe....thanks for the shirt...im gonna frame it :)

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I had a good time.. there was so much going on, I've tried about 3 or 4 times already to post a good review about it, but I've just come to the conclusion that everything that happened will just remain a happy memory in my mind because no matter how many times I try, I always forget to mention some DJ or something that happened on every post so we'll just leave it at:


Nice seeing everyone I saw there, pleasure, as always.

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

....awwwww...Thank You :) It was ReALLY GreAT hangin' out with You (you are one HaPPY and Hyper Guy!!! You have an amazing vibe that made me SMiLE :) Loved that Turquoise Sweater on you... It's soooooo YOU ...hehehehe

DJjonStephen it was great drinking those Vodka Red Bulls ;) together ....thanks for cutting the line :) You got some tight dance moves yourself...WOW!!! I had my eye on you during Richie's set and all I can say is WohOoOooO!!! You looked GreAT!!!

Trancend...always a pleasure chillin' with you :) stomping with you... Its a good thing that ID worked...I couldve just brought a Black Magic Marker with me and wrote "B" on your hand and

"^>\" on my hand....hehehehe

Hitokiri Nice MeetinG you...JoeG nice seeing you again (Twice in ONE week ...woah!!!...) Crobra... it was cool seeing you agian....Snoozie, always A pLEASuRE seeing ya... Dave, wow...you remembered me...hehehe....thanks for the shirt...im gonna frame it :)

Thanx for the compliment but I can't hold a candle to you and your boy......far and away the best dancers there. I really didn't need all the extra vodka and redbulls though....I was feeling mighty nice already.

Btw....that greasy chow fun was killing me this morning. It was so greasy I couldn't even hold it on my chopsticks.....but it was pretty cool chillin with ghhhhost, hitokiri, the two girls and your ghhhost's boy from Florida at 1 in the morning and then getting stuck in traffic on the way back.

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