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ATTN: Board - After Hours@ 252 - lets clear the air

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First off, Im MORE dissapointed than any 1 that I was not able to open on the 19th like I said previously. However the cause of that setback was beyond my control. My partner owns the buillding and it was HIS responsibility to provide me with the space ready to go; In other words the permits and documentation were things that HE'S responsable for - NOT me. Then I find out a week before Im supposed to open that things are fooked and I need this permit and this document,...needless to say I was PISSED..but ok, I have to try again. But the real thing that bothered me was listening to the moaning and complaining done by the promotions doods looking to lay thier grief on me bcause I couldnt open on time. Im paying for every single thing in the operation - they didnt have to lay out 1 dime for this event. I got 1 dood constantly lecturing me and another who catches an attitude because "he couldnt make his money". Well I got news for them...I was there at the club that night I was supposed to open from 12:30am to 4:20 am. and NOT 1 person other than 10 people I had mentioned something to about the opening in addition to a small group of girls that came down from Diva Lounge...Isnt that something ? Now in all honesty I wasnt expecting the world from these guys, BUT listening to them lecture and "gas me up" about how the place was gonna be packed on opening night and then only to find out that in return for giving them 2500 invites I didnt get 1 person to show up because of them...Now they might say that because I cancelled the grand opening it caused everyone not to come...well thats a bunch of crap, I cancelled the opening late Tuesday night less than 72 hours away from Friday and the only place I announced it was here on Clubplanet at about 10 pm on Tuesday evening. I refuse to beleive that my cancelation notice here on clubplanet would in anyway affect the possible turnout related to those 2500 invites that were handed out by this promoter...to put it simply; There is NOT 1 reason why I should have had a total no-show for that night in relation to the invites that were distributed. Out of 2500 invites I believe I should have gotten AT LEAST 1 person to show...anyway whats done is done..Ill be opening in 2 weeks and Ill have to do whatever I think is neccesary to get this place off the ground. I have a quality venue here and a unique situation as far as hours of operation. If Im gonna go down the tubes Im going to go down MY way...Thanx for listening and I do look forward to opening up and providing a fun experience for every 1 to come out and enjoy...Thats all for now..thanx Greg

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Hey Greg. Sorry bout the venue. I was gonna come down with Karen from Max talent but I couldn't make it because of some very important reasons. Get in touch with me and we'll talk about promotions. I think you've got a great idea going and you seem very determined to do well. My team and I would love to help you out in any way possible. Once again, sorry your guys let you down. Let me know if we can help. Thanks

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No prob. Hey. if you're looking for Nero just contact me because I know he said you've tried to contact him and I'm handling his bookings right now. He's kinda hard to get in touch with because of his phone service but I'll set everything up with him for you. Lata

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Hi Brian - basically they are just bummed out that I could not open...I cant stay mad at them but I had hoped that they would understand that I'm as dissapointed as any 1. They are NOT bad guys but I honesty was suprized with the nights turnout...again out of 2500 invites and I know thats not that many, I should have seen at least 1 person as a result of theyre distribution...I am not gonna slam the door on them but I have decided to use multiple promoters for the nights. i will explain more about that later....as far as naming who they are...I dont think thats neccesary. Im not going to hold a grudge, anyway thanx Brian - Greg

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I would say alot of the so called "promoters" are shady characters. So you have to only believe about 25 % what they tell you. Your right if they did hand out 2500 flyers, which is a small amount, they should have been at least a couple of people that showed up.

P.S. And for the promoters that are going to read this, I am not trying to hate on you. Its just that this business is filled with alot of shady people, not just promoters.

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Its not always how many flyers you give out. Its where you put them and who you give them to. You can put 2,500 flyers at Shoprite and you'll get next to no turnout. It's all about experience and the willingness to travel to clubs and distribute in their parking lots on their big nights

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Only a fucking idiot would put flyers at Shop Rite.

Only a fucking idiot would drop 2,500 flyers and have no one show up. Shoprite was just an example. My point was that only certain places attract certain crowds. If I put flyers for Tempts in every gym, tanning salon and D & G store, I would get a huge turnout. Get my drift?

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