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Originally posted by phrankadelic

good to see u and anette last night. glad to know i wasn't the only one noticing the rambling going on last night! ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I feel for u charlie... Bummer

BTW, phrank... what I heard of your set was awesome, you definitely stole the show last night. Maybe I'm a little more partial to downtempo since I don't know that much about it. The whole vibe changed the minute you got on the decks, I was really impressed.

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Originally posted by joeygk

So how was the house party? Hope everyone had fun!

*I really wanted to go but I've been hiding out in the dark corners of the library and dodging phone calls in order to study for my final exams! :cry:

We all missed ya Joey......and you missed an awesome get together!!! Not to worry, there will be more!!!;)

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Originally posted by meng

Well I did my part and called Mimi when I finished playing with my band at 2am...I left a message and no call back...so maybe next time...

Hey...we missed ya too!!!! At that time Mimi was........... well let's say she was pretty fubar!!!!:tongue: Next time!!!:)

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That was fun! All the DJ sets were GREAT! I can't believe I was sober and awake at 5:30 in the morning. I was really hurting yesterday but it was well worth it :)

:( Joey, you were missed and ...

MARCOS!!!!! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!!! You're in trouble, honey! :mad::tongue:

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It was worth the agony of getting up after just a couple hours of sleep as I got stuck playing in a dumb ass golf tourniment for work. (needless to say, I wasn't Tiger Woods out there)

It was great being able to talk to everyone for a change w/o having to shout yourself hoarse.

It reafirmed my fondness for my disfunctional CP family.

The DJ's did a great job and had us all smiling all night.

Phrank, if you ever but together a mix, I better be at the front of the line for a copy.

BTW... funniest moment of the night was when I was telling GA how Craig Demo used to be a runway model and he thought I was talking about myself :laugh2: I thought Annette was going to lose it.

and Pod, you are sooooooo much more entertaining w/o the camera!!!

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yeah i had a great time too! definitely a lot of laughs were going around ALL night.

lee...thanx man. glad u were finally able to hear a set of mine. u would've like the last tracks i played!

ok...now what's up with that spotlight outside? i felt like i was being interrogated?!?

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Originally posted by shroomy

It was worth the agony of getting up after just a couple hours of sleep as I got stuck playing in a dumb ass golf tourniment for work. (needless to say, I wasn't Tiger Woods out there)

It was great being able to talk to everyone for a change w/o having to shout yourself hoarse.

It reafirmed my fondness for my disfunctional CP family.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, I know Charlie did! ;) .. My favorite quote when I approached Charlie that night. D: "Charlie, I need a favor" ........ C: "I'm not driving" :D

Great sets by Frank, Chris, Mike and Leolicious Love. Im expecting a certain someone to have some burned cd's for us :)

As always, I had a steller time with my CP Mob

Till the next time

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