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My Public Apology To OUR Scene!!!


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Originally posted by pod

Why won't you get into the debate? Afraid Diego may pound some sense into you? He works the scene like hell up there, he's a bit more qualified than you as a critic.

Seriously though...from what I've seen of New York, the Sound Factory is the equivalent of Level these days, big and commercial.

And JP is your answer to GA.

Level, and SF. it's like comparing oranges to apples. JP love him or hate him; he is the foundation of SF. he brings a level of energy to that place; which is undisputable.

by the way the cp board; is abundant with critics. that's why one should form their own opinions. and rely less on other peoples, sometimes preconceived notions.

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The only people who say NY is better than Miami (by a landslide) are the native New Yorker's. Since I am from a neutral city and have been to both places dozens of times...

Miami hands down over New York. Although I could be biased because of the weather.

I was just in Manhattan this morning and it was fuckin cold and windy.

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Originally posted by joeygk

Patrick- I totally agree. I've given up on complaining, b/c regardless of what anybody thinks, as dance music goes Miami is by far one of the best markets in the country. You're not going to get a top ten set every weekend, but more often than not you're going to hear some great music. (try living in Ohio for 21 years and you'll really appreciate it)

I also think youre right about the attitude------>both guys & girls, everyone has a chip on their shoulder. However, I don't think it's going to change any time soon. It's part of Miami's reputation and the city thrives on it and the tourists love it. Just watch any show on the travel or discovery channel, Miami promotes it's VIP image.

I can appreciate the options of Miami just by going to visit other cities. Most cities I've been to, excluding obvious choices like NYC, LA and San Francisco, just don't have the wide palette of options we have. I hear good things about Atlanta, but I'm a bit skeptical on that one. I haven't spent enough time there to judge one way or the other. And Vegas......you'd have to pay me a substantial sum to even set foot in that craphole. New Orleans is a decent visit, but it's the dirtiest, seediest city I've ever been to. Washington Avenue is a pretty seedy street, but most of New Orleans makes it look like the freaking Vatican. In Salt Lake City and Denver, the people are absolutely wonderful, but the options are just not the same. The only negative about Miami is the people........I think you could say this about almost every aspect of this town, not just the music scene. If we could remove about 1 million of the wrong people, this place would be paradise, without question. Did anyone catch the article in the Herald today about the migration rate to S. Florida? This is not helping matters. There were WAY too many people here even 15 years ago. I shudder to think that the people problem is just going to get worse. Not only that, why is it that the people we attract are almost always comprised of that low-class element?? It's like we are the world's toilet, or something, the world's dumping grounds. It makes me so sick that so many of the people who live here, not to mention every last one of the politicians, care so little about quality-of-life issues. No one here cares.

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Originally posted by patrickl

The only negative about Miami is the people........I think you could say this about almost every aspect of this town, not just the music scene. If we could remove about 1 million of the wrong people, this place would be paradise, without question. Did anyone catch the article in the Herald today about the migration rate to S. Florida? This is not helping matters. There were WAY too many people here even 15 years ago. I shudder to think that the people problem is just going to get worse. Not only that, why is it that the people we attract are almost always comprised of that low-class element?? It's like we are the world's toilet, or something, the world's dumping grounds.

Tell me about it. I'm glad I have my friends to offset it, but it's a heavy dose of tranquilizers (Churchill's Downers® horse tranquilizers)and the threat of being someone's bitch in prison that prevents me from emptying a couple hundred clips of M16 ammo on this town. A lot of the people here should be run off the road, beaten with shovels, and thrown to the gators.

Oh well, it's why God invented genetic engineering.


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