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Listerine: Can u go the full 30 seconds??

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That shit just fucking burns man.

They say if u gargle with it for 30 seconds blah blah blah it removes germs blah blah etc etc..shit the only way i can do this is taking 2 separate 15 second intervals. Why the fuck does that shit burn so goddamn much after a while? i mean is the 21% alcohol in it that much?!?!?

wow. im bored...but answer if you'd like or are as equally bored.

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The worst was after I got my tongue pierced. They tell you that you must gargle with listering after eating, drinking and smoking. So you wind up gargeling like 20 times a day and it turns your tongue white. Mind you, that is with it diluted with water.

After a week, I couldn't do it anymore.

As for those listerine strips, they too are difficult to take. When I first tried them, they made me cry. Now I just cringe.

The things people do for fresh breath.


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Originally posted by sarahkim13

As for those listerine strips, they too are difficult to take. When I first tried them, they made me cry. Now I just cringe.

Hell Yea!!!

Those things SUCK!! I can't stand when people are like "hey u want a listerine strip?" im like NO!! they are the worst and i think a terrible idea..prolly invented by someone who idolized Timothy Leary. Anyhow...nice to see u around the boards and good meeting the "infamouse Sarahkim13" as im sure u enjoyed meeting the "infamous Quoth" :laugh:

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Originally posted by sarahkim13

The worst was after I got my tongue pierced. They tell you that you must gargle with listering after eating, drinking and smoking. So you wind up gargeling like 20 times a day and it turns your tongue white. Mind you, that is with it diluted with water.

OMG.. I got my tongue pierced 2 times... my tongue was all white... it was nasty... lol But I got used to it and I can do the 30 seconds no problem (I may start to count a little faster tho as time goes.. lol)

As for those listerine strips, they too are difficult to take. When I first tried them, they made me cry. Now I just cringe.

they arent that bad... Its refreshing :D

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Originally posted by karch

It ain't that bad... I think we should talk about Heineken's after taste. Which is bad.

ANY beer after taste is nassssssty... actually not even teh after taste just beer in general.. lol I hate beer.. Im a mixed drink girl :tongue:

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my roommate is a dental hygienist (spel.) - she says, you're supposed to gargle for a full minute...ouch...

add to this, she criticized my brushing and flossing techniques...to which my retort was - no cavities or major damage for the last 5/6 years that I can remember...so who cares about my methods...

ok...alright...i'm bored...

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