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My Public Apology To OUR Scene!!!


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Just wanted to Say sorry To Miami and to all the people who go out night in and night out to Make our Scene what it is, I Knew I moved from Ny for a reason. After My experience Last weekend in NY and DC; I Appreciate Miami sooooooooo much. NO K-Hole 16yrs old guys with security anally raping you when you reach for your pocket or taking your shoes of at the door to be searched (Exit) and No Nyer Attitude to Boot even though Miami's need a little help. Also No candy raver glowstick loving kids who although they have a reall good vibe in Dc have no Clue what planet there on. And the Fact that we Got Tossed at 4 was not Cool while one of My fav DJ's (Talla) was tag teaming with the up and coming USA Trance man (Pete Moutso). I love Miami and good things are to come, I just don't love the Music here.



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I definitely think there's alot of room for improvement here but it is nice to hear people saying they like the scene here. It kinda makes me appreaciate our scene a little more even though the only other clubbing scene I've experienced is Orlando, which sucked. I know there's better out there but I'm not complaining.

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Guest saleen351

there is no comparsion, nyc and nj blow the fucking doors off miami.. I didn't move here for the clubs but with that being said, the music down here fucking blows big fucking moose balls... and talk about glowsticks, I saw them every where in liquid last night... how old are we...? it this 1998? come sept I'm calling every promoter to book the nyc and nj jocks... I can't stand this old crap these people play down here.....

but with out considering the club scene I love it here.... all about the weather....

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Saleen, I'll agree with you there...the glowsticks gotta go. There's 20 grand worth of intelligent lighting, and a $10,000 laser and you need a fucking 2 dollar piece of plastic to get your rocks off?!?! That's the one good thing Space did was ban the stupid things.

New York people nicer? Yeah the New York CP crew is great, all stand up people, wish they would come down more often (you know who you are) but your average New York/Jersey clubgoer is a loudmouth, fist-pumping jackass who spends half his day at the gym comparing dick size with all his friends!

Not that your average Miami clubgoer is much better, but you don't feel like you're gonna get your ass kicked for looking at his girlfriend wrong.

OK Saleen, and Mr. Rail K, I have an honest question for you. Who would you bring down to 'educate' us all? What DJ would supposedly set all of us ingrates straight?

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

Saleen, I'll agree with you there...the glowsticks gotta go. There's 20 grand worth of intelligent lighting, and a $10,000 laser and you need a fucking 2 dollar piece of plastic to get your rocks off?!?! That's the one good thing Space did was ban the stupid things.

New York people nicer? Yeah the New York CP crew is great, all stand up people, wish they would come down more often (you know who you are) but your average New York/Jersey clubgoer is a loudmouth, fist-pumping jackass who spends half his day at the gym comparing dick size with all his friends!

Not that your average Miami clubgoer is much better, but you don't feel like you're gonna get your ass kicked for looking at his girlfriend wrong.

OK Saleen, and Mr. Rail K, I have an honest question for you. Who would you bring down to 'educate' us all? What DJ would supposedly set all of us ingrates straight?

see I support my local djs.... I don't like any international known djs... Now I know all my jocks played here but thats at thw WMc and no one gets any attention since DT takes it all...

eddie baez < finally got clean and is back, does xs sats and sound factory fridays.. his new rich luzzi track is pretty good, i've heard it but very few have so far,,, its unreleased and ain't leaking..

Richie Santana, you heard his mixes now you need to hear his mixing... tribal with a mother fucking attitude..... with vocals and samples every where with progressive energy tracks... he has some new unreleased tracks that should be hot this summer..... < my fav dj by the way...

Denny Tsettos..... < from Mem day to labor day, he is the only dj besides jp and Dt that can turn the place out.... if you've never been to temps you've never be to a club..... only open for 3 months a year... < read the nj board ,,,,, you'll see how big he really is...

JP < i'm not the biggest fan of him but he would surely turn it out..

jhonny vicious has been tearing the roxy and the shore up this winter.. his sets are re dick u los.................

thats just a few but you get the point...

and I forgot Jason Ojead,,, tearing the hamptons up at CPI's... he got some phat tribal with progressive tracks..

ohh and for the GF ass kicked comment, what du u expect... we live in a different world up there... don't you know we are all tough guys up there.... mostly our bark is worst then our bite...

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POD, I think you just left yourself open for a blow.

Guys, stop this bullshit. Guys are guys no matter where you go. It's all about making that connection. Example: Saleen doesn't have any connection to anyone down here in MIA so since he doesn't know he just goes off. If I go to NYC I would do the same thing...it's human nature in a sense...ever heard that phrase "you are afraid of what you don't know." In some sense Saleen is connected to this. I was at Liquid last night and I had a blast. Granted the music selection was not true club tune. I go out and I make the most/best of it. Some nights are dope and some are not. Saleen, make some friends and if you want a darker club with a "louder" system then just go to Space. One more thing, you cannot compare NYC clubs to Miami clubs....multiple reasons...but the most important are (like pod said NYC is NYC and MIA is MIA) also NYC clubs are waay bigger than many clubs down here. Let me put it in perspective Gatecrasher or Manumission (I don't know how to spell that club but its that big one over in Europe) ...those clubs look to be outta hand compared to NYC clubs. It still doesn't mean NYC clubs suck.

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Originally posted by pod

Saleen, I'll agree with you there...the glowsticks gotta go. There's 20 grand worth of intelligent lighting, and a $10,000 laser and you need a fucking 2 dollar piece of plastic to get your rocks off?!?! That's the one good thing Space did was ban the stupid things.

New York people nicer? Yeah the New York CP crew is great, all stand up people, wish they would come down more often (you know who you are) but your average New York/Jersey clubgoer is a loudmouth, fist-pumping jackass who spends half his day at the gym comparing dick size with all his friends!

Not that your average Miami clubgoer is much better, but you don't feel like you're gonna get your ass kicked for looking at his girlfriend wrong.

OK Saleen, and Mr. Rail K, I have an honest question for you. Who would you bring down to 'educate' us all? What DJ would supposedly set all of us ingrates straight?

in clubs up north the vibe, does tend to be better, and yes people are a lot friendlier. I’m not knocking our scene, but we know the music is not paramount. it acts more like a background; for all the other bullsh*t going on.your average New York/Jersey clubgoer; is probably more musically inclined. then your average miami clubber. if they tend to be loud, and want to pump their fist. who the fawk cares; it's about having fun and going fawking crazy..
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Originally posted by pod

Saleen, I'll agree with you there...the glowsticks gotta go. There's 20 grand worth of intelligent lighting, and a $10,000 laser and you need a fucking 2 dollar piece of plastic to get your rocks off?!?! That's the one good thing Space did was ban the stupid things.

New York people nicer? Yeah the New York CP crew is great, all stand up people, wish they would come down more often (you know who you are) but your average New York/Jersey clubgoer is a loudmouth, fist-pumping jackass who spends half his day at the gym comparing dick size with all his friends!

Not that your average Miami clubgoer is much better, but you don't feel like you're gonna get your ass kicked for looking at his girlfriend wrong.

OK Saleen, and Mr. Rail K, I have an honest question for you. Who would you bring down to 'educate' us all? What DJ would supposedly set all of us ingrates straight?

First of all, your average NYC club-goer isnt a fist pumping jackass who spends half his day at the gym comparing dick size with all his friends, but if thats what you think, look at it this way, its better then miami where your average miami club-goer is in his bed with his best friend swallowing each others dicks. :rolleyes:

Mr.Rail K, thats cute Mr.Photo-man, I love sarcasm.

If you read my post its about the crowd, which I hate down here. To many uptight coke sniffin little bitches with there fat ugly boyfriends who buy them tits 2 times a year. Yawnnnn So Tacky. I don't mind the music that much down here, I go to space basically, for one reason, Oscar, so that must mean I love the guys style and what he plays. Wish he had a crowd who actually knew what he was playing and what he was doing cause most of that crowd doesn't know what the fuck is going on.

And by the way, if comparing the kheads and little raver kids to the miami scene where u got 35 yr old coke heads who drop pills and walk around the club like there lost, id choose the kheads and ravers anyday.

But do answer your question Mr.POD, all the DJ's I like come down here, except my favorite Peters who I know was here in the summer I believe or b4 last summer, and during the conference, hope he comes down again real soon, and destroys whereever he goes.

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Some of those guys are quite good, and I'll agree that they should come down. A crowd is never 'ready' for a certain DJ, he or she has to come down and play, and then the people want more. If DJs waited for crowds to be ready, they'd never get out of their bedrooms playing for their friends.

Some of the others you have mentioned are equivalent to our locals, such as Ariel Baund and Luis Diaz, they've got a name in their scenes, but are not known too much on the outside at the moment...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

Some of those guys are quite good, and I'll agree that they should come down. A crowd is never 'ready' for a certain DJ, he or she has to come down and play, and then the people want more. If DJs waited for crowds to be ready, they'd never get out of their bedrooms playing for their friends.

Some of the others you have mentioned are equivalent to our locals, such as Ariel Baund and Luis Diaz, they've got a name in their scenes, but are not known too much on the outside at the moment...

well lets forget skills and talent and just focus on tracks.. You guys don't get any new shit down here.... You guys aren't as into the music.... more like "look at me' I got big fake tits and I'm a coke whore... In jersey the girls know music just as much as the guys do... with the first note of any hot track the crowd in nyc or nj gets pumped up.. down here its just the same bla bla bla bla bla...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

in clubs up north the vibe, does tend to be better, and yes people are a lot friendlier. I’m not knocking our scene, but we know the music is not paramount. it acts more like a background; for all the other bullsh*t going on.your average New York/Jersey clubgoer; is probably more musically inclined. then your average miami clubber. if they tend to be loud, and want to pump their fist. who the fawk cares; it's about having fun and going fawking crazy..


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Originally posted by Nolimit

those djs mentioned give a bad misrepresentation of the scene here in ny.

sorry but clubs like exit, world, and sound factory cater to a certain crowd and the ONE thing they're NOT is clued up.

My thoughts Exactly. And Mikey JP Fucking Sux, "Jonathen Peters @ The Soud Factory, Jonathan Peters at The Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooound Cracktory" Give me a fucking break.

Everyone is More worried about if they gonna get a jar then what track is on, and Jp gives all teh NYEr enough time to know since he plasy them 3 times in a row.

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where your average miami club-goer is in his bed with his best friend swallowing each others dicks.

That's kinda low...also, the gay scene in NY is bigger than down here by a factor of two, at least!

As for the Rail K comment, that was more of a 'do you have to be so obvious' comment than sarcasm. To each his own, but I wouldn't go around advertising the fact that I rail K.

Diego made a valid point just now...the guys you and saleen mention are one aspect of the scene up there, but not necessarily the best..

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Originally posted by pod

As for the Rail K comment, that was more of a 'do you have to be so obvious' comment than sarcasm. To each his own, but I wouldn't go around advertising the fact that I rail K.

Ok so I got a icon that rails k as my avatar its advertising it, oh please, I like the Avatar, I think its funny. If I had one that had a guy railing coke would that be more suitable for the miami board, I do K, do I rail it, lol sure, who cares.

And Mikey JP Fucking Sux, "Jonathen Peters @ The Soud Factory, Jonathan Peters at The Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooound Cracktory" Give me a fucking break.

Guy is far from "Sux". I wont even get into this debate.

well lets forget skills and talent and just focus on tracks.. You guys don't get any new shit down here.... You guys aren't as into the music.... more like "look at me' I got big fake tits and I'm a coke whore... In jersey the girls know music just as much as the guys do... with the first note of any hot track the crowd in nyc or nj gets pumped up.. down here its just the same bla bla bla bla bla...

thank you.

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Why won't you get into the debate? Afraid Diego may pound some sense into you? He works the scene like hell up there, he's a bit more qualified than you as a critic.

Seriously though...from what I've seen of New York, the Sound Factory is the equivalent of Level these days, big and commercial.

And JP is your answer to GA.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

That's kinda low...also, the gay scene in NY is bigger than down here by a factor of two, at least!

As for the Rail K comment, that was more of a 'do you have to be so obvious' comment than sarcasm. To each his own, but I wouldn't go around advertising the fact that I rail K.

Diego made a valid point just now...the guys you and saleen mention are one aspect of the scene up there, but not necessarily the best..

of course they are only a portion of the scene but they are the most popular of the scene and they would fit in down here the best....

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Originally posted by pod

Why won't you get into the debate? Afraid Diego may pound some sense into you? He works the scene like hell up there, he's a bit more qualified than you as a critic.

Seriously though...from what I've seen of New York, the Sound Factory is the equivalent of Level these days, big and commercial.

And JP is your answer to GA.

actually, I quoted what dekan said, I said I wont get into the debate with him.

As far as Diego, don't know who he is. Ok so because he works the scene, he's more qualified. Please.

I'd love to stay and go back and fourth with ya Photo Pimp, but Im off to N.Y. for a week, we can continue this next monday when i'll be back to lovely Florida. Have a great week (Seriously). :D

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I don't understand why you guys are bashing the music here in Miami.......I think the music is quite good. I mean come on, can't you get whatever you want, music-wise, every weekend? Maybe I'm oversimplifying it, but I think you can. My only complaint about Miami is the PEOPLE......everyone's obsessed with trying to act/appear rich and be a status-hungry asshole, the women (disclaimer: with some exceptions, not knocking *any* woman on this board I've ever met) are a bunch of unbelievably shallow, vapid little whores, and people are just generally rude. There's a very sizable low-class element in this metropolitan area; I don't think anyone could deny that. And I don't necessarily mean low-class from an economic standpoint, it's more low-class from a social standpoint that I'm complaining about. This is the problem with South Florida. You solve this problem, and this is Paradise, in my opinion.

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Originally posted by patrickl

I don't understand why you guys are bashing the music here in Miami.......I think the music is quite good. I mean come on, can't you get whatever you want, music-wise, every weekend? Maybe I'm oversimplifying it, but I think you can. My only complaint about Miami is the PEOPLE......everyone's obsessed with trying to act/appear rich and be a status-hungry asshole, the women (disclaimer: with some exceptions, not knocking *any* woman on this board I've ever met) are a bunch of unbelievably shallow, vapid little whores, and people are just generally rude. There's a very sizable low-class element in this metropolitan area; I don't think anyone could deny that. And I don't necessarily mean low-class from an economic standpoint, it's more low-class from a social standpoint that I'm complaining about. This is the problem with South Florida. You solve this problem, and this is Paradise, in my opinion.

Patrick- I totally agree. I've given up on complaining, b/c regardless of what anybody thinks, as dance music goes Miami is by far one of the best markets in the country. You're not going to get a top ten set every weekend, but more often than not you're going to hear some great music. (try living in Ohio for 21 years and you'll really appreciate it)

I also think youre right about the attitude------>both guys & girls, everyone has a chip on their shoulder. However, I don't think it's going to change any time soon. It's part of Miami's reputation and the city thrives on it and the tourists love it. Just watch any show on the travel or discovery channel, Miami promotes it's VIP image.

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