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TELETWINTOWERS(Three days art,music & perfomances)FREE!

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Well you all know by now that

I love all the "artsy fartsy" shit..

and this coming Friday there's gonna

be a kick off for a three day ARTS, music

and perfomance festival that I think you

all should swing by and check out...

Some video artist buddies of mine Feed Buck Galore and FUNK TAXI (The guys that did the cool visuals at the SOUTH STREET SEAPORT PARTY) organized a very cool installation

of a TWIN TOWERS sculpture made of TV monitors

screening art from around the globe...

There will be live Perfomances, DJs and art...

plus it's all for a great cause!

(Keoki vrs DJ CXHROME along with Aki Funk Buddah

and the BLAK KAT crew are among the many performers)

Check it out CP...

It's FREE and who knows..

you just might like something

beyond the usual Friday night at the ROXY!


for info check out:



The Tele Twin Towers (T3) is a video sculpture/ tribute to the World

Trade Center. Shaped as two television stacks of equal height +

masthead antennae, it screens multi media art, poetry and music

from around the globe in reaction to and inspired by the events of

Sept. 11. Our goals are to screen art from as many people as

possible people around the world, tour the sculpture and build a

version 110 monitors high.

T3 was created as a virtual town meeting, a multi media collaboration

on which people can express themselves and share. As global

television affiliates broadcast the terrible images of Sept. 11, people

watched on every continent with a feeling of connection and

interaction because they were familiar with this global icon. Inspired

by the worldwide pause & unification that took place, T3 was born to

bring people together in a digital dialogue and foster the healing

connections creating art brings.

With an ongoing submission policy new material is being added

continuously. Send us your art projects, vacation photos, your

reactions to and creations about: NYC, Sept. 11, the world today,

peace, & the human spirit.

The whole purpose and strength of this project is bringing as many

people as possible together - we love to hear from you!

Contact: Missy Galore

PO Box 945

432 East 14 Street

New York, NY 10009


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no one into this huh?


Let me get this straight..


(Keoki plus others)


(naked chicks dancing, Club freaks in costumes..)


(Projection art and video

installations from VJs that have

decorated MANY nights I'm sure you all

have attended: Any one remember THE

SIMPSONS projections

in the Carl Cox TENT @ sea port..?


Come on CP!


(Boring bunch of guestlist fucks!)

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Here's a little more info on this event.

KEOKI spins on Satyrday night..

which I will miss due to my

house party!

I'll be there for the opening night on FRIDAY


which promises to be INTENSE!

Hope I see "sooome" of you there.


ele Twin Towers 4 Peace

May 3-6 @ Chashama Theater, 135 west 42nd Street, NYC, NY

The opening event of Chashama fest, Tele Twin Towers 4 Peace is a

meglomedia happening of art, music and performance from around

the globe. Dedicated to world unity, communication and

collaboration, friday May 3 we will feature mixed media performances

and installations live @ Chashama Theater and netcast them


T3 and additional live performances will continue in the windows on

42nd street from May 3-6.


check this out for more info:


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