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i need some help and advice

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ok so this girl im seeing, might be pregnant by me. i dont want to have a baby with her. i just found out that if she has an abortion it wont be her first it would actually be her fourth! my question is if she does have an abortion will it affect her being able to have babies in the future!?!?!?!?!?? what the fuck did i get myself into!?!?!?!?? im not for abortion and i always told myself the day that i get a girl pregnant she would have to keep it and i would def take care of her and the baby but this girl im seeing isnt the quality of girl that i want! can someone please help me out and give me some words of advice..

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well first off did she take a pregnancy test? Almost everyone is againt abortin until they are put in a situation where it involves them and they have to choose.. Trust me I am against abortions as well but you have to think what will be best for the unborn baby. If you and this girl are not ready for a baby and dont plan to stay together it will be better off unborn. Im sure having so many aboritons will affect her future with haveing a baby but then again its her own fault..

A piece of advice for her.. umm........BIRTH CONTROL! works wonders tell her to use it or atleast protection.. jesus.. 4 abortions.. now thats a little ridiculious.

how old are you 2? and i hope all 4 abortions aren't b/c of you... they say you live and learn.. some people just dont and its sickening! :(

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Originally posted by bebby6919

well first off did she take a pregnancy test? Almost everyone is againt abortin until they are put in a situation where it involves them and they have to choose.. Trust me I am against abortions as well but you have to think what will be best for the unborn baby. If you and this girl are not ready for a baby and dont plan to stay together it will be better off unborn. Im sure having so many aboritons will affect her future with haveing a baby but then again its her own fault..

A piece of advice for her.. umm........BIRTH CONTROL! works wonders tell her to use it or atleast protection.. jesus.. 4 abortions.. now thats a little ridiculious.

how old are you 2? and i hope all 4 abortions aren't b/c of you... they say you live and learn.. some people just dont and its sickening! :(

bebby beleive if i knew that this girl had 3 abortions in the past i never wouldve had it raw..actually i never wouldve even have kicked it to her...i dont think a swift kick will do either, maybe harpoon her but not a kick. i dont plan on being together with this girl, i mean knowing that she has had 3, disgusts me. it makes me feel a little low. she is a nice girl but damn why did i have to meet her. why did i smoke that blunt? why wasnt i thinking!? :mad: :mad: i always think before i do anything, but this time i let my guard down, and it was the wrong rtime to do it! the thing that scares me the most is that depending on what her doctor tells her, she might or might not be able to have an abortion!

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Originally posted by legend38

birth control = attachment.php?s=&postid=768094

its like 99% effective and no worries :)

Unless you got nuclear sperm or something :shake:

if she is pregnant birth control will not help me now would it?

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Dude you have a problem.

First off your a dumbass for not using protection... This is not a lecture but god damn it man WTF. Has your selfishness or laziness gotten so bad that you are willing to sacrifice your life in more than one way? Hello this is her, what # abortion, you should not just worry about a kid, but what else you may have.

I think as a man, if it is yours, you are responsible for at least giving the child if she intends to keep it, support. Wether or not you decide to stay together. The old cleche comes into play here. You are responsible for your own actions.

And yes, but this should not be a factor. More than 3 abortions, puts women at risk for complications with pregnacy later on. Because it causes scar tissue, which inhibits the chance of fertilized eggs having a place to 'grab onto'. But lots of variables come into play here. Age of the mother, how long into the pregnancy the abortion was performed, the health of the mother.

My last words are you sholdn't be having unprotected sex with someone you would not want to have your kids with.

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Originally posted by tripinchick

Dude you have a problem.

First off your a dumbass for not using protection... This is not a lecture but god damn it man WTF. Has your selfishness or laziness gotten so bad that you are willing to sacrifice your life in more than one way? Hello this is her, what # abortion, you should not just worry about a kid, but what else you may have.

I think as a man, if it is yours, you are responsible for at least giving the child if she intends to keep it, support. Wether or not you decide to stay together. The old cleche comes into play here. You are responsible for your own actions.

And yes, but this should not be a factor. More than 3 abortions, puts women at risk for complications with pregnacy later on. Because it causes scar tissue, which inhibits the chance of fertilized eggs having a place to 'grab onto'. But lots of variables come into play here. Age of the mother, how long into the pregnancy the abortion was performed, the health of the mother.

My last words are you sholdn't be having unprotected sex with someone you would not want to have your kids with.

i know exactly what you are saying..i know im dumb and yes i am scared of what ever else shit i couldve gotten from her...if she intends to keep the baby ill def be there to support her and the baby. im not that messed up. at first i wanted to be with this girl but after she told me that she had had 3 abortions b4 thats when i was like oh....since then i havent had sex with her at all. i really liked her at the begining but that totally turned me off and now i dont want to be wirth her. today i beleive she is going to take a pregnancy test so hopefully this is just a scare and i will never and i mean never have unprotected sex with someone who im iffy about.

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Originally posted by kwikq

bebby beleive if i knew that this girl had 3 abortions in the past i never wouldve had it raw..actually i never wouldve even have kicked it to her...i dont think a swift kick will do either, maybe harpoon her but not a kick. i dont plan on being together with this girl, i mean knowing that she has had 3, disgusts me. it makes me feel a little low. she is a nice girl but damn why did i have to meet her. why did i smoke that blunt? why wasnt i thinking!? :mad: :mad: i always think before i do anything, but this time i let my guard down, and it was the wrong rtime to do it! the thing that scares me the most is that depending on what her doctor tells her, she might or might not be able to have an abortion!

ok so then its a different story b/c you had no idea about the abortions. And I am also happy to hear that they are not all from you. For your sake I hope its just a scare.. Make sure you let us know the results of teh preg test. You are probably young and It sounds like you know what you are doing.. if she has the baby you will support her.. Her on the other hand, i dont think she is ready to have a baby at all! But be careful next time. I know guys hate using condoms but you know what its either that or a child... Or it doesnt hurt to ask if the girl is on Birth control for future reference. Like I said you have learned your lesson.. Just dont be like the girl and keep doing it. Obviously she hasnt learned shit in her past pregnancies, ya know? Def not a girl you should want to be with. If I were you I would also get tested for AID's and stuff.. Not to get you more scared than you probably already are.. But its better to be safe than sorry, ya know?

It shouldnt make you feel low b/c you had no idea about her past. My favorite saying it "Shit Happens and it happens to everyone".... As long as there is no baby and you are disease free things will be ok. Dont stress it right now untill you know what is going on. Oh yeah and the influence of drugs will do that to you, let you let your guard down....

And dont yell at kwikq, hes asking our advice!!! Help him out dont make him feel worse than he already does... This is a tough situation and he needs support not to be bashed!

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when will people learn that ABORTION IS NOT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL?!

kwikq, make sure you get yourself tested for diseases. i would think if you went "raw" with this girl, unaware that she had 3 abortions in the past, you must've gone "raw" with others.

sadly, i know women that have had numerous abortions. as long as these abortions are performed in a safe and clean manner, there should be no problems for her now. however, what you say is correct; there can be complications for pregnancy in the future when she wants to have a baby (god, what an unfit mother). plus, there are the emotional/mental side effects of many abortions, but it seems like this girl doesn't have a care in the world!

and do the world a favor, kwikq. give this girl the # for your neighborhood Planned Parenthood or clinic. birth control is about $5-10/month. she can save herself and everyone else a lot of heartache.

i don't want to get into the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice argument, but i don't understand people that say, "i am against abortions, but if i was in that situation my opinion might change". HELLO, that's why it's NICE to have THAT CHOICE isn't it? :rolleyes:

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