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ATTN: NJ Board - need info on booking Tenaglia

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Can anyone one help me get in touch with either Danny or his agent, a phone number, an email address...anything ? If I could do it I'd possibly like to book this guy for my grand opening...Im wondering if its:

A. Possible - is he available for another jersey date at it's only after hours venue ( I will open 11pm to 6 or 7 am)

B. Feasable - My room holds ONLY 500, altho Ive been told that my room is bigger than Abyss's main room

C. Marketable - The only way Id want to do this is by advanced ticket sales - I do not have a liquor license, my money comes from the door so I would not consider anything but advanced ticket sales...I was thinking $30 - $35 a head no comps, everyone pays. Seeing how popular this guy is I doubt he would have a problem selling out my place

D. Most importantly would people want to come to my place - a place with no liquor license but 1 that would permit them to bring thier own airline size (1 ounce plastic) bottles of thier fav liquor. A place thats open late from 11pm to 6 or 7 to see Danny T.

If the answer is yes to the above questions and if someone can put me in touch with DT - Im willing to do this...I use to have a contact to DT but the guy moved out off the area and I dont know where he is...hopefully one of you can help please - thanx for the help, Greg

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Hey whats up Greg!Listen try dtourism.com thats his fan site fish around I think you can find what you are looking for. His managers name I think is Kevin something...I dont know for sure!! Trying to book him is a pretty penny I think but anyways Good Luck!:D

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Guest saleen351

with 500 people you can't afford to have him unless you charge like 50 bucks to get in. and being so close to nyc it ain't gonna happen, also, your grand open would have to be during the week, no sat or sun slot problay would be open..... when are you gonna put some pics up of your place..

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thanx ceepee and saleen - yeah I know he's not around on the weekend but if I could book him on a wed or thurs I would do a weekday grand opening as its the event and not really the night that makes a grand opening better...someone wrote me that he gets 20 g's for a weeknight date...now Im not saying that he isnt worth that but thats alot of fucking money to pay someone for a weeknight....I worked a night with Danny 4 years ago at Columbia University - I was downstairs in the lounge and he was upstairs in a gym on his Tribal Mobile system and I know he didnt take half of that fee for his night on HIS OWN system.....I dont know what to say...Theres only 1 thing I can think of and thats maybe to try to talk to him directly by going to see him some night..maybe he could appear just to do a short set or just make a special appearance...at this point I've got nothing to lose from trying to talk to him, I know he remembers me from that night at Columbia as I helped them break down the system after the jam and we talked for awhile...as far as 20 g's thats out. I have no fucking bar to make money on, gimme a break - I could get him 7 or 8 grand doing the advanced ticket thing but I cant think of charging people more than 30 or 35 for an event...anyway bummer but Ill see what I can do...as for the pics saleen I have 1 up now but its not a good 1...I'll take some of the room this week and put them up for peeps to see...every 1 please feel free to continue responding, thanx all, Greg

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what a room holds and what a room is rated for are 2 different things....Im sure my room can "hold" 1200 people but in Bloomfield NJ its legal occupancy rating is 450 - and I can only put 50 more in without gettin shutdown by the fire dept. and Im not fucking around with any 1. A person whos been djing 18 years and knows Abyss well told me my room is bigger than abyss's main room and tho I have never been there (to Abyss) Ive no reason to doubt him....thanx, Greg

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1200 peeps in one room means 12,000 or 18,000 if you want insurance (u need that). Toss in a few bars, a couple couches, booth, stage, and so on and your looking at well over 20k sqft. Abyss isn't that big. I'm sure this guy did his homework, especially considering the fact that he managed to open an after hours in nj.

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Originally posted by gregwhite22

what a room holds and what a room is rated for are 2 different things....Im sure my room can "hold" 1200 people but in Bloomfield NJ its legal occupancy rating is 450 - and I can only put 50 more in without gettin shutdown by the fire dept. and Im not fucking around with any 1. A person whos been djing 18 years and knows Abyss well told me my room is bigger than abyss's main room and tho I have never been there (to Abyss) Ive no reason to doubt him....thanx, Greg

I Work at Abyss, I wasnt guessing. The Capacity for the whole club is 1800. Upstairs capacity is around 1200 people.

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As i said Ive never been to Abyss and I certainly wouldnt want to comment on anything Ive not "seen" directly but you just cant compare my place to Abyss... I have a large single room on a 2nd floor of a building its about 7000 square feet and theres a stage and small balcony with VIP area where the dj plays from...its an art deco ballroom with a 40's type look and fixtures... my bathrooms are smaller than Abyss's Im sure but as far as style and classiness my rooms got it - its a really nice lookin retro room and its perfect for an after hours place...my bars are porta bars and we sell bottled water and all mixers, I also have free coffee and cookies as well as some fruit on ice that Ill give away...its a cozy chill atmosphere totally unlike anything Ive seen in jersey...Im sure any 1 who isnt expecting a huge glitzy disco but a comfortable late night chill spot would be pleasantly surprized...as far as DT goes if he did want to play my place and again an artist knows whats best for his own promotion I dont think he would charge me or a venue my size the same as what he would charge a bigger place.

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Danny isnt cheap at all I had him do a party for me $15,000 for 10-3 set. Hes definitely worth it if you have a big spot that can hold a lot of people. But if you working with 500 people the cost of him + flyers alone you would lose money. But if you want to book him you can call up his manager Eric Ortense at 212-834-2030

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Originally posted by gregwhite22

...as far as DT goes if he did want to play my place and again an artist knows whats best for his own promotion I dont think he would charge me or a venue my size the same as what he would charge a bigger place. He can charge Abyss more because they can afford to pay him more..if he did want to promote himself and accept a booking he would have to take less as I certainly cant afford to pay him 20 grand club1.jpg

OK... First of all Danny hardly needs to promote himself, he's one of the most wanted DJ's throughout the COUNTRY. I don't think he (or his management) is going to take into consideration the fact that you're not able to sell liquor and you're only going to make money off the door, so.. sorry, but Danny you'll have to settle for $12,000!

Hey, Where is this place? It looks like the place I used to have my ballet practice 21 years ago.

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"OK... First of all Danny hardly needs to promote himself, he's one of the most wanted DJ's throughout the COUNTRY. I don't think he (or his management) is going to take into consideration the fact that you're not able to sell liquor and you're only going to make money off the door, so.. sorry, but Danny you'll have to settle for $12,000!" -

Im well aware that he is 1 of the countrys hottest dj's - I can only explain my situation and make him the best offer I can, whether or not he would accept is on him.... every artist knows whats best for him or her. There ae allways situations where people make exceptions, stipulations..so on, so forth. God gave us mouths so we could communicate and i.e. negotiatiate, he could do a shorter set or just make a personal appearance...again its on the artist as to what gigs they'll accept under what conditions....Id love to have him play - IF HE WOULD LIKE to...if not, Im still going to open North Jerseys ONLY late night after hours spot, thanx - Greg

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I'll ask again...When?

Originally posted by gregwhite22

"OK... First of all Danny hardly needs to promote himself, he's one of the most wanted DJ's throughout the COUNTRY. I don't think he (or his management) is going to take into consideration the fact that you're not able to sell liquor and you're only going to make money off the door, so.. sorry, but Danny you'll have to settle for $12,000!" -

Im well aware that he is 1 of the countrys hottest dj's - I can only explain my situation and make him the best offer I can, whether or not he would accept is on him.... every artist knows whats best for him or her. There ae allways situations where people make exceptions, stipulations..so on, so forth. God gave us mouths so we could communicate and i.e. negotiatiate, he could do a shorter set or just make a personal appearance...again its on the artist as to what gigs they'll accept under what conditions....Id love to have him play - IF HE WOULD LIKE to...if not, Im still going to open North Jerseys ONLY late night after hours spot, thanx - Greg

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Qwest: -

tentative date: June 9th

Sunday's is Goth-Industro with Damian Plague from QXT promoing, 21 and over : 9pm to 3am

No final decision has been made yet on Fri or Sat events and/or promoters...I'll certainly post any relevant decisions or announcements..thanx, Greg

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